Chapter 1883
Watching several demon warriors leave separately, Tang Zhen chuckled and did not continue to chase.

With his status, it is not necessary to chase after the demon warrior. Firstly, he disdains it, and secondly, it is unnecessary.

In about 10 minutes at most, these demon warriors will be drained of blood and turn into shriveled corpses.

Demon servants and demon warriors are no longer a concern, the next thing to do is to find the entrance of the demon nest in this haunted house.

This haunted house is not a devil's nest, just like the factory building last time, it exists only to cover the devil's nest.

To enter the Demon Nest, breaking into the house is the first step, and finding the entrance to the Demon Nest is the second step.

What appeared in front of his eyes at this time was a dilapidated old building, which looked mottled due to years of disrepair.

But even after hundreds of years of wind and rain, these buildings still have not collapsed, and some rooms are still decorated with the same year.

Today's people step into it, as if they have traveled through time and space in an instant, and came to the ancient houses.

It's just that the atmosphere in this house is too eerie, making people not in the mood to experience the ancient style at all, and only want to escape from this gloomy place as soon as possible.

The entrance to the devil's lair must be hidden in this haunted house, but Tang Zhen needs to search carefully for the exact location.

If his strength had not been suppressed, he only needed to use his mental power to cover the entire house, and he would be able to discover the abnormalities here.

No matter how deep it is hidden, it will show its feet under the exploration of spiritual power. Finding the entrance of the devil's nest is really a simple matter.

But now he needs to distinguish carefully, by looking for subtle clues, to lock the real entrance of the devil's nest.

It's just that there are so many clutter in these rooms that demonic entrances could be hidden anywhere.God knows how much time will be wasted if you really have to search one by one.

The Lord of the Devil's Nest is naturally aware of this, so he used the debris here as a cover to delay Tang Zhen's time to find the entrance as much as possible.

Perhaps the Lord of the Devil's Nest was very helpless, and Tang Zhen's appearance was definitely a disaster for him.

Naturally, it is impossible to give up the Demon Nest that has been in business for many years, and he has no way to stop Tang Zhen from attacking here, so he can only try to kill him as much as possible.

The Lord of the Devil's Nest was obviously afraid of Tang Zhen, or was frightened by the fall of the last demon, otherwise he would not have used this method, but directly fought against Tang Zhen.

This kind of thing of being beaten at the door of the house, no matter which strong person can bear it, unless it is absolutely necessary, no one will make a similar choice.

The master of the devil's nest was discouraged, and he didn't want to be tough directly, so he made a seemingly terrifying behavior, but in fact he lacked confidence.

Since it wanted to be a tortoise and could not come out from hiding in the magic nest, Tang Zhen forced it to come out!

There were a lot of furnishings in the first room, and Tang Zhen scanned them one by one, but found nothing suspicious.

"Not here, it should be in another room."

Tang Zhen walked out of the room, went to another room, and continued to search for suspicious places.

Entering another house, Tang Zhen found that this should be the living room, and the chairs and furniture were all placed in place and well preserved.

The dust fell on top of the items, forming a thick layer, but the strange thing was that there were no traces of insects or rats.

The dust falling on the ground is also too smooth, as if it has been wiped by tools.

Tang Zhen's gaze scanned the interior of the house, and finally stopped on a picture scroll in the house, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The content of this ancient painting is eerie and horrifying. A woman in white kneels on the ground with her hands folded in worship, her face full of piety.

On the altar in front of her, there was a pile of sacrifices, but they were not melons and fruits, but bloody heads of men and women.

These heads stared angrily, their eyes were full of unwillingness, and they seemed to be complaining silently.

Blood overflowed from the plate and spread to the surroundings, the red was a bit dazzling.

From an angle that the woman couldn't see, several evil spirits were hiding behind the altar, holding their heads and arms in their hands, gnawing on their mouths full of blood.

These evil spirits laughed while eating, and their blood-red eyes seemed to penetrate the drawing paper, and they were looking at the viewer with mocking eyes.

I don't know what kind of mentality the painter was at that time, so he created such a work with a strange style of painting, which makes the viewers feel shuddering when they look closely.

The most incomprehensible thing is that the original owner of this house actually hung this painting in the hall, and I don't know for what purpose?
Tang Zhen stared at the painting intently, as if there was some secret hidden in it.

The sound of fighting behind him was endless, and there was no sound around the courtyard. Tang Zhen just stood quietly at the door without moving his footsteps.

It seems that nothing has anything to do with him. In his world, there is only this painting in front of him.

After watching for a full minute, a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Zhen's mouth, and he walked into the hall.

Both feet stepped on the ground, but it turned out to be empty. The floor of the hall, which seemed to be covered with dust, was actually an illusion trap.

If one is not prepared and the strength is not too high, he will be deceived by this illusion and step into the deep pit.

The inside of the deep pit is naturally extremely dangerous, and those who fall into it will undoubtedly die. In the past days, it is unknown how many intruders died here.

Under the deep pit, there are already many bones.

But when Tang Zhen stepped into the hall, he didn't fall into it, but walked on the ground like a flat ground.

At this moment, in the picture scroll opposite, the eyes of an evil ghost changed, revealing a hint of surprise.

This is the evil spirit in the painting, hiding in the scroll, harming people with low-handed means, and it is unknown how many ordinary people have been harmed by it.

It's just that at this moment, the evil spirit in this painting is flustered and a little at a loss.

It seemed that it didn't expect Tang Zhen not to fall into the trap at all, and then subconsciously showed a surprised expression.

In other words, its strength is too low, and it can't see through Tang Zhen's reality at all, and just treats him as an ordinary person.

Tang Zhen continued to walk towards the painting, as if he didn't notice the abnormality of the evil spirit in the painting, but the smile on his face became more and more intense.

The expression on the ghost's face changed from astonishment to panic, and his body began to tremble slightly, as if he was about to break free from the scroll and turn around to flee.

It has a feeling that the person in front of it is too scary, if it doesn't run away, it is afraid that it will die.

But this scroll is like a chain, firmly trapping the evil spirit in the painting, making it impossible to get rid of.

In its horrified eyes, Tang Zhen finally came to the scroll, and at the same time gently stretched out his finger.

A pure white flame emerged from the fingertips, without a trace of warmth, but rather cold.

The evil spirit in the painting has a premonition that once he is touched by the flame, he may be wiped out in an instant.

It tried desperately to cast illusions, trying to deceive Tang Zhen, but those illusions couldn't be performed at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Deep despair flashed in my heart, and the evil spirit in the painting watched the fingers pressing down, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Tang Zhen's fingers suddenly turned, and he pressed fiercely on the body of the worshiping woman in the painting.

The evil spirit in the painting was overjoyed, thinking that Tang Zhen hadn't found it and escaped by luck.

Unexpectedly, when this thought just came up, there was a sound of shock and anger in its ears, and at the same time, there was a trace of anxiety.

Immediately afterwards, the picture changed, and the dead woman in the painting tore out of the paper, and stood in front of Tang Zhen with a gloomy face.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Oriental Inflection Point" for the rewards, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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