I have a city in another world

Chapter 1856 The Biggest Problem Has Not Been Solved

Chapter 1856 The Biggest Problem Has Not Been Solved
A huge plan requires the cooperation of all aspects, and every link must not be sloppy.

There are so many talented people in the Shenglong War Zone. Tang Zhen only needs to give an order and someone will solve the problem for him.

The first batch of personnel to carry out the task has been selected, and the selection of the next batch of personnel has actually begun.

Those young monks who did not enter the top [-] are the main candidates. Although they did not get the top [-], it does not mean that they are not good.

In this form of competition, in addition to one's own strength, luck is also very important. Some people may just be unlucky.

So Tang Zhen didn't mind giving them a chance, but compared to the hundred winners, the resources they obtained during the execution of the mission might be slightly less.

If everyone is treated equally, then the competition will be meaningless and unfair to the winner.

This is the world of monks, strength represents everything, and it is also an axiom that everyone agrees with.

While the young monks were being trained, Tang Zhen had another thing to do, which was to build a super teleportation array at the node of the plane.

After some fort selection, Tang Zhen finally chose a half-broken space fortress, and the super teleportation array would be built inside the fortress.

In the decisive battle at the beginning, more than a dozen powerful world masters rushed into the space fortress, almost smashing the two fortresses into scrap iron.

Now it is considered waste utilization, but it takes a lot of effort to move it to the designated location.

Fortunately, the entire Trobo galaxy has been controlled by monk Loucheng. With Tang Zhen's order, the relocation of the fortress has officially started.

In fact, even if it is a complete space fortress, it is very difficult to move it, not to mention that it must be properly repaired in the case of a half-disabled space fortress.

Cultivators in Loucheng are good at destroying, but not at repairing, let alone such a high-tech space fortress.

The lower races that were originally vassals of Trobo now have a place to use. Groups of mechanics were recruited, and then collectively rushed to the space fortress.

Not only will they try to restore the power system, but they will also install new propulsion devices to drive the behemoth.

In addition to increasing the power system, five hundred heavy warships will be mobilized to drag the space fortress by means of traction.

In this way, the space fortress, which is not known for its speed, will reach its destination as quickly as possible.

After sending the space fortress to its destination, these heavy warships will stop in place and act as escorts for the teleportation array.

If necessary, these heavy warships can also open dimensional channels through the teleportation array and directly enter the world of the Creator.

When the enemy is unprepared, launch an all-round surprise attack, catching the enemy by surprise.

But from a tactical point of view, forceful invasion is the worst method. If it is not necessary, Tang Zhen will never issue this order.

As the monks of the Holy Dragon City inject the blood essence into the fruit of the mother tree, it won't take long for perfect bodies to emerge from their shells.

Tang Zhen thought over every link of the plan again, with a look of thought on his face, and finally decided to go to the fissure territory.

There is also a huge hidden danger in the plan, and it is necessary to go to the fissure territory to find a suitable solution.

The biggest obstacle to controlling the Creator's world is the powerful Creator hiding in the dark. If the other party discovers and blocks it, Tang Zhen will become extremely passive.

In order to prevent this from happening, Tang Zhen had to prepare early, at least to have a hole card that made the opponent fearful when the opponent might make a move.

In order to avoid destroying the world, the Creator seldom chooses to die, but most of them choose to compromise.

Just because after being promoted to the Creator, one will live and die together with this world, which is also the fate of the Creator.

In this regard, the monk Loucheng is much smarter, the bound world is in his mind, and he doesn't have so many scruples at all.

Under normal circumstances, in a world like the Creator Plane, basically only one Creator will be born, otherwise the laws of the entire world will be chaotic and collapsed.

There are only very few planes where more than two creators will be born, but in all such planes, gods and demons are flying all over the sky, and the strength of the indigenous creatures is quite strong.

The creator plane is well-ordered, obviously not such a rare and special plane, there should be only one creator.

The only ones who can make a strong creator fear, are only strong creators of the same level, but unfortunately Tang Zhen is not.

He knew many world master monks, but he only knew one of the creator-level powerhouses.

That was the owner of the Island of Destiny, a woman with a mysterious origin who seemed to be related to the balance of fate.

But Tang Zhen had too many worries, and it was impossible to invite the other party to make a move.

One is that he can't pay the corresponding price, and the other is that he is afraid that the creator plane will be targeted by the other party, and then he will come to steal it.

Although the Holy Dragon War Zone is strong, it may not be the opponent of the Island of Destiny, especially in the case of competing for the highest combat power, the Holy Dragon War Zone is not an opponent at all.

The mysterious woman can't be counted on, so the only power Tang Zhen can rely on is the balance of fate and the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater.

The balance of fate is omnipotent, if Tang Zhen wants to obtain a weapon to check and balance the Creator.It is estimated that the balance of fate can also be manufactured.

Tang Zhen didn't try, because he knew very well that he couldn't bear the price of such an exchange.

It's like having a few hundred dollars in your pocket but wanting to buy a luxury car worth a few million. You are completely overwhelmed.

Knowing that this road won't work, why should Tang Zhen try it?
In this case, there is only one way left, and that is to use the power of the cornerstone platform to apply for reinforcements at critical moments.

With the powerful strength of the Fifth War Zone, there will naturally be no shortage of creator-level experts. Tang Zhen may not be qualified to invite such experts, but Cornerstone Platform can.

Although this will also pay a huge price, you can choose to borrow it on credit and then pay it off slowly.

However, according to the practice of the Cornerstone Platform, if you want to obtain theater support, you must register on the Cornerstone Platform and pay a certain percentage of the war commission.

The commission is naturally the source of the world. If Tang Zhen doesn't want to destroy the Creator's world, this source of the world will have to be taken out of his pocket.

If you look at the problem from different angles, you will get different answers. The same item has different values ​​in the eyes of different people.

If the cornerstone platform is valued according to the ordinary plane, it is okay, but if it is valued according to the real value of the creator world, the percentage of commission alone can make Tang Zhen go bankrupt directly.

What the Cornerstone platform can provide is only the most basic building-to-city transfer function. If you want other services, you will also have to spend additional money.

It can be said that after Lou Cheng was promoted to the national level, he became a captive hen on the cornerstone platform, the kind that lays golden eggs.

It's just that Tang Zhen already has the means to enter the plane of the creator, and the service of the cornerstone platform is of no use to him.

In this case, it would undoubtedly be quite uneconomical to involve the cornerstone platform.

Tang Zhen struggled with this, not knowing whether he should do this, but he also knew that he must not take chances.

But facing the huge price that needs to be paid, he is very unwilling.I was afraid that I would be busy, but most of the benefits would be taken up by the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater.

This also made Tang Zhen secretly ruthless in his heart, even at all costs, he must improve the strength of the monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone.

As long as there is a Creator in the Holy Dragon War Zone, then all problems will be solved, and there is no need to be entangled like now.

In fact, in addition to the above methods, Tang Zhen actually has another method, but the possibility of success is very low.

That is to find ways to improve one's own strength, even if one cannot reach the level of the creator, at least one must reach the level of the third realm of the world master.

Tang Zhen was already unparalleled in combat power, and after reaching the third realm of the world master, he would become even stronger.

At this time, when facing the strong Creator, even if he is not an opponent, he can still have a certain amount of self-protection power.

If necessary, the main body avatar can be combined into one, and the strength will go further.

At this time, if you fight against the strong Creator, as long as it is one-on-one, at least it is more than enough to save your life.

However, the advancement of a monk's realm is not as simple as imagined. Self-effort is very important, but luck is also indispensable.

Even with the energy concentration of heaven and earth in the fifth war zone, there are no world masters everywhere, which is enough to explain the problem.

Tang Zhen has the strength of the second realm of the world master, and has been envied by countless monks. It is really difficult to go further on this basis.

(End of this chapter)

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