I have a city in another world

Chapter 1814 Weird Power

Chapter 1814 Weird Power

Looking at the scene in the fog, Tang Zhen's brows became tighter and tighter. It seemed that things were not as simple as he imagined.

He found that while the five were drinking, the missing person named Black Three gradually had a sluggish vision.

This was not the effect of drunkenness, but the interference of some unknown force, which made his brain more sluggish, and even his movements slowed down more than twice.

In fact, not only Black Three was affected, but the other four were also affected, but they didn't notice it at all.

From this point, it can be proved that the strength of the perpetrators far surpassed the five people, making them fall for it unknowingly.

The problem is that this cave is covered by Tang Zhen's mental power. It can be said that any disturbance in this place cannot escape Tang Zhen's induction at all.

The perpetrator was able to hide from Tang Zhen's perception, and quietly took away a monk, which was the reason why he paid attention to it.

If the prediction is correct, the strength of this perpetrator is definitely beyond the king level, and he has quite special abilities.

This special ability is different from the methods of monks, perhaps it is an ability that Tang Zhen has never come into contact with, otherwise it is impossible to hide the perception of a world lord.

In the vast world, there are thousands of different cultivation systems, and it is not surprising that a special cultivation system occasionally appears.

However, on the cornerstone platform, after this special cultivation civilization is discovered, as long as it is not included, the cornerstone platform will automatically issue an invasion mission.

After successfully obtaining these training systems, the cornerstone platform will analyze them, and after removing the dross and extracting the essence, it will be listed in the skill exchange list of monks in Loucheng.

It is precisely relying on this kind of inclusive means that the abilities of monks in Loucheng emerge in endlessly, and they can adapt to any battlefield environment.

Since this kind of thing has already been encountered, it must not be easily missed, not for the reward of the cornerstone platform, but for this special cultivation system.

However, Tang Zhen prefers another explanation. This is a special ability possessed by a special creature, which has not formed a real cultivation system.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the five of them to fall asleep, including the guy named Black Three.

The picture in the fog was dark, and because there was no sound, everyone couldn't see anything.

Seeing that the missing person closed his eyes, everyone showed puzzled expressions, wondering why this guy disappeared even though he was already asleep?
Could it be that while he was asleep, he was attacked by others and then hid in a secret place?
As a result, as soon as their thoughts arose, that black three suddenly opened his eyes again, and his vision regained brightness.

It's just that his field of vision changed again at this moment, and the surrounding scenery seemed to have blurred, looking foggy.

It gave everyone the impression that Hei San's neck was like a rusty door hinge, slowly turning to the window of the room they were in.

Compared with the surrounding scenery, the position of the window seems to be very clear, and at the same time a black shadow appeared in front of everyone.

The black figure stood there motionless, as if staying there for a long time, silently watching the scene of the five people drinking.

Although it was just a picture, everyone still felt a cold breath, which seemed to spread from their backs, making their scalps slightly numb.

Anyone who is in a state of relaxation, being watched secretly by such a strange figure, I am afraid that they will not feel comfortable in their hearts.

"It's him, it must be him, it must be his fault!"

After seeing the strange black shadow appear, the four men shouted immediately, their faces were full of excitement, and at the same time, they could not conceal their panic.

"Shut your mouth, just look at it!"

Hearing the exclamation of the four men, a builder couldn't help but reprimanded, his expression was very displeased.

He had been watching this strange scene before, and while he was shocked, he also had uncontrollable curiosity.

Like Leiya, he has never seen this method before, and he especially wants to know what will happen next.

Seeing someone disturbing him at this moment, he couldn't help being very angry, and subconsciously reprimanded him.

As a creator, he has an aura of self-prestige without anger, and it is even more frightening when he is angry.

The other onlookers also had the same expression, glaring at the four men, as if they were suddenly interrupted while watching a play.

After the four men were reprimanded, their eyes widened and they wanted to get angry, but after thinking about the identity of Tang Zhen and others, they still closed their mouths obediently.

Although they are monks, compared with creators, their identities still differ greatly, and they subconsciously dare not provoke them.

The scene was still going on. After seeing the figure at the window, the black three stood up unsteadily and walked towards him slowly.

"What's going on? Why is the outline of this figure so familiar?"

The four men looked at the picture and had similar thoughts in their hearts at the same time.

They wanted to express their thoughts, but thinking of the scene of being reprimanded just now, the four of them couldn't help but shut their mouths.

Public anger is hard to offend, it is better to be honest.

In the picture at this moment, Hei San is like a puppet controlled by an invisible rope, walking towards the figure continuously.

Unknowingly, Hei San walked out of the room and walked slowly to the place where the deep pit was.

From the picture in front of you, you can see that the weird figure is already hanging above the deep pit.

Hei San still didn't notice anything, and continued to walk forward, looking like he was about to step on the ground.

Just when everyone raised their hearts to their throats, the black three actually stopped in his tracks, as if he had already discovered the abnormality he had encountered.

At this moment, the screen shook violently, and the strange figure whose face could not be clearly seen before suddenly revealed his original appearance.

Everyone present was startled at the same time, and the four men gasped even more.

"It's the boss, it really is the boss!"

The four men couldn't bear the panic in their hearts anymore, they pointed at the figure and shouted loudly, their bodies were also trembling constantly.

Even without the roll call by the four men, everyone has already seen that this figure is the black and thin man who fell into the deep pit earlier.

Originally, everyone thought he was dead, but they didn't expect to suddenly appear in such a strange form at this moment.

Not only that, but he also used some kind of weird method to hook his accomplice to the edge of the pit.

Looking at his ghostly appearance, it is clear that he has malicious intentions, even murderous intentions.

What happened next unfolded as everyone had guessed.

Just when Hei San'er came to his senses and turned to leave at the same time, that strange figure appeared behind him again.

The pale face was extremely stiff, as if soaked in water for many days, cold and gloomy.

In the next moment, Hei San seemed to be pushed by someone, and fell backwards, falling into the cold deep pit.

In the splash of water, Hei San fell into the deep pit and began to struggle desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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