I have a city in another world

Chapter 1844 Everything is ready

Chapter 1844 Everything is ready
Tang Zhen gave a gift, which surprised and delighted Leiya.

Although she had thought of similar ideas in the past and wanted to buy this place, she never had the chance to act.

Tang Zhen saw through her thoughts at a glance, and finished the matter in a very short time. From then on, the lake and forest belonged to her.

Apart from her own family, Leiya would never easily accept gifts from others, but Tang Zhen was obviously an exception.

Leia couldn't refuse this special gift.

Whether it was the delicate relationship between the two, or the particularity of the gift itself, Leia couldn't refuse it.

As for the value of the gift itself, she didn't take it seriously, the creator was not short of money.

If money is used to measure this gift and its own significance is ignored, then it is a real secret investment.

I believe that Elijah's love for this place will definitely make this place run better, and at the same time, it will also allow the murlocs to multiply.

"If you have time, can you teach me to learn the language of the murlocs? It's really distressing that I can't communicate with them normally."

For Leiya's request, Tang Zhen nodded and agreed, this is something that can be done easily.

You only need to use your mental power to copy the language of the murloc and inject it into Leiya's mind.It's just that he doesn't want to be too exaggerated, so he will only teach in the traditional way.

The days to come are still long, so why rush?
Time flies like water, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

With Tang Zhen's continuous efforts, the special bugs he cultivated finally activated their innate abilities, and after trying, they could indeed enter and exit the crystal wall of the Creation Ball.

Tang Zhen was also very happy to see that his efforts were rewarded.

This is definitely a remarkable achievement. As long as Tang Zhen is willing, he can apply for promotion to the creator at any time.

With the help of Leiya, Tang Zhen submitted an application to the Creator Federation in the capital, planning to go to the capital with Leya in the next few days.

But before that, Tang Zhen still has one very important thing to do, which is to enter the closed continent.

In the laboratory of the residence, Tang Zhen completely sealed off the surrounding space, and then took out the special worms that he carefully cultivated.

Under Tang Zhen's control, the bug slowly approached the Creation Ball in front of it, and then bit like a leech.

At the same time, a swirl-like trace appeared on the creation ball, which was the gap opened by the special bug.

With a flash of Tang Zhen's figure, he squeezed into the creation ball along the gap, and appeared in the closed continent in the next moment.

Some sea monsters around felt Tang Zhen's terrifying aura, and fled in all directions in fright, not daring to stay for a while.

Looking at the incomparably real world unfolding in front of his eyes, Tang Zhen couldn't help lamenting once again the magic of the Creator. A Creation Ball can really create miracles after being catalyzed by time.

As if sensing Tang Zhen's arrival, in the distant sky, several huge heavy warships slowly approached.

Hundreds of monks from Loucheng filed out of the battleship, lined up and bowed to Tang Zhen, welcoming the return of the master of the war zone.

Tang Zhen smiled slightly, stepped into the heavy battleship, and headed straight for the fleet's berth.

After Tang Zhen left, the Loucheng monks who followed him had only two things to do, either bury their heads in cultivation, or search for treasures all over the world.

Because there are rare treasures everywhere, almost everyone's storage equipment is full, and their cultivation base has also been greatly improved.

Tang Zhen didn't intend to let these monks withdraw to the world of Loucheng, but let them continue to be stationed here and become a force that he could mobilize at any time.

As for the candidates for infiltrating the creator world, these Louloucheng monks are even more unsuitable, and they must be re-selected.

The headquarters of the fleet is located between a mountain range, and dozens of heavy battleships have turned on the stealth function and are suspended at the top of these peaks.

In the middle of the valley, a mountain city has been opened up by the monks of Loucheng. Although it looks simple, it is quite large in scale.

The Loucheng monks traded and lived here. Although they didn't have the convenience when they were in Loucheng, they didn't have much influence.

The main function of this mountain city is actually to build a giant rune circle, which guarantees that the plane passage to the Tropo galaxy can be opened at any time.

This kind of thing does not need to be ordered by Tang Zhen, and the experienced monks of Loucheng will automatically complete it. The purpose is to ensure that they have the initiative.

This is convenient for Tang Zhen, as long as he wants to leave this world, he can do it at any time.

After he arrived at the mountain city, he immediately summoned the accompanying monks in Loucheng and told them the situation outside.

After hearing about the environment they were in, all the Loucheng monks present were shocked.

They really can't imagine that this closed world with abundant materials is actually created by man!
If the creators have the strength of the creator level, the monks of Loucheng have nothing to say, but the creators of many legendary creation balls do not rely on their cultivation to complete their works.

Perhaps the real creator is time, but even so, the credit of these creators cannot be obliterated.

It can only be said that this is a completely different world, and for the monks in Loucheng, it is an indescribably huge treasure.

If the Holy Dragon War Zone controls the world and acquires the ability of the creator, then even without launching a plane invasion, they can obtain inexhaustible resources.

The more he thought about it, the more excited the monks became, wishing they could take control of the world immediately.

Tang Zhen poured cold water on them and told them in a very serious tone that this world is not simple, and there must be creator-level powerhouses.

Tang Zhen couldn't tell how powerful the real Creator was, but one thing was certain, it was definitely not a terrifying existence that could be easily provoked.

If you are not careful, you will encounter disaster.

The monks in Loucheng who participated in the meeting were very knowledgeable, and naturally knew the power of the Creator, so they immediately calmed down.

Seeing that the heat had come, Tang Zhen threw out his plan.

In the next step, Ontology will select real genius elites from the Holy Dragon War Zone and the Fissure Territory, and their strength must be below the lord level.

Only monks who have not been promoted to the lord level will not leave too obvious energy marks on their bodies, and will not be easy to be discovered.

After the selection of these elite monks is completed, they will quietly enter the world of creators, and then under Tang Zhen's arrangement, they will integrate into this world.

The Loucheng monks in the closed continental world will send some of them to follow and protect them, and the rest will be on standby at any time.

During this process, Tang Zhen will formulate an action plan and provide specific resource support to ensure that they have no worries.

The selection of elites in the holy dragon theater will not stop. Every time a batch of talents is selected, they will be sent to the creator world.

With the passage of time, without knowing it, the monks of Loucheng will complete the control of the creator's world.

When the time is right, even a powerhouse at the Creator level will find anomalies.It will also be helpless.

Unless he can destroy the whole world, even the creator can only let monk Loucheng control the world.

With Tang Zhen's strength, if it is really necessary to do something, he may not be the opponent of the Creator.

(End of this chapter)

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