I have a city in another world

Chapter 1904 Preaching

Chapter 1904 Preaching
After the war in the northern wild swamp, the demon hunters took the transport plane and returned to the city where they started.

On the way back, the weather was calm and there were no demons attacking them, which disappointed the demon hunters a little.

The scene of Tang Zhen fighting the demons is actually of great benefit to the demon hunters, which can be encountered but not sought after.

Although they couldn't do Tang Zhen's ease due to their limited strength, they could feel his aura and improve their state of mind.

Only with the mentality of the strong can we pursue a higher realm without fear of difficulties and obstacles.

At this time, Tang Zhen had already become a benchmark in the hearts of demon hunters, or a spiritual belief.

It is also because of his appearance that the demon hunter has a clear view of the way ahead and knows what attitude he should take to face the future.

When you go, you are in a hurry like the wind, but when you come back, you are full of honor.

The airport was full of demon hunters who came from all over the place, their faces full of anticipation, just to be able to witness the scene when the hero returns.

Now in the headquarters of the demon hunters in major cities, there are two videos playing all the time, and the main characters in them are Tang Zhen.

The first video, of course, is the scene where he confronts the flying monster in the air and slays the ghost in the cave.

In the circle of demon hunters, the name of the ghost in the cave is very famous, because this guy has killed and plundered more than once, and he especially likes to kill demon hunters.

According to incomplete statistics, in the past hundred years, the number of demon hunters who died at its hands has already exceeded a thousand.

For the demon hunters, the ghosts in the Heavenly Cave are their life and death enemies, and now being beheaded by Tang Zhen with a single knife is naturally very satisfying!

As for the second video, it is the whole process of Tang Zhen leading the demon hunters to attack the northern wilderness swamp and finally kill the demon.

After professional processing and rendering, the whole battle process is extremely thrilling and intense, and the blood boils with enthusiasm when watching it.

The video caused a sensation, and the demon hunters watched it over and over again, their expressions fascinated.

Recently, Tang Zhen's reputation has become more and more famous, and it has reached the point where no one knows it.

However, it is still difficult to convince all the demon hunters based on rumors alone. They believe in what they see with their eyes.

Suppressing demon nests in a row, beheading demons is like chopping melons and vegetables, this kind of thing sounds too unreal.

They can't do it themselves, and they don't believe that others can do it, or do it so easily.

It's just that after seeing the video in front of him, all doubts disappeared, because the demon hunter actually saw Tang Zhen's performance.

It wasn't until now that they realized that a demon hunter could be so powerful, and he wasn't vulnerable to demons as he had imagined.

There are also some demon hunters who are full of emotion, wishing to take their place and enjoy this much-anticipated glory.

The demon hunter who followed to clear the demon's nest also received attention.

In the eyes of those audiences, these demon hunters were not much stronger than themselves, but more brave and fearless.

When they were doing nothing, they were already on the front line against demons, worthy of their title of demon hunters.

Whether it is for fame and fortune, or for the righteousness in the heart, such warriors are worthy of respect.

After deliberate official publicity, Tang Zhen and the demon hunters who followed him have become completely popular, and many admirers have grown overnight.

If there are stars among the group of demon hunters, Tang Zhen and his followers are well-deserved superstars.

The moment they stepped off the transport plane, they immediately saw a large number of demon hunters looking at them eagerly.

"All the demon hunters in Baiyun City, welcome back from Tang Zhenge's download!"

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, I want to follow you, please don't refuse!"

"Heroes, you have worked hard!"

Cheers and shouts were endless, and the demon hunters completely abandoned their previous restraint, and expressed their joy at this moment.

The demon hunters who followed Tang Zhen were stunned. They had never enjoyed such treatment before. They were very excited and waved to the crowd frequently.

The more they were like this, the more intense the response from the crowd, and the cheers went straight to the sky.

After a brief stay at the airport, everyone went to the official resting place, a private estate on the outskirts of the city.

The surroundings of this manor have been closely monitored, and the identity must be verified before they are allowed to enter.

The demon hunters who participated in the elimination of the demon tide all lived here, racing against time to digest their gains from this battle, and seized the time to improve their strength.

Tang Zhen also specially chose the time to teach these demon hunters cultivation skills and help them answer their questions.

On the day of the lecture, the huge venue was almost full.

Not only were all the demon hunters who followed him present, but there were also many demon hunters who asked for connections everywhere, and it took a lot of effort to get the admission ticket.

There is no age in learning, and those who are masters come first. The demon hunters really don't want to miss Tang Zhen's preaching and teaching.

Tang Zhen's move was also helpless. In his eyes, the training system of the demon hunter was full of loopholes.

Since he followed himself, he had to have the strength to show it, and this was also a benefit he gave to those followers.

In terms of practicing skills, the demon hunter is actually full of helplessness.

Because of the devil's deliberate suppression, the path of cultivation for the demon hunters is extremely difficult, and they simply do not have the ability to perfect and fill in the loopholes in their cultivation techniques.

In the devil's harvest again and again, it is actually quite difficult to be able to pick up the legacy of the previous generation to achieve the current level.

The appearance of Tang Zhen completely broke this situation and turned things around.

From the perspective of a strong world lord, he reorganized the training system of the demon hunter and created a new training method.

Although it was just done casually, the effect was astonishingly good. To describe it in a word that is no exaggeration, it is that shit turns into gold!

So when the lecture started, Tang Zhen shocked the audience in just a few minutes.

The demon hunters were stunned, feeling their brains went blank, as if they had been hit with a sledgehammer.

It turns out that the things I cultivated can be understood in this way, which is simply unbelievable, but wonderful.

For a moment, a needle could be heard in the venue, only Tang Zhen's voice kept echoing.

The demon hunters listened to Tang Zhen's explanation with fascination, and many subconsciously practiced according to the method he said, in public.

It didn't take long for a shocking scene to happen.

One after another, the demon hunters experienced abnormalities. Before everyone realized what happened, they felt a strong energy fluctuation.

"This is... a promotion!"

Demon hunters were no strangers to such a scene, but what shocked them was that at this moment, not one or two were promoted, but hundreds of people!
Without exception, these people were all demon hunters who followed Tang Zhen to clear the demon nest and were stuck in the door for many years.

Hundreds of people advance at the same time, which is definitely a wonderful scene, and it has been extremely rare since ancient times.

The onlookers have never imagined in their dreams, but they can witness such a scene with their own eyes, and the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

While being shocked, they were also extremely excited. Anyone could have imagined that the abnormality at this moment was caused by Tang Zhen's teaching.

"The things taught by Your Excellency Tang Zhen are so exquisite!"

The demon hunters were full of surprises and listened intently, for fear of missing anything.

In the following process, there are still people who can't help but practice on the spot. It seems that the shackles of many years no longer exist, and promotion is as natural as drinking water.

After the explanation was over, more than half of the monks at the scene had all been promoted to a higher realm.

As for the remaining half of the monks, they are also at the level of breaking through, and it will not take long before they will also break through the current state.

When Tang Zhen got up to leave, all the demon hunters present stood up and saluted him respectfully.

Long after Tang Zhen left, these demon hunters left each other reluctantly with expressions of emotion on their faces.

When the middle-aged monk representing the government found Tang Zhen, his face was full of uncontrollable excitement. The way he looked at Tang Zhen was completely different from the past.

There was awe and gratitude in those eyes, and there was even a trace of crystal clearness in his eyes, which showed that his mood was extremely restless.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, can the content you explained just now be recorded into a video, so that demon hunters can learn from it."

The middle-aged monk knew very well that what Tang Zhen explained was of great value to demon hunters, and it was no different from a book of magical skills.

As long as he cultivates in this way, the strength of the demon hunter will be improved rapidly in a short period of time.

This has an inestimable effect on dealing with the millennium catastrophe.

Even though Tang Zhen had already killed four demons, his feats were unparalleled in the world, but compared with the skills he taught, there was still a big gap.

(End of this chapter)

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