I have a city in another world

Chapter 1821 The Revenge of the Only Survivor

Chapter 1821 Revenge of the Sole Survivor
In the winding underground passage, a smoke-like shadow is moving forward like lightning, the speed is as fast as a galloping electric light.

The underground passages are flooded by seawater, so seawater exists in most places. Although there are also completely dry ones, they only appear every now and then.

The special environment creates special creatures. When you enter here, you will find that this is a completely different world from the outside.

The sudden appearance of a shadow monster broke the tranquility here.

Many monsters in the passage have noticed something abnormal. It seems that something is rushing towards their own territory, but before they can react, a shadow has already passed by quickly.

Some vicious monsters tried to attack and intercept the shadows, but at the same time as they attacked, their bodies suddenly exploded into blood mist.

The speed of the shadow monster is too fast, it is comparable to a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, and it is almost certain to die if touched.

It seemed that nothing could stop the shadow monster from advancing, but in the blink of an eye, it had already fled nearly a thousand miles away.

At this moment, the rapidly advancing shadow suddenly stopped, and there seemed to be a hint of surprise and shame on the face that could not be seen clearly.

After a cold snort, the shadow monster turned around without hesitation and ran towards another passage.

At the same time as he was leaving, a figure suddenly jumped out from the passage in front of him. His body was also translucent, and he was obviously a summoning monk.

After staying at the place where the shadow monster stayed for a few breaths, the summoning monk seemed to open his mouth to say something, and then chased after the shadow monster in the direction where it disappeared.

Not long after, several figures appeared, also chasing in the direction where the shadow monster disappeared.

At this time, the shadow monster was a little frustrated, because he found that there were enemies chasing him everywhere, and he was stopped by people from time to time.

The shadow monster knew in his heart that these people were under Tang Zhen's subordinates, and the purpose was to capture him.

Although he didn't know where the reinforcements were sent from, the shadow monster knew in his heart that once he was caught, his fate would be extremely miserable.

In the past few years, an unknown number of people have died at his hands. In his opinion, there is no possibility of resolving this kind of hatred.

So he fled desperately, relying on his incomparable familiarity with the surrounding thousands of miles, he played hide-and-seek with those summoned monks.


He has played this game before, but at that time he had companions, a group of companions who belonged to the same race.

The underground passage they live in has never been to the ground, because it is very dangerous.

But suddenly one day, the whole world changed drastically.

The sea water poured into the channel of their life, and because of the sudden incident, I don't know how many companions were drowned by the sea water.

No matter how fast they were, they couldn't run through the turbulent sea.

During this catastrophe, almost all the creatures in the underground passages died, and the originally crisscrossed underground passages were completely turned into underground waterways.

He was only a teenager at the time, but he was extremely lucky to escape, but he was trapped in a passage, quietly waiting for death to come.

Perhaps it was because of his life that he was so hungry that he searched for food everywhere, and finally found a body drowned in sea water.

The size of this creature is incomparably huge. The elders in the clan once said that the winding underground passages were actually formed by eating this creature.

It can be said that if there is no such creature, there will be no underground passage, and there will be no room for their race to survive.

He was so hungry that he couldn't control this, he cut open the skin of the corpse with the knife he carried with him, and began to devour the flesh and blood of this creature.

Although after eating this kind of raw meat, the body will feel itchy and uncomfortable, and the head will feel like it is going to explode, but it is still much stronger than being hungry.

As time passed, what the young man did every day was to sleep and eat in a monotonous manner. Even though the corpse of the giant bug had decayed, he still gritted his teeth and swallowed it.

Apart from the food in front of him, there were only sea water and stones around him, and a passage dozens of meters above his head.

The boy knew that he could leave this place by climbing that passage, but for him as an ordinary person, the height of tens of meters was enough to make him feel desperate.

Before he knew it, he had almost eaten the corpse of the giant worm. Later, in order to fill his stomach, the boy would find a way to swallow everything from the corpse of the giant worm.

Until one day, the boy found a bead from the corpse of the giant worm. Based on the principle of not wasting it, the boy also ground it into powder and swallowed it.

After swallowing the powder, the teenager felt drowsy, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I don't know how long he slept for this sleep, and when he woke up again, he found himself lying next to a pile of bones.

At the beginning, the boy was startled, but when he saw clearly the clothes left by the skeleton, he froze in place.

He could be sure that the skeleton was wearing his own clothes, and the items scattered around the skeleton also belonged to him.

The terrified boy didn't know what happened. When he looked at his body again, he found that his body had become translucent since he didn't know when.

Although he was young and ignorant, one thing the boy was certain of was that he might be dead.

At this time, he just exists in another form. Although it feels weird, he seems to be full of strength.

In order to test his ability, the boy threw his fist at the stone wall, but the stone wall did not suffer any damage.

After discovering this, the boy was filled with disappointment, and began to sit in a daze slowly again.

But soon he discovered the special feature of this body, that is, it can go without eating for a long time without feeling hungry.

This made the boy very happy. He was fed up with the feeling of being hungry, and he didn't want to eat that kind of carrion anymore. He was still very satisfied with his current state.

What's more, there was nothing edible around him, and this state just helped him solve the big trouble.

Until one day, the teenager who was lying down and sleeping was suddenly awakened by a muffled noise, and then he found a corpse falling in front of him.

The body fell out of the large hole in the top of the head, and it was dead before it fell, with obvious stab wounds on its body.

The young man walked over tentatively, wanting to see what was on the corpse, but when he touched the corpse, something suddenly appeared in his mind.

For some unknown reason, he actually read the memory of this corpse, and a person in the memory made the boy feel hungry again.

It seems that only by devouring the soul of this person in memory can his hunger be satisfied and he will get unexpected benefits.

The biggest benefit of obtaining memory is that he finally knows the reason why his people suffered disasters.

It turned out that the world they lived in was actually in an object called the Creation Ball, and the animals and plants he had seen before, even including themselves, were created by the Creator.

It was this group of damned guys who destroyed the creation ball they lived in, causing great changes in the whole world, and more than [-]% of the land was submerged in the sea.

The clansmen who lived in the underground passage were naturally doomed. Except for him, the rest of the clansmen were all drowned by the sea.

Unspeakable anger rose from the boy's heart. Thinking of those clansmen who died tragically and the torture he had endured, the boy's mind was completely distorted.

He secretly swore in his heart that he must make these bad guys pay the price. Since they killed his own people, he would kill all these bad guys.

The ignorant boy started his first hunt like this.

Following the guidance of his instinct, he locked the person with the deepest memory in this corpse through memory, and then found the location of the other person in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the young man used his innate supernatural powers to successfully arouse the fear of the opponent, and while killing the opponent, he also completely devoured his soul.

 Thanks to "Xiaoyao Pavilion Master" and "book friend 161230210706931" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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