Chapter 1877
These demon hunters blocking the way naturally came for Tang Zhen, with the purpose of taking advantage.

There are always some people who are greedy for profit, unable to resist the temptation of huge benefits, and even take risks.

The group of demon hunters is particularly obvious in this respect, and there are many people who are only interested in profit.

In their eyes, Tang Zhen at this time was just a fat sheep, and even if he sucked a trace of blood, it was enough to feed them.

Tang Zhen is just a newcomer. A day ago he was unknown, but overnight he became famous all over the world.

Whether it was his feat of clearing the devil's nest or the situation of the auction last night, it had already been spread in the circle of demon hunters.

Hearing that Tang Zhen was going to attack the demon lairs in other cities, these demon hunters cheered happily, ready to join in the grand event.

But when someone secretly reported to them, telling them that the first stop was their own city, and said some suggestions related to their interests, some demon hunters immediately changed their minds.

Needless to say, the wealth in the Devil's Nest is natural, and they are naturally eager to get it, but they don't have Tang Zhen's powerful strength.

Tang Zhen was going to clean up the devil's nest in his city. As a landlord, everything belonged to them. How could Tang Zhen not say anything?

Driven by this twisted thinking, it is inevitable that some people will try to "blackmail" Tang Zhen.

After all, he was still greedy for profit, and even made a fuss about the devil's nest that he usually avoided.

According to the thinking of these demon hunters, no matter how powerful Tang Zhen was, he would not dare to offend the public.

As long as they unite as one and insist that they must be divided in order to open the Demon Nest, there is no way Tang Zhen can do anything about it.

If this thing is done, unimaginable benefits will be obtained, at least for decades, there will be no need to worry about cultivation resources.

Faced with such a huge temptation, few people could refuse, and everyone was eager to try.

Although they paralyzed themselves with fallacies, they still had no bottom in their hearts, and they hesitated again and again before taking action.

Although the demon hunters were not very clear about Tang Zhen's strength, his ability to clear the demon nest alone was enough to crush [-]% of the demon hunters.

If the talks between the two sides collapse, how will it end then?
After discussing for a long time, half of the people finally chose to quit, and the remaining half decided to take a risk.

So there was the scene of blocking the way before. Although this gang looked aggressive, they were actually stern and soft-hearted.

Regarding Tang Zhen's appearance, these demon hunters have known for a long time. When they met just now, they just deliberately pretended not to know each other.

But now that his face has been torn apart, if he continues to pretend to be stupid, he will be a real idiot.

Especially after hearing Tang Zhen's warning.The courage that was originally strong was immediately vented, so how dare you challenge it head-on?
If Tang Zhen really got angry, with his ability to wipe out the devil's nest, one of the demon hunters present would probably die in his hands.

There is nothing in vain under the prestigious name, even if these demon hunters have doubts about Tang Zhen's strength, they will never dare to try with their own lives.

Fortunately, they had planned a long time ago, and even if the plan failed, they still had a way to get out.

Before the action, he had already chosen a scapegoat, the giant man who was besieged by Xi Gu and Xiao Yu.

The seemingly mighty giant was a fool without any plans. After being instigated by these demon hunters, he jumped out to intercept Tang Zhen.

Even when the demon hunters were discussing last night, they didn't bring this giant man with them at all, and what they told him was a completely different version.

In this version, Tang Zhen became the villain who led people to attack the city and refused to give the demon hunters a way out, and bullied men and women.

If Tang Zhen was angered when blocking the road, killing would only kill the giant man, and they could retreat in time.

If Tang Zhen was subdued, someone would trick the giant man away, and then send other people to negotiate with Tang Zhen.

In short, from the beginning to the end, this giant is the character being used, completely kept in the dark.

Speaking of which, this giant man is also a strange thing, with a simple and straightforward personality and little contact with people. He likes to hunt and kill demon servants most on weekdays, and never cares about current affairs.

Because of his personality, he also offended many people, so he was selected and used at this time.

As a result, when he found that something was wrong and wanted to ask for help, he found that no one was paying attention to him at all, and instead he avoided it.
The giant man was furious in his heart, no matter how stupid and straightforward he was, he had already realized that he was being tricked.

"You bastards, how dare you plot against Lord Tiger!"

The giant man roared in grief and anger, and ignored the attacks of Xigu and Xiaoyu, but turned around to kill the demon hunters.

In the process of turning around, his back was completely exposed. Seeing this, Xi Gu and Xiaoyu immediately followed up and launched an attack.

"You two stop first."

Hearing Tang Zhen's order, although Chu Gu and Xiaoyu were puzzled, they immediately withdrew their hands and retreated to his side.

On the other hand, those demon hunters blocking the way were already in a mess.

The giant man brandished a broadsword, dashing from left to right in the crowd, slashing and slashing at the two demon hunters.

The two demon hunters were in a panic, and the crowd they relied on kept dodging, for fear of being struck to death by the sword of the enraged strong man.

The giant man slashed and cursed, and casually revealed all the nasty things these people did, which made the demon hunters on Tang Zhen's side suddenly understand.

Looking at the demon hunters blocking the way, there was deep contempt in their eyes, obviously disdainful of their methods.

The demon hunter blocking the way heard the giant man's scolding, his face turned red and white, as if he had been stripped for public display.

It's really that they have handled this matter too dishonestly, and now it is said in public, no matter how thick-skinned they are, they can't hold back.

"It turns out that this is the case. These bastards dare not stand out, but trick others to come out and die. It really opened my eyes."

"I always thought that there were still a few men in this city, but I just found out today that they are all a bunch of cowards."

"Brother, we support you, hack all those bastards who plotted against you to death, so as not to be plotted by these scumbags in the future."

The demon hunters following Tang Zhen booed for a while, and the original nervousness disappeared.

With Tang Zhen's previous words, they seemed to have taken a reassurance, and they no longer had any fear in their hearts.

Now that Tang Zhen has made such harsh words, he must be able to do what he says. If the demon hunters in this city still don't know how to advance or retreat, they may be bloodshed next.

It's just that all the demon hunters present knew very well that this kind of thing would definitely not happen. How could a piece of trash who could do such a nasty thing risk his life because of this thing?

The Devil's Nest does not belong to anyone. Before Tang Zhen's incident, the demon hunters wished that there would be no Devil's Nest in their city, so that the pressure on them would be greatly relieved.

So this battle is doomed to fail. From the beginning to the present, it has only been a bunch of greedy guys making a fool of themselves.

"Now that I'm going to go, whoever dares to stop me, if there is any, stand in front of me, Tang Zhen.

If not, get out of the way immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, those demon hunters immediately dispersed, not daring to stay any longer.

Seeing these ugly roadblockers, the demon hunters following Tang Zhen laughed, and some even shed tears.

While laughing at each other, they also looked at Tang Zhen, who was standing in the front, with admiration and envy in their eyes.

It is precisely because of Tang Zhen's existence that those blocking the way are so afraid of them, otherwise today's matter would never be easily resolved.

This is the benefit of following the strong. Whether it is their fame or strength, they can benefit their subordinates, which can be regarded as invisible benefits.

I believe that after today's incident, they will go to other cities, and similar things will not happen.

If such a thing really happened, it would be a real provocation to Tang Zhen, and a bloody battle would be inevitable.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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