I have a city in another world

Chapter 1819 Dare to Come!

Chapter 1819 Dare to Come!
In the silent cave, the survivors looked silent, but they were thinking about when they could leave here.

Three days have passed since the accident happened, but no rescue has arrived.

Even during these three days, they never heard any movement from the outside world, which proved that there was no rescue operation at all.

Such a result must be related to the king-level sea monster.

To deal with a king-level sea monster, at least five king-level monks are required, otherwise it is impossible to be its opponent.

The entire island can gather this number of masters, but it does not mean that they are willing to take action to deal with sea monsters. After all, they have to take great risks, and their lives may be in danger if they are not careful.

The proper solution is to delay the time, and when the king-level sea monster finds out that it cannot get out, it will probably leave automatically.

This is the least price to pay, at best it is to sacrifice some residents, but in the end the entire town is saved.

Those outside are naturally able to tell which is more important.

But in this way, the survivors trapped in the cave became outcasts, and no one took care of them at all.

In this case, if you don't want to save yourself, you may never wait for rescue to come.

The survivors were also aware of this problem, and while feeling indignant in their hearts, they also tried their best to save themselves.

"Why don't we pry the rock together to see if we can dig a passage?"

Some of the survivors in charge of vigilance made such a suggestion.

"Don't think about it, I've tried it before, and it doesn't work at all, otherwise I have to wait until now?

Those rocks are too huge and hard, completely different from ordinary rocks.Even the cave at the foot is completely formed naturally, and it is almost impossible to dig it manually.

And we don't have any digging tools in our hands, and the sword in our hands alone won't do anything! "

The speaker was a town resident who had lived here for decades and was familiar with the geography and climate, so he naturally knew how hard these rocks were.

This island is a product of the sphere of creation, completely different from normal stones, with an astonishingly high density.

"If we can't get out of the exit, where can we leave from? We can't wait to die here, can we?"

Someone asked, his face full of unwillingness.

"The resources in the cave won't last long at all, and it is estimated that in three to five days, the food here will be exhausted.

Even if we can persist for a while, what should we do when we reach the limit?
At that time, even if he is not killed by the monster, he will die of thirst and starvation, which will be even worse! "

Hearing these words full of resentment, the survivors around felt dejected for a while, and their hearts were full of helplessness.

"Actually, it's not impossible to leave here. It's just that you have to take a certain risk. It's best not to do it until the end of the mountain."

After thinking for a while, the local resident said to the crowd, but his tone was a little hesitant.

The eyes of the survivors lit up when they heard the words, and they hurriedly urged him to tell him what else he could do?
"The method I'm talking about is actually very simple, it is to enter other passages through these deep pits and find a way out.

As long as we find the marked passage, we can follow the passage until we successfully return to the ground.

But there are not only sea water in this deep pit, but also many monsters and weird plants, and every situation may take lives.

Moreover, the interior of the passage is intricate, and if you are not careful, you will get lost in it. Even the best guide can't guarantee that you will never get lost.

In the past few years, countless people got lost in the underground passages, and [-]% of them did not come out alive. "

When the local resident said this, he shook his head and sighed: "That's why I said, we must not do this until the end of the mountain, otherwise it will not be much different from courting death."

After hearing the descriptions from the local residents, the hope in the eyes of the survivors dimmed again, and they all shook their heads secretly.

The way of life mentioned by the other party is actually a dead end in their eyes.No one is willing to make such an attempt unless one knows that one must die.

In case of getting lost in the underground passage, or encountering a sea monster inside, there will be nowhere to hide if you want to hide.

Rather than that, it would be better to wait for rescue here. Although the hope is equally slim, at least it will be much safer.

It seemed that this topic was too heavy, the survivors quickly lost interest in chatting, and quickly became silent again.

In the dark cave, the deathly silence was restored again...

Among the three men, two were in charge of vigilance, and one lay down to rest.

Because of what happened before, people who lay down and rested could not sleep well. From time to time, someone would wake up from the dream and then look at the top of their head vigilantly.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal above their heads, they breathed a sigh of relief, lay down again and continued to catch up on sleep.

This kind of worrying way of rest made everyone more tired, and the tired look on their faces became more intense.

It seems to be subconscious. Every time people wake up, they will look at the three men to confirm if they are okay?

As long as they are alive, it means that they are still safe now.

After this situation lasted for nearly an hour, everyone finally couldn't bear the exhaustion from their bodies and fell asleep one after another.

Just when the survivors outside the circle were in charge of vigilance, and the survivors in the car were basically asleep, the man lying in the circle suddenly opened his eyes.

He stood up slowly and looked at the guards around him with a look of shock on his face.

It turned out that among the vigilantes in the outer circle, an extra figure appeared at some point, sitting silently on a stone.

The back is very familiar, it seems to be someone I know, but I can't remember who it is.

With a hunchbacked body, water dripped from his clothes, wet the rock he was sitting on.

"who are you?"

The man in the circle looked at the back, and asked in a doubtful tone, while twisting slightly imperceptibly.

The back figure didn't seem to have any reaction, and was still sitting quietly, but the body seemed to be dripping faster, as if the whole stone had been soaked before he knew it.

The water flowed towards the surroundings, but the people next to him seemed unaware, as if they hadn't noticed that there were more people around them.

Seeing such an abnormal scene, the man in the circle trembled slightly, and then slowly backed away.

At this moment, the figure sitting on the stone suddenly stretched out his hand and waved towards him.

Obviously his back was facing him, but the gesture of waving his hands seemed to be that figure facing him.

The man's eyes seemed to be in a daze for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal, and he still stepped back firmly.

As if he didn't expect this to happen, the figure sitting on the stone was stunned for a moment, then stood up on his own initiative, and slowly walked towards the men in the circle.

The weird figure of Software walked towards him, and the men in the circle showed a trace of panic, and began to accelerate the speed of retreating.

But at this moment, he was like a rusty machine, what he thought was moving backwards rapidly was actually as slow as a snail.

But within a few breaths, that strange figure had already appeared in front of him, but his back was still facing him.

The distance between the two was less than a foot, and then the strange figure suddenly turned his head, revealing a frightened and distorted face.

It was the barbarian who had just died.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and thanks to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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