I have a city in another world

Chapter 1872 Interest Exchange

Chapter 1872 Interest Exchange
Hearing that Tang Zhen asked Ce Gu to clean up the magic nest, the busy bounty hunters turned around at the same time, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

Everyone knows that the demon servants in the factory are just small minions, and the real elite backbones are all in the demon nest.

The value of the servants who can be collected by the devil in the devil's lair is far more than these little minions. If they live in the devil's lair for a long time, their strength will also be slowly improved.

The former is just a handyman, while the latter is a personal soldier, and the value of their heads is quite different.

In the eyes of the demon hunters, those demon servants represent real points. If they can harvest some money in it, they can definitely get rich overnight!
The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of them, how can they not be tempted?

But the problem is that Tang Zhen took down the entire Demon Nest, so naturally all the spoils belong to him alone.

When it comes to the wealth in his pocket, who is willing to take it out and give it to a group of people who have nothing to do with him?

It is reasonable to let Xi Gu and Xiaoyu clean up the demon nest, but it has nothing to do with them.

When encountering this kind of thing, the demon hunters can only watch the excitement and feel envious in their hearts.

Xigu and Xiaoyu were about to act after taking orders, but Tang Zhen spoke again and called them both to a halt.

"The area of ​​the demon's nest is very large. Based on the words of the two of you alone, I don't know when it will be cleaned. I have to find some helpers for you."

After Tang Zhen finished saying this, he turned to look at the demon hunters who looked expectantly: "If it is convenient for you, you can follow my two servants and clean up this demon nest together.

After the cleanup is over, I will give half of it as a reward, so don't be too small. "

Those demon hunters were so excited when they heard what Tang Zhen said, how could they say no?

For such a large demon nest, half of the profit is already considerable. They have been struggling for more than ten years, and it is impossible for them to accumulate such wealth.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Tang Zhen. From now on, wherever you are ordered, please feel free to speak up."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tang Zhen's move is to give favors, otherwise, even if it is slower to clean up the devil's nest, so what?

There are gains every moment. In this case, even if it takes ten or twenty years to clean up, I am afraid that I am willing.

Now that they accept the benefits, they must accept this favor, not to mention following Tang Zhen's leadership, but also advancing and retreating with him.

What's more, with Tang Zhen's strength, there is no need to worry about the lack of followers. After what happened today, he only needs to wave his arms, and there must be a cloud of followers.

They also secretly admired Tang Zhen's boldness, giving away half of the profit as he said, it really is the trick of a big event.

How did these demon hunters know that Tang Zhen didn't care about the items in the demon's nest at all, and the truly valuable things had already been put away by him.

He also didn't want to waste too much time, so he simply used some benefits to buy people's hearts and improve the progress of the search by the way.

It's just a half-full harvest, and he doesn't take it seriously at all. If necessary, it doesn't matter even if the entire devil's nest is abandoned.

The vision of the master of the war zone must not be measured by the vision of an ordinary monk. With their wealth, they will not be tempted by such a petty profit.

Of course, it is impossible for him to discard it directly, otherwise it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of outsiders, because for a demon hunter, the wealth of the devil's lair is simply irresistible.

Tang Zhen is now a demon hunter, so he naturally has to learn to do as the Romans do.

Bone Corrosion Xiaoyu was full of excitement, leading a group of equally excited demon hunters, and couldn't wait to enter the demon lair.

Although it is called the Devil's Lair, for them, this place is heaven!

Tang Zhen continued to guard the entrance of the demon's lair, acting as a temporary gatekeeper, so that no demon hunters would take the opportunity to sneak in.

He reckoned that it wouldn't be long before demon hunters would gather here, wanting to come and find out.

It is not a trivial matter for a city's magic nest to be completely wiped out, and it will definitely cause enough sensation.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for demon hunters to arrive one after another. They looked at the traces of battle left in the factory with complicated expressions.

Especially when he saw Tang Zhen sitting on the top of the factory building with a smile that was not a smile, and there was an entrance surging with devilish energy behind him, he immediately understood what he wanted to do.

The wealth of a demon lair is enough to drive demon hunters crazy. The purpose of Tang Zhen's presence here is obviously to deter those unruly people.

If you want to take advantage, call me first.

If Tang Zhen hadn't received the definite news that Tang Zhen had taken down this demon lair alone, the demon hunters would have already rushed up in a swarm.

But at this moment, no one dared to act rashly, because those who sit in the town do have the qualifications.

Tang Zhen's ability to break into the demon's lair alone and kill the demon and thousands of demon servants is enough to prove his strength.

Looking at the entire city, it can be said that no one has such strength, enough to stand out from the crowd.

Since everyone didn't even dare to provoke demons, how could they possibly beat Tang Zhen who killed the demons? They could only seek death if they went up rashly.

A strange scene appeared, Tang Zhen sat alone in the mid-air of the factory building, smiling at a group of densely packed demon hunters.

Even though there is a devil's nest behind him, no one dares to take a step closer. This situation can't help but make people secretly sigh, a man should be like this.

Unknowingly, more and more demon hunters gathered here, and they all rushed to the scene as soon as they heard the news.

Some were whispering, some were gloomy, and some were watching carefully.

"Did you see the dozen or so guys who came first, where did they all go?"

"I'm also looking for them. It is said that they came earlier than us. Shouldn't they be missing at this moment?"

"It should have followed Tang Zhen's demon servants into the demon lair. These guys are lucky. Tang Zhen will definitely not let them work in vain."

"It's a pity to miss the opportunity. I wish I had come earlier."

After thinking of the specific reason, some people sighed, and some people's eyes lit up slightly.

Several demon hunters who usually act together lowered their heads to discuss, then walked out of the crowd and walked slowly in front of Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I wonder if you lack the manpower to clean up the devil's nest, and we brothers are willing to help you.

Please rest assured that we will never be greedy for the items in the ink, and you can check it after the cleaning is over. "

Tang Zhen glanced at the demon hunters, smiled and nodded.

"I really lack helpers, if you are willing to help, you can enter the devil's lair to find my devil servant.

Everyone understands, what should you do, I don’t need to say more, right? "

When several demon hunters heard this, they immediately bowed to Tang Zhen with joy on their faces.

"Don't worry, your Excellency, we know what to do, and after this incident, we will follow up with all our strength!"

After thanking them, several demon hunters quickly entered the entrance of the devil's lair, their faces full of urgency.

The onlookers couldn't help feeling envious and jealous when they saw someone successfully entered the Demon's Nest with Tang Zhen's permission.

Not to mention the half of the income that Tang Zhen promised earlier, just entering the magic nest itself is a matter of great benefit.

It should be known that the magic nest is a special small world, the energy concentration of the world inside it is far higher than that of the outside world, the longer you stay in it, the greater the benefits.

Especially for demon hunters whose strength is stuck at the bottleneck and unable to improve for a long time, this kind of demon lair is a pure paradise.

Maybe once you enter it once, you can be promoted to a higher level under the stimulation of the powerful energy of the world.

Faced with such a temptation, few demon hunters could resist.

But there is no free banquet in the world, and everyone knows that to enter the devil's nest, one must accept Tang Zhen's favor.

The so-called half-reward before was actually just a way to make everyone look good, and it could show Tang Zhen's righteousness even more.

For those demon hunters who are at the bottleneck of their cultivation and urgently need to enter the devil's lair, they are willing to change even if it is a small change.

No one is a fool, Tang Zhen can naturally think of things they can think of.

The purpose of his sitting here is obviously to make a deal with those demon hunters. Anyone who wants to enter the demon's lair should take the initiative to come over and discuss with him.

Wanting to reap without paying, thinking about taking advantage everywhere, how can there be such a good thing in this world?
After figuring out these joints, the demon hunters no longer hesitated and made up their minds.

The opportunity to enter the devil's nest is once in a lifetime. If you miss it this time, God knows when the next time you will encounter it?
Even if you pay some price for this, it is compared with the benefits you can get.But it's nothing at all.

A monk's practice is all about chance. At this time, the opportunity is in front of him. If he still looks forward and backward, what qualifications do he have to face greater challenges?

(End of this chapter)

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