Chapter 1889 Bidding
The treasure has its owner, but it was hundreds of years ago. Now that Tang Zhen kills the demon, the treasure of the haunted house naturally belongs to him.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, the secret room has been found, and there are many treasures in it. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Tang Zhen nodded and got up, walked to the location of the secret room, and the demon hunters stepped aside one after another.

Stretching out his hand and grabbing lightly, those boxes and gold melons and silver piers were lifted off the ground one after another and placed in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the demon hunter showed admiration and envy.This method alone is enough to crush the audience, no one can be an opponent.

For monks, it is not difficult to control objects from the air, but ordinary monks cannot control things of this weight.

Those who can do this kind of lifting like light are all strong men with advanced cultivation and skills.


Just as everyone sighed secretly, another muffled sound was heard, and the locks on the iron box burst at the same time.

Then there was another "creaking" sound, and the rusted iron box seemed to be held by invisible hands, and the lid was lifted together.

The items packed in the box were revealed, most of them were pearls and jade jewelry, as well as scattered gold and silver treasures, glistening in the sun.

According to the received memory, the Lord of the Devil's Nest was actually a thug who did all kinds of crimes before he bought this mansion.

The gold and silver treasures hidden in the secret room were all obtained from his looting in the early years. Those who participated in the treasure hiding were all killed, and only he knew the secret.

Originally, he thought that with these wealth, he could enjoy the glory and wealth of the world, but he didn't expect to become a low-level devil because of a jade pendant he snatched when harvesting the mountain.

After becoming a demon, he has powerful strength and a long life, which is what the Lord of the Devil's Nest naturally wishes for.

It's just that the longer he lived, the less courageous this guy became. He completely lost the fierce and domineering aura of the past, and he stayed in the devil's nest for hundreds of years without coming out.

The witchers in the yard were all looking at the treasures, their eyes sparkling, eager to take them for their own.

For demon hunters, money is also an indispensable resource for cultivation. If these treasures are sold at auction, they will definitely get a huge sum of money.

It's a pity that these things are owned by Tang Zhen. Even if they look hot, they don't dare to make any wrong thoughts.

Tang Zhen looked indifferent, and didn't care about these gold and silver treasures at all. The previous auction of three demon blood essences also gave him a rather terrifying net worth.

Perhaps when he left this plane, he would not be able to spend all the money, and it would be useless to ask for more.

Although he didn't care about the money, he could use this opportunity to gain another reputation for himself.

"Whoever among you is familiar with the auction house can contact them in my name and sell this treasure.

The money raised from the auction can be used to open a witcher school and recruit qualified juniors for free.

There is a long way to go to eliminate demons and defend the way, and I will do my best to make the group of demon hunters grow stronger! "

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, those demon hunters, no matter whether they were sincere or not, all praised and complimented him one after another.

They don't have the courage to donate such a large amount of wealth as soon as they say it, and they only have envy in their hearts.

Of course, Tang Zhen's donation is not a loss. It is estimated that his name will be known to more and more people after today, including ordinary people.

Teaching and educating people is to do good deeds, and the achievements in the present will benefit the future.

Especially for the group of demon hunters, once the students become talented, every one of them will be a dragon and a phoenix among the people.

If there is no Tang Zhen, there will be a heart of gratitude for the future of those students.

At that time, with a wave of Tang Zhen's arms, these future demon hunters will definitely respond positively and obey his command and leadership sincerely.

Let me ask if this kind of situation really arises, who else in the world would dare to oppose Tang Zhen, otherwise it would be making enemies on all sides.

"Since Your Excellency Tang Zhen put forward this suggestion, it is better for you to be the dean of this college. You don't need to stay there all the time, you just need to be named."

A demon hunter rolled his eyes and offered a suggestion, with a hint of flattery in his tone.

"This matter can be discussed later, and Tang will not refuse if necessary."

Tang Zhen can only be regarded as a passer-by in this world, and has no intention of running his own power, so he is not very interested.

If the fifth war zone invades the demon plane, it can save some backup hands, which may be used at any time.

Of course, this possibility is very low. After all, the strength of the demon plane is too suppressed. Although the fifth war zone is full of strong people, it will not easily start such an obviously disadvantageous invasion war.

Using a world master as a king-level monk can only exert one percent of his full strength, which in itself is a bloody business.

If there is any change in the middle, and some master monks are damaged, it will inevitably deal a huge blow to the overall strength of the fifth theater.

So wars don't start unless necessary.

Seeing that Tang Zhen was not very interested in this matter, everyone automatically skipped this matter and talked about other topics instead.

Naturally, most of the discussions among the demon hunters were related to demons. These rumors were bizarre and interesting, but they also aroused Tang Zhen's interest.

Seeing that Tang Zhen listened with gusto, those demon hunters immediately cheered up and told one by one the most bizarre and wonderful rumors in their memory.

Those who spoke were delighted, and those who listened were fascinated, which made the atmosphere of the scene more harmonious and cheerful.

Not long after, officials from the local Demon Hunter Headquarters hurried over. Seeing Tang Zhen surrounded by a group of Demon Hunters, he hurried forward to say hello.

After hearing the news that the Devil's Nest had been cleaned up, the expressions on the faces of these officials were extremely wonderful, and they all felt a little inconceivable.

When talking about the cleanup of the demon nest in the neighboring city just now, they were still lamenting how such a good thing didn't happen to them, but they didn't expect to get the news in a blink of an eye.

Without any hesitation, these officials came straight to the haunted house, ready to take over the Demon Nest from Tang Zhen.

Maybe the points reserved by the headquarters will be exhausted, but it doesn't matter, these points are nothing compared to the value of a devil's nest.

In every city on this plane, there are actually demon hunter headquarters, but they are only called in name, and there is actually only one real headquarters.

Tang Zhen's removal of the devil's nest has attracted the attention of the headquarters, and a group of experts have been dispatched to assist.

It is said that a group of elites were selected and equipped to enter the magic nest and receive a one-month closed special training.

These elites are the real official demon hunters, and all training resources are provided by the official. Compared with casual demon hunters, these official demon hunters have a greater advantage.

Along with these official personnel, there are also those rich people who participated in the auction last time, as well as their cronies and subordinates.

The fact that they didn't get the devil's blood last time made those rich people feel sad, and they felt a kind of depression that they couldn't spend their money.

Hearing that Tang Zhen went to other cities to wipe out the devil's nest, these wealthy people immediately sent people to follow him, hoping that after Tang Zhen succeeded, they could get another blood essence of the devil.

The energy of these rich and powerful people is not small. After arriving in this city, they immediately contacted the official staff of the witcher here.

Hearing that Tang Zhen had successfully wiped out the devil's nest, the richest people were the happiest, and they followed immediately, fearing that they would miss this opportunity.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I don't know if you will still sell the blood essence of demons. As long as you offer a condition, we promise not to refuse."

"Our boss has already rushed here, please His Excellency Tang Zhen, please do yourself a favor and take the time to meet with me."

A group of people surrounded Tang Zhen, scrambling to report their backgrounds, for fear that if they were a step too late, Tang Zhen would not be able to hear what he said.

There are also some people who are more scheming and directly quote the highest price they can give. If Tang Zhen disagrees, they will find another way.

"My master is very sincere and has prepared five vertical take-off and landing passenger planes for His Excellency Tang Zhen, all of which are the latest top-level vehicles developed and produced.

These passenger planes are worth 300 billion, and I only hope to exchange a piece of demon blood with His Excellency Tang Zhen, please don't refuse. "

"Our family owns an island with complete facilities and beautiful scenery. It is an excellent resort. I hope to exchange a piece of demon blood with Your Excellency Tang Zhen."

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I have an antique map in my hand, which marks all the places where there may be a magic nest. It must be of great use to you. You must consider it."

Listening to the conditions offered by those rich men, the demon hunters watching were shocked and envious.It wasn't until this moment that they truly realized the benefits of clearing the Demon Nest.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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