I have a city in another world

Chapter 1891 The Devil’s Harvest

Chapter 1891 Devil's Millennium Harvest

After the person in charge of the city introduced their respective identities, they stepped aside and started talking with other demon hunters.

Judging from their looks, this is obviously to avoid suspicion. It is estimated that he is not qualified to contact the content of the following conversation.

Tang Zhen does not reject these official demon hunters, as long as they don't make trouble for themselves, they can cooperate with each other.

What the other party wants is a peaceful world, and what he wants is the life of a demon, so the foundation of living together is very solid.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen is indeed young and promising. In such a short period of time, he has wiped out two demon lairs in a row. He is really a role model among my demon hunters.

Do you know that because of your incident, the folk demon hunters in other cities were excited and organized one after another, preparing to launch an attack on the nearby demon lair.

Whether they succeed or not, that courage alone deserves a lot of support.

Your Excellency Tang Zhen was able to stir up this pool of stagnant water and make the whole circle active, which is absolutely indispensable! "

The leader of the official demon hunter team is a middle-aged monk, tall and strong, with temples as white as snow, and looks heroic.

Although he looked upright, he still complimented Tang Zhen at this time. As for the sincerity in these words, perhaps only he knew.

"I brought a group of young people here this time, hoping to follow Your Excellency's actions and give them the opportunity to practice in actual combat.

They are all good seedlings, please give you a chance! "

Tang Zhen glanced at the official demon hunters, and saw that they were not very old, and they were looking at him with curiosity and admiration in their eyes.

Compared with those old fritter-like demon hunters, these young people are more pure and can be seen through at a glance.

Although being an official demon hunter has their own pride, these official demon hunters still admire the real strong from the bottom of their hearts.

It should be known that Tang Zhen is the first demon hunter to successfully clear the demon nests in hundreds of years, and he has cleared two in a row.

Such a record made them far behind, so even though Tang Zhen had just become a demon hunter and seemed to be about the same age as them, he still couldn't affect the admiration in his heart.

What's more, based on Tang Zhen's record, if he is willing to become an official demon hunter, he can break the rules and join it at any time, and the position he gets will definitely be much higher than them.

To become an official demon hunter, no one would be an idiot, and no one would easily offend someone like Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen thought for a while, and said to the middle-aged monk: "You can take them with you, but I have to remind you that there are many dangers in the devil's nest, and I can't take care of them all the time.

If there are any casualties, it can only be that you are unlucky and you can't blame others. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's agreement, the middle-aged monk nodded quickly. He was naturally aware of these things.

"Your Majesty Tang Zhen, don't worry, these young people are the elite of the audition, and they practice very hard on weekdays, and each of them has enough practical experience.

Ordinary battles can no longer have a sharpening effect, so I brought them here, hoping to hone and improve themselves in cruel battles, so that they can grow up as soon as possible. "

When the middle-aged monk said this, his face showed a dignified expression.

After sizing up the crowd around him, he whispered to Tang Zhen: "Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I have something to tell you in detail. I wonder if I can find a quiet place?"

"You don't need to change places, you can do it here."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, an invisible energy barrier appeared, completely isolating the two of them from the surrounding space.

The middle-aged monk originally had some differences, but he soon noticed the abnormality. After observing it carefully, his face revealed an expression of shock and admiration.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen really has extraordinary means, I feel ashamed, if that's the case, then I'll just say it straight.

According to the information we have, it may not take long before the demons will start a new harvesting operation

Once the harvest operation starts, the whole world will face a catastrophe, and no one can escape.

The methods of these demons are ferocious and strange, and when the time comes, they will surely be devastated and blood will flow into rivers.

In order to avoid this from happening, the Demon Hunter Headquarters has already made preparations.So as not to be caught off guard when disaster strikes. "

When the middle-aged man said these words, his expression was extremely solemn, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

It was the first time Tang Zhen heard such a statement. He frowned slightly and said to the middle-aged monk, "What's going on specifically? Please explain it clearly to me. It's best not to miss anything?"

The middle-aged monk heard the words and quickly told him the specific situation.

"Your Excellency may not know that in the past thousands of years of history, in fact, every thousand years, the devil will start a harvest.

Every harvesting process is extremely bloody, and after the harvesting is completed, the demon will leave a very small number of people and let them live and multiply again.

In order to prevent future generations from discovering the abnormality, the devil will use various means to erase the traces of the harvest.

Even if the people of the future generations find abnormalities, they will mistakenly think that it is just a natural and man-made disaster, but they don't know that all these are the work of demons! "

When the middle-aged monk said this, his face was full of grief and indignation.

"It can be said that we are all a group of livestock raised by the devil, and when we grow fat, we will let them slaughter!

The title of demon hunter is full of deceit, but we are the real prey! "

The middle-aged monk was extremely indignant, clenched his fists tightly, and his face was slightly distorted.

But when he turned his head to look at Tang Zhen, he found that his face was indifferent, as if he was not shocked by this incident.

Secretly wondering, the middle-aged monk asked subconsciously: "Your Excellency Tang Zhen, do you know the secret of this matter?"

Tang Zhen shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

"Since you don't know, why are you not shocked at all after hearing these secrets?"

The middle-aged monk was really curious, and finding out Tang Zhen's attitude was also one of his tasks this time.

Tang Zhen's strength is obvious to all, and he must be brought into the same camp to realize how terrifying the devil is.

But Tang Zhen's attitude at this time made the middle-aged monk a little confused.

Tang Zhen explained: "Although I don't know the secrets you mentioned, one thing is very clear, that is, the strength of demons far exceeds that of demon hunters.

That being the case, why didn't they kill all the witchers?
The answer is simple, they disdain it, because in their eyes, demon hunters are just a group of ridiculous ants.

It's just that if there are too many ants, the elephant can be killed. A thousand years is enough for a demon hunter to have a certain strength and pose a threat to the demon.

At this time, it is natural to harvest, so as not to raise tigers.

So the target of the catastrophe is not ordinary people, but demon hunters. I don't know if I'm right? "

The middle-aged monk nodded with a wry smile, saying that this is indeed the case and there is nothing to hide.

"The most important point is that as long as you are in this cage, you must accept the domination of the devil.

Even if future generations know the cause and effect and try to avoid the appearance of the demon hunter as much as possible, the demon will destroy this plan.

In the eyes of the devil, the demon hunter is the best food, and the millennium is for breeding and fattening, so this plan is destined not to succeed. "

The middle-aged monk nodded, with admiration in his eyes.

The things Tang Zhen said really happened thousands of years ago, and there are corresponding records in the precious materials collected by the Demon Hunters Guild.

It's just that ordinary people can't see these secret volumes at all, and Tang Zhen certainly hasn't read them. What he said at this time is completely obtained through his own analysis.

With such a cultivation level and a vision that can see through the fog, if Tang Zhen is an official demon hunter, he will definitely be the focus of training.

Although he intends to recruit him, the middle-aged monk can only regretfully give up this idea when he thinks about Tang Zhen's strength and the capital he possesses.

Why try something that is destined to fail, if it arouses Tang Zhen's resentment, the loss outweighs the gain.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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