I have a city in another world

Chapter 1874 Auction News

Chapter 1874 Auction News

Tang Zhen became famous in the first battle, not only the demon hunters in the whole city knew his name, but also the demon hunters in other cities heard about it.

Although the name of a demon hunter is prestigious, when facing real demons, they all avoid them, lest they fall short.

In the past hundred years, no real demon has been killed, which is enough to explain the problem.

Demon hunters are just toys raised by demons, but they are absolutely not allowed to really hurt themselves. Once there are demon hunters who are enough to pose a threat, the demons will even get rid of them with their own hands.

This kind of thing happened many times, and many demon hunters who had high hopes or were powerful would die inexplicably.

The top combat power capable of fighting against demons has always been the scarcest resource in the Demon Hunter headquarters, and the few that are left hide like turtles.

Apparently these old foxes knew the real secret, so they chose to protect themselves wisely, so as not to be killed by the demons.

So the destruction of the Demon Nest this time was like a bolt from the blue, blowing up those demon hunters into a coma.

No one expected that someone would dare to break into the demon's lair single-handedly, and even killed all the demons and demon servants!

It sounds a bit fanciful, but it is an indisputable fact.

"When did such a character appear, where did he come from, and why is he so fierce?"

Not only were the demon hunters very curious, but even those outside the circle were inquiring to see if they could have a relationship with Tang Zhen.

These people have different ideas, or they want to know a strong person, hoping to be sheltered in case of danger.

Either they want to use Tang Zhen to buy magic nest items, refine various secret medicines, or manufacture weapons and equipment.

Especially the blood essence of the devil, it is definitely a treasure that cannot be found, and there are countless coveted ones.

If you have this kind of treasure, and then prepare it with a secret method, you can regain your youth 100% after swallowing it.

For the old and rich, this kind of treasure that can bring them back to their youth is definitely worth spending thousands of dollars.

They are not short of money, all they lack is time to enjoy.

When the news spread, several super rich people even arrived by special plane, promising to exchange half of their net worth for a share of demon blood.

The net worth of these rich people exceeds tens of billions, and each of them is a pivotal figure. Since they have made a promise in public, they will definitely fulfill the promise.

After hearing the conditions offered by these rich men, the demon hunters were envious. If they could have such a fortune, it would make their path of cultivation smoother.

It's a pity that in the world of monks, money is not omnipotent, and the stronger the person, the more dismissive they will be.

Everyone knows that the devil's blood is precious, otherwise those rich men would not have offered such a sky-high price, but the problem is that the devil's blood is in Tang Zhen's hands, and whether to sell it depends on his own attitude.

Ninety percent of the demon hunters believed that Tang Zhen would not talk to those rich people. To the demon hunters, this thing was like a treasure, and they would not give it up to others easily.

According to Tang Zhen's means, it is not difficult to obtain money. The harvest of the Demon Nest alone is enough for him to obtain a huge amount of wealth.

In this case, there is really no need for him to sell the blood essence of the devil in exchange for money that is not lacking.

Just when people believed that those wealthy people would return empty-handed, Tang Zhen at the banquet suddenly made a shocking decision after hearing the news.

He will take out three copies of demon blood and sell them in an on-site auction, and anyone who is interested can participate.

After hearing the news, people's first reaction was impossible, after all, such a decision is too incredible.

Tang Zhen, who is neither short of money nor points, has no need to auction off the devil's blood. It is normal for people not to believe it.

But it was soon confirmed that the news was absolutely true, and it was said by Tang Zhen himself.

Especially the demon hunters who participated in the banquet began to keep in touch with relatives and friends, hoping to obtain financial support.

There is more than one person who has thoughts about the devil's blood essence. After all, this kind of thing has not appeared in the world for a hundred years, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure.

Now someone finally sells it, whether it is for personal use or investment, it is definitely a profitable business.

Therefore, when the news of the auction came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the circles of demon hunters and rich people. I don't know how many people are eager to get it into their pockets.

It is foreseeable that when the auction starts, there must be a fight between dragons and tigers on the scene.

According to Tang Zhen's request, bidders only have a few hours to prepare, and they will not wait after the expiration date.

To be able to gather enough funds to participate in the auction in such a short period of time must not be a simple person.

This rule alone is enough to eliminate [-]% of the competitors and leave the truly capable buyers.

While desperately raising money, many people complained loudly, thinking that Tang Zhen should allow more time for them to prepare.

Moreover, doing so would also affect the value of the devil's blood essence, so it is unwise, and I don't know what Tang Zhen thinks?

It's just that Tang Zhen, as the master of the devil's blood essence, has the final say on how to deal with it all. Even if everyone complains in their hearts, there is nothing they can do.

As time passed, more and more people knew about this, and the city where Tang Zhen was located immediately became the focus of attention.

Planes kept appearing one after another, and many well-known experts in the circle of demon hunters also rushed here one after another.

They are also very interested in the blood essence of demons. Whether they use it themselves or improve the cultivation level of their demon servants, they can get great benefits.

They were also very interested in Tang Zhen, who single-handedly wiped out the Demon Nest, and planned to take the opportunity to communicate with him.

Being able to kill demons is enough to show Tang Zhen's strength. If possible, these strong men will pull Tang Zhen into their circle.

In addition to those demon hunters, there are more wealthy gentry and businessmen, as well as various celebrities.

Although the time is not very abundant, it is not too difficult to get here with their means.

In the case of big people gathering, there was no need for them to hide their identities, and they just appeared in front of everyone with their true colors, which caused a burst of exclamation.

Because too many people arrived, the headquarters of the Demon Hunter was almost full, and many people could not enter it. They could only watch and participate in the auction remotely through video.

The witcher headquarters, the auction is about to start.

In order to increase his popularity and attract more demon hunters to follow, Tang Zhen temporarily came up with the idea of ​​auctioning off the blood essence of demons.

He underestimated how much the natives valued the blood essence of demons, so that after seeing such a lively scene, he was a little startled.

The sensation caused by these three demon blood essences has far exceeded his expectations, but it will be better this way.

At least after today, everyone in the world knows Tang Zhen's name, and knows that he is powerful and rich.

Clearing out a demon lair while holding a huge amount of wealth in his hands, it will definitely become easier to recruit followers under such circumstances.

When he was clearing out the devil's nest, he could bring a large number of followers and use crushing methods to launch an attack.

The enemies he will face next will become stronger and stronger, and it is impossible for every demon to have the strength of a king.

In a world where the Creator exists, it is not surprising that there are demons whose strength is similar to or even surpasses his.

However, the number of demon servants raised by demons of this level can easily number in the tens of millions.

Therefore, taking the opportunity to make a name for himself, recruiting more demon hunter followers, and forming a mighty demon-subduing army is the most suitable method for Tang Zhen.

Especially as a master of the war zone, he is more accustomed to this way of warfare, using his numerical superiority to attack the enemy.

When the enemy is strong and we are weak, this method is the only way to plunder a plane!
(End of this chapter)

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