Chapter 1846
Since the competition was held in the entire theater at the same time, not too much time wasted, and the contestants who participated in the finals had already stood out.

The campaign for the Fissure Territory also ended at the same time, and the contestants will directly arrive in the Holy Dragon City through the cross-district teleportation array.

The final location of the finals is naturally none other than Sacred Dragon City, and this is also something that has been decided from the beginning.

Holy Dragon City once again became the focus of attention of the entire war zone. In order to participate in this grand event, people from all walks of life gathered here, making Holy Dragon City even more lively.

Those who came to the Holy Dragon City for the first time were all amazed by the magnificence and majesty here, and kept looking at the various buildings around them.

As for the monks who have been here, they introduced the major attractions like a few treasures, or went straight to the shops selling food and wine, for fear that there would be no seats after going late.

In fact, without much introduction from them, Shengnong Cost can see everything at every step, and it is difficult to see the whole picture after ten days and half a month.

After decades of development, countless manpower and material resources have been invested. The prosperity and magnificence of the Holy Dragon City have already surpassed the imagination of ordinary people.

The integration of technology and the advantages of the cultivation plane, together with the embellishment of items from different worlds, gave Sacred Dragon City a very unique style.

Whether it is a magical fairyland or a city of science and technology, it cannot be summed up accurately.

Any monk who has been to the Holy Dragon City will have his own opinion about the Holy Dragon City, but without exception, he is full of praise.

In order to meet this event, Sacred Dragon City also made active preparations.Not only has the huge venue specially expanded for visiting the competition, but all kinds of service facilities have also been put into use one after another.

In the area hundreds of kilometers away from the Holy Dragon City, there is a huge airport, but whenever the aircraft comes to the Holy Dragon City, it must be parked here.

This is one of the essential measures, otherwise, if those monks are allowed to park randomly, the whole city will be in chaos.

Especially in the past few days, various aircraft near the airport have blocked the sky and almost completely filled the parking space.

As a last resort, a group of law monks had to be mobilized to open up space cracks and stuff those aircraft into them.

After the monks landed, they took a special vehicle and went straight to the outer city of the Holy Dragon City.

In addition, many people choose to walk, but the distance of [-] kilometers is not too far for monks.

On the [-]-meter-wide road between the airport and the outer city, the dense flow of people is almost never cut off, the closer it is to the outer city, the more so.

Among these crowds, groups of young people with childish faces but full of heroism are particularly conspicuous.

These young monks are the players who came to participate in the finals. Although they are young, they must not be underestimated.

Perhaps one day in the future, among these teenagers there will be monks of the law, or even powerhouses of the spirit emperor level.

As for the powerhouse at the level of the world lord, in the eyes of monk Loucheng, it is equivalent to a myth and legend, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved with hard work.

As the distance from the outer city got closer, the hearts of those young monks were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

They never thought that one day they would come here and compete on the same stage under the watchful eyes of countless strong men.

Especially when they heard that Tang Zhen, the master of the war zone, would be there in person to watch their match, the excitement of the young monks was almost beyond words.

When they were very young, they had heard about Tang Zhen's legend. Many people's goal was to become a strong man like Tang Zhen.

Being able to present yourself in front of idols is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How can these young monks not be overwhelmed with excitement?
Following the surging flow of people, these young monks from various buildings and academies in the war zone entered the designated resting place one after another.

Looking at the towering buildings and the dazzling array of objects and utensils, the participating young monks felt their eyes widened.

Although they all think that their Loucheng is very good, compared with Shenglongcheng, there is still an insurmountable gap.

According to the prior notice, these young monks have three days of rest, and then the official competition will begin.

The energetic young monks immediately asked the team leader, hoping to get a chance to visit the Holy Dragon City.

The respective team leaders couldn't refuse the demands of these young monks, so they all nodded in agreement.

However, they also repeatedly told them that Sacred Dragon City is definitely not any other place, and they must abide by the rules.

The rules of Loucheng are roughly the same, and the young monks all grew up in such an environment, so they naturally know the priorities.

In the following time, these young cultivators began to wander around the huge Sacred Dragon City like birds rushing out of their cages.

The places the young monks visited were limited to the outer city, which belonged to the core area of ​​the inner city, and no one could easily set foot there without permission.


Wearing a set of light armor, Chen Bosheng walked slowly on the wide street, constantly looking at the surrounding scenery.

Although he has known about Sacred Dragon City from various channels, it was the first time for him to come here since he was a child.

Different from other young monks, Chen Bo has a special feeling of intimacy with the Holy Dragon City, because his grandfather is an old resident of the Holy Dragon City.

When Tang Zhen recruited technicians from the original world, his grandfather resolutely came to Loucheng World regardless of his family's opposition.

Later, my grandfather's family also learned about the benefits of Loucheng World, and after a lot of effort, they immigrated here one after another.

After that, it slowly spread out, and the population of their family increased, and now it seems to have become a big family.

Whenever talking about the past, grandpa is full of emotion, always saying that it is really not easy for Shenglongcheng to achieve today's achievements.

During the rise of Holy Dragon City, I don't know how many Loucheng monks paid the price with their lives. Even after many years, Grandpa can still remember their voices and smiles.

However, the person that grandpa mentioned the most was His Excellency Tang Zhen, the lord of the war zone. Firstly, it was because of his contribution to the Holy Dragon City, and secondly, because he also came from the original world.

Growing up listening to Tang Zhen's legends, Chen Bo made an aspiration to become like Tang Zhen sooner or later, become a world lord-level powerhouse, and conquer the world.

For this ambition, Chen Bo has been working silently, standing out from his peers at a young age.

Although he is only 15 years old, he is only one step away from being promoted to a lord-level monk.

This has always been what made his family proud, but it was also for this reason that he almost missed this selection.

Thinking of this, Chen Bo secretly thought that he was lucky. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to go to the crack territory and complete the promotion test in the holy place of cultivation.

Otherwise, once promoted to a master monk, how can there be a chance to come to the Holy Dragon City and compete with the young talents in the whole theater?

When he was thinking about where to visit next, the young monks who were traveling with him had already discussed a lot, discussing the goal of the next stop.

"If you want me to say, let's go to Wanjie Mall. If we don't go there, it's tantamount to visiting Sacred Dragon City for nothing."

"Let's go to the Tongtian Tower. I heard that it is a replica of the Tongtian Tower in the crack territory. After clearing the customs, there are also generous rewards.

With our strength, even if we don't get rewards, we can still learn a lot! "

"In fact, I would rather go to the hunting grounds, where I wantonly slay monsters and practice actual combat management.

You must know that there are no monsters in the entire theater now, and my big sword is already hungry and thirsty. "

A group of teenagers were talking about each other, each had their own favorite destination, and no one could convince the other.

If there is enough time, they can visit one by one, but now they only have one day to play, and they will prepare for the finals later.

In the end, the young monks made a decision, and went to the places they wanted to go separately, and then returned to the team's residence.

The place Chen Bo wants to go is the inner city of Sacred Dragon City.

He grew up with his grandfather, and heard his grandfather mentioned the scenery there more than once, so he always wanted to see it.

Although the inner city does not allow outsiders to enter, but Chen Bo only needs to take a look at it from a distance, and he is already satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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