I have a city in another world

Chapter 1893 You are a devil!

Chapter 1893 You are a devil!

Seeing that Tang Zhen didn't show any signs of fear, the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth was slightly suppressed, and her eyes became cold and stern.

"Tang Zhen, I don't care what your background is, killing two demon lair masters has already made you a public enemy of demons.

To tell you the truth, no matter where you go in the future, you will face constant pursuit!

If you are smart, take the initiative to commit suicide and make amends, and maybe you can suffer less torture.

Otherwise, I have countless ways to make your life worse than death! "

Facing the woman's threat, Tang Zhen just smiled disdainfully, and at the same time shook his hands gently at the unconscious Qi Gu Xiaoyu.

The door of the bedroom opened suddenly, and then it seemed as if they were pulling their bodies invisible, and dragged them directly into the house.


The door closed with a muffled sound, and at the same time a rune circle appeared on the door, completely isolating the two rooms.

"You are quite concerned about your two servants, but this is of no use. After killing you, I have a lot of time to slowly clean up the two of them."

When the woman said this, she stuck out her tongue and licked the corner of her lips, showing a cruel smile.

"Don't worry, you will never have this opportunity."

As soon as Tang Zhen's voice fell, the woman on the opposite side made a sudden move, and her hair was like a black waterfall, sweeping towards Tang Zhen.

On the ends of these black hairs, there were actually human head-shaped things, with their mouths wide open at this time, making ear-piercing screams.

The screeching came into the ears, and it was really like a magic sound pouring into the brain, making people's consciousness go blank.

When the enemy loses his mind, the hair is like a poisonous snake, burrowing into the body through the pores of the seven orifices, sucking the essence and blood of the attacked.

The seemingly simple method has extremely high killing efficiency, and those who are not as strong as women will be killed in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the moment these hairs approached Tang Zhen, a layer of white flame rose from Tang Zhen's body and came into contact with those hairs.

The burnt smell permeated, and at the same time there were bursts of screams, and those hairs that came into contact with the flames instantly turned to ashes.

The hair that followed seemed to have a sense of wisdom, shrinking and dodging crazily, but even so, there were still many strands of hair curled up in smoke.

The woman's face was full of heartache, and her pretty face was instantly distorted like a ghost, and she grabbed Tang Zhen and pulled it out.

Her nails were as black as ink, and they continued to grow at this moment. They were covered with naturally formed runes, and there was dark green smoke floating around.

The smoke is highly poisonous, and if you inhale it, you will die. The nails are also extremely poisonous, and the flesh and blood will rot into pus and blood in an instant after touching it.

"Tang Zhen, you are going to die!"

The woman roared viciously, but she looked a little embarrassed.

Her hair, which was originally like brocade, became extremely ugly at this moment. Not only were many places burnt and bald, but the rest of her hair was even clinging to her scalp, hiding behind her head.

It seemed that he was extremely afraid of Tang Zhen in front of him.

This kind of hair is by no means ordinary, and it is not easy to cultivate. A young woman's hair must be plucked, then coated with secret medicine and tortured in various ways.

After the woman was tortured to death, she painted a rune circle on the body, and finally resentment came out of her head, condensing into a long black hair.

Then the woman plucked the long hair, transplanted it to the top of her head, and fed it with blood essence.

So a long hair on her head means a human life, and the number of young women who died in her hands has already exceeded [-]!
But as soon as they fought, Tang Zhen ruined one-third of the woman's hair. When she felt sad, she hated Tang Zhen even more.

"If you only have these methods, then you can die!"

Seeing the black nails coming straight towards him, Tang Zhen snorted coldly, and at the same time turned his palm into a knife, sweeping away with ten nails.

There was a sound of gold and iron colliding, and the woman's complexion changed drastically, and then her nails were shattered and scattered on the floor of the room.

"You... dammit!"

Seeing that her two sharpest attack methods were cracked and destroyed, the woman was so angry that her eyes became more and more wary.

Originally, she thought that Tang Zhen was just a lucky guy with exceptional talent who had killed two demons by chance, but his real strength was not that strong.

It is a fact that demon hunters have no background. They are harvested once in a thousand years, so what can be preserved?

In a world controlled by demons, it is impossible for demon hunters who are too heaven-defying to appear. Once their cultivation level reaches a certain level, they will be punished by the heavens and completely destroyed.

This is a prohibition curse on demon hunters, a method at the level of the Creator, and it cannot be easily broken.

Special characters like Tang Zhen often appeared hundreds of years ago, and they occasionally performed feats of beheading demons.

But this kind of people are short-lived, and they will die due to various reasons in a short time, and the black hands behind the scenes are naturally those hidden demons.

The devil does not allow this kind of genius to grow up and pose a greater threat to itself, so after they show their extraordinary side, they will use all means to snipe and kill them.

Such genius is also the favorite food of demons, and after devouring it, they will also get great benefits.

As for how many demons died, it was nothing at all. It must be known that there was killing competition between demons, and the number of demons who died at the hands of demon hunters was not even a fraction of the number of deaths from internal fighting.

So when they heard about Tang Zhen, some demons immediately moved their minds and made Tang Zhen their hunting target.

This woman is a demon from a nearby demon lair. After learning about Tang Zhen's movements, she immediately came and tried to kill him.

Although Tang Zhen had already killed two demons in a row, the woman was extremely confident in her own strength, and she was sure that Tang Zhen would not be her opponent.

But at this moment, she no longer had such thoughts, and even faintly felt a trace of regret in her heart.

"Perhaps we should observe for a period of time before choosing to make a move, otherwise we wouldn't be so embarrassed."

But she forgot that she was so impatient earlier that she was afraid that she would be one step too late and Tang Zhen would become someone else's prey.

Unexpectedly, this trip not only didn't make any money, but also caused him a great loss. Even if Tang Zhen was killed and devoured, it might not be able to make up for this loss.

At the same time, a terrible thought also rose in the woman's heart. If she was not careful, she might be the one who died here.

After this thought popped up in her mind, she became irresistible and made the woman even more flustered.

No, you must use all your strength to kill Tang Zhen as soon as possible!
A scream came from the woman's mouth, and then her beautiful body changed suddenly, her legs were bent like lamb legs, and her face became more and more alluring.

It's just that her eyes were emitting dark green flames, her whole body was surrounded by black air, and she was holding a whip covered with tiny palms in her hand.

When the female demon waved, those palms with sharp nails kept scratching, as if venting deep-seated hatred.

"Tang Zhen, go to hell!"

The female demon whipped out a whip and went straight to Tang Zhen to whip it away, and at the same time raised her hand and threw out a black and green mist-wrapped ball.

The ball exploded, and the whole room was shrouded in thick mist, and everything rotted into mud in an instant.

In the mist, the sharp claws on the whip were stained with mucus, winding towards Tang Zhen.

Once entangled in the whip, those sharp claws will scratch wildly, tearing the enemy to pieces.

Moreover, these sharp claws are calcined with Yin fire, so even if they come into contact with white flames, they will not be affected for a short time.

Unexpectedly, when the whip touched Tang Zhen, a red mist gushed out of his body, rushing towards the whip like a living thing.

"You are... a demon!"

The female demon was like a frightened wild cat, she let out a scream, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Then she immediately realized what was going on, dropped the whip without hesitation, turned around and was about to flee.

At this moment, there is only one thought in her mind, that is, she has been involved in a conspiracy. This Tang Zhen, disguised by a demon, is definitely hunting down demons to improve his strength.

The identity of a demon hunter is just his disguise, used to confuse other demons, and walk around the world openly.

"Damn bastard, if I had known this earlier, even if I was killed, I wouldn't be in this muddy water!"

To dare to hunt and kill demons so arrogantly, one is either a strong man with amazing strength, or a paranoid lunatic who wants to die.

From the female devil's point of view, Tang Zhen was obviously the former, and she didn't want to entangle her any longer.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she felt her tail being grabbed by a big hand, making her body tremble uncontrollably.

That is her sensitive area, and it is not easy for people to touch it, but at this moment, she has no mood to care about that feeling.

Just because at this moment, a cold voice entered her ears.

"Knowing my true identity and wanting to leave alive, do you think it's possible?"

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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