I have a city in another world

Chapter 1909 Many Temptations

Chapter 1909 Many Temptations
Tang Zhen's method of arranging the rune circle was concise and quick, and his every move was natural, as if with a certain rhythm.

Before Sister Mei saw clearly what was going on, a rune circle had already been arranged and gradually disappeared in front of her eyes.

If you don't look carefully.There is no way to discover its existence, everything is natural.

"Master, what's going on here?"

Sister Mei was dazzled, and the questions in her mind popped out one after another. It was only at this moment that she realized how ignorant she was.

It's ridiculous that I used to be self-righteous and always felt that I had some strength, but now that I think about it, it's extremely ridiculous.

The reason why it was smooth sailing in the past.If he hadn't met a truly powerful opponent, otherwise his life would have been lost.

Now follow Tang Zhen.Almost with the entire group of demons.If you don't improve your strength quickly.I'm afraid I can't even protect myself.

An idea of ​​urgently improving strength.In sister Mei's heart spontaneously.And very urgent.

There is a best opportunity in front of you.Just learn how to arrange the rune circle.His fighting power will increase exponentially.

Although he was determined to study, seeing Tang Zhen's concentration, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

When people are concentrating on something, they are the most annoying to be disturbed by others. Naturally, Sister Mei is also afraid of affecting Tang Zhen.

If she is that kind of violent devil, calm and modest, it is just his appearance.That's the scariest thing.

Once it breaks out.It will definitely be a terrible disaster.

After Tang Zhen finished arranging the rune circle, Sister Mei dared to ask.

Tang Zhen seemed to be in a good mood, and patiently answered all Sister Mei's inquiries.

"The so-called rune array is actually a way of using the energy of the heavens and the earth. Each rune has a different effect. Through the combination of runes and the appropriate energy circuit link, the weather energy can be used and controlled more effectively.

To use an analogy, each group of runes alone can spark a flame, and if multiple groups of runes are combined, it will be a raging fire.

However, under the effect of the rune circle, after a group of raging fire is activated, it can erupt with energy comparable to a volcanic eruption.

It is precisely because of the terrifying nature of this energy that you must not operate it randomly. If you are not careful at all, you may set yourself on fire..."

Tang Zhen did not directly teach Sister Mei how to arrange the rune circle, but started from the most basic knowledge, with a focused and serious tone.

Although it is more troublesome to do so, the benefits are more obvious. At least after Tang Zhen's narration, Sister Mei has a deeper understanding of the rune circle.

After hearing Tang Zhen's narration, the scattered knowledge she had originally obtained from various sources was immediately integrated, which gave her a feeling of enlightenment.

There are completely two concepts between being taught by a famous teacher and groping around on one's own during the cultivation process.

No matter how intelligent a person's talent is, it cannot compare to the accumulation and inheritance of group wisdom. The stronger the cultivation civilization, the more important it is for inheritance.

For example, in the world of Loucheng, because of the existence of the cornerstone platform, monks in Loucheng can practice smoothly all the way, and never need to worry about basic resources.

The welfare of residents in Loucheng allows monks in Loucheng to cultivate with more peace of mind, and the existence of plane invasion wars allows monks in Loucheng to continue to improve their strength and have a broader vision at the same time.

From the most basic time, monk Loucheng has embarked on a road of gradually becoming stronger, and it is by no means a lie that everyone is like a dragon.

It is for this reason that the Loucheng world will rise from thousands of planes and become stronger and stronger.

In the demon plane, the demon who is the controller does not have this habit, and he doesn't care about inheritance.

What I have obtained by my own ability, I should give it to others. If someone uses it against me, I will regret it.

Therefore, in the demon plane, it is definitely quite rare to be taught seriously by a strong person.

It has to be said that Sister Mei is quite talented, and the questions she asks are all key points, and Tang Zhen's answers are easy to understand.

It can be said that it is very easy to teach such students.

After Tang Zhen answered all the questions, Sister Mei took three steps back, saluted and thanked him with a solemn and serious expression.

At this moment, this female devil who had killed countless people actually had a sacred aura on her body, which was incompatible with her original devilish temperament.

In fact, becoming a Buddha and becoming a demon is only a matter of one thought. If a demon changes his behavior style, he might not be able to save all living beings.

This is a master-student ceremony, no matter whether Tang Zhen accepts it or not, Sister Mei must express it.

Facing Sister Mei's worship, Tang Zhen did not dodge, but accepted it calmly.

A light flashed in Sister Mei's eyes, and Tang Zhen didn't refuse, which also made her feel a burst of joy in her heart.

"I see that your comprehension is good, if you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask boldly, and I will try my best to teach you.

If I'm not here, you will host the rune circle of this magic nest, so don't let me down. "

Hearing that Tang Zhen was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, Sister Mei quickly expressed her loyalty and promised that she would not let Tang Zhen down.

"Okay, there are still a lot of learning opportunities in the future, so you can watch carefully from the side."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he continued to walk forward, and Sister Mei quickly followed behind.

After the first rune array was set up, Tang Zhen activated it, and then a translucent barrier blocked the passage.

For monks, the rune circle is like a fighting machine, like a mortal facing a deadly mechanical device.

Unless the rune circle is cracked, it is impossible to enter it at all, otherwise it will be counterattacked.

This is the first restriction set by Tang Zhen. When the devil enters the cave, he can see the restriction and the treasures behind it at a glance.

Afterwards, the two set up a second restriction. Compared with the first trap, the level of treasures here is higher.

The precious light soared into the sky, illuminating the brilliance of the cave wall, making people dazzled.

These treasures can be seen across the first barrier, causing a strong visual impact, making the witnesses unable to stop.

In addition to the rune circles used to prevent outsiders from entering, Tang Zhen also arranged some offensive rune circles, each of which was weird and vicious, making it hard to guard against.

Once someone wants to touch these treasures, he will definitely lose his life here, the more recklessly he will die the sooner.

These attack methods are extremely necessary, otherwise, how could there be no protective measures around a lot of treasures, which would inevitably attract people's suspicion?
On the contrary, the more dangerous the restriction and the more difficult the process of obtaining the treasure, the more real it will appear, and the more it will arouse the greed of the devil.

The prohibitions used to protect treasures in the front are so strong, the latter must be more powerful, and the treasures inside must be more precious.

When the last restriction is really opened, what awaits them will be a real dead end with no return!

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Book Friends 161230210706931", "Uncle's Book" and "Tianyue" for their rewards. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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