I have a city in another world

Chapter 1841 Fishman's Food

Chapter 1841 Fishman's Food

Seeing the backs of Tang Zhen and Leya leaving, the three stood in place and looked at each other.

"I have a feeling that this matter must have something to do with him."

The young monk among the three spoke with affirmative tone, looking at Leiya's back still fiery.

You can tell by looking at his eyes, maybe in his heart, he also has a little fantasy about Leiya.

"It's not enough to just have a feeling, there must be evidence for this matter, otherwise you must not act rashly.

This Tang Zhen is not simple, and he is definitely not someone we can handle.

If you really want to use those methods in the past, once something happens, we cannot afford the consequences. "

The older monk shook his head. Although he also felt this way, Tang Zhen's composure made him a little confused.

That kind of feeling seems to be saying, even if you know that this matter is related to me, you can't do anything to me at all.

It's not arrogant and domineering, but extremely confident, as if they don't take them seriously at all.

It was as if an ancient dragon was looking down on a few weak ants, and there was no comparison in strength between them.

Hearing what his companion said, the young monk showed a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, and then sighed softly in his heart.

Because of their occupations, they actually know better than anyone else that this world is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Even if they know some things, they can only pretend not to know them deliberately, otherwise, if they are involved in it, they will be smashed to pieces if they are not careful.

The so-called justice is just an ideal in the hearts of ordinary people. There has long been a group of people who are above it and are not subject to any constraints at all.

When you meet such a person, if you can avoid provoking them, try to avoid them as much as possible.

"This task has already fallen on us, so the investigation will continue. If we encounter a situation that we can't handle, we can report it directly."

They are just pawns, and the real bosses will hide behind the scenes, and will never make a move until the critical moment.

In the end, it was the older monk who spoke. In fact, he was already thinking of retreating at this moment, because Tang Zhen gave him a very difficult feeling.

If he really investigates and finds something, it may really cost his life.

For a city lord with a poor reputation, it is really not worth it to take his precious life.

The two companions nodded slightly upon hearing this, and then went to the next location.


Tang Zhen and Leiya were sitting in the car, walking slowly towards the center of the city, chatting a few words from time to time.

Tang Zhen didn't care about the three monks from the capital's investigation team, because he knew in his heart that the other party couldn't find any evidence at all.

Perhaps the only thing the investigation team can be sure of is that this meteorite attack was indeed caused by man-made, not a natural disaster.

But even if this is confirmed, what can be done with the superficial energy laws of the creator world, maybe even how these meteorites are formed is not clear.

In the final analysis, there is still one reason. The world of creators is too biased. The combat effectiveness of a king-level monk is not even as good as that of a lord-level monk in Loucheng.

It should be known that the improvement of the cultivation system is by no means a matter of one day, and often requires tens of thousands of years of evolution and accumulation to obtain some results.

And the accumulation of the world of Loucheng is the leader in the practice world, and it has almost reached the pinnacle in this aspect.

It is impossible for an elementary school student to analyze a doctoral dissertation to complete the answer accurately. At most, he can get a plausible answer with some words.

That's why the investigation team suspected Tang Zhen, but they couldn't produce enough evidence, so they could only use this method to contact him in an attempt to obtain some useful information.

But that's all.

But Tang Zhen still won't take it lightly, because he knows in his heart that there are strong people in this world who are stronger than him.

Maybe the opponent's fighting skills are not as good as his, but the crushing of the realm alone is enough for Tang Zhen to keep enough vigilance.

Therefore, before the real layout is completed, Tang Zhen will never reveal the real strength of the world master, so as not to attract the attention of the other party.

As for the matter of the City Lord's Mansion, it was nothing more than a small disturbance, and it would not arouse the interest of those old monsters.

Unknowingly, the car passed through the crowds in the busy city and came to a colorful forest.

Tang Zhen has seen all kinds of plants, but the forest in front of him is really eye-catching, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as Yushu Qionghua.

These trees are indeed like gemstones, bright and transparent, and the leaves are shining like gemstones.

Being in it is like facing a fairyland.

However, this is only the external view. When you follow Leiya to walk in, you will find a rippling lake in the middle of the forest.

In the lake tens of meters away from the shore, stands a white building with a unique shape, like a huge lotus flower blooming in the lake.

It can be seen that someone is walking on the lake at this time. It seems to be walking on the water, but in fact there is a transparent passage under the feet.

The amazing thing is that when both feet step on it, there will be bursts of water waves rippling along with the footsteps, and various fish can be clearly seen in the water shuttling back and forth.

These fishes themselves can glow, and the colorful ones are really beautiful. When they swim in groups in the water, it seems that rainbows appear at the bottom of the lake.

Tang Zhen originally thought that the dining place for the two would be inside the building in the water, but when he walked inside, he realized that the building in the lake was actually a place similar to a pier.

There are strip-shaped boats that look like lotus flowers moored here, and guests can choose one to sit on when they come here.

After Tang Zhen and Leiya sat on it, the boat they were on slowly moved towards the lake ahead.

After observing for a while, Tang Zhen confirmed that this boat was also created by the creator, because he saw a pair of eyes and constantly shaking fins in the water.

They were sitting on this big fish with petals on its back, and they were walking slowly on the smooth surface of the lake.

Not long after leaving the building, Fang Rui saw figures flashing by in the lake, and then saw beautiful women with fish tails slowly appearing from the lake.

They sang and danced around the ship, their singing was melodious and clear, and their dances were graceful and moving, making people mesmerized.

It didn't take long for these mermaids to dive into the bottom of the water, and then handed Tang Zhen and the others the same item with a shell tray, and then left slowly with a smile.

"The operators here are quite ingenious. They actually thought of using this method to attract customers, but it is really memorable."

Tang Zhen sighed in admiration, and his eyes fell on the items brought up by the mermaids just now, wanting to see whether these seemingly simple foods can match the superb scenery here.

Leya had obviously been here before, seeing Tang Zhen looking at the food, she smiled and introduced them to him.

"Under this lake, there are water grass fields specially planted by mermaids, and many of the foods in them are extremely delicious.

This white water snail can be eaten with a light boil, and it tastes delicious.

This is the bean pod of a kind of aquatic plant. It can be eaten directly after peeling off. It is fragrant and refreshing, with endless aftertaste.

The kind of lake shrimp in front of you needs to be eaten with that kind of water grass juice. As for the taste, you will know after you taste it. "

According to Leiya's guidance, Tang Zhen tasted one by one, and it was really delicious.

Seeing Tang Zhen's satisfied expression, Leiya picked up something like a fruit, broke it off and squeezed out the juice inside.

"This is the juice of the murloc wine fruit. The taste is no worse than the aged wine. Would you like to try it?"

Tang Zhen nodded, raised his wine glass and touched Leiya, and took a sip.

The mouth is soft and viscous, the aroma of the wine is full of the tongue and teeth, and at the same time there is a faint fragrance of water plants, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Surrounded by beautiful scenery, tasting delicious food and wine, accompanied by beauties, even Tang Zhen couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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