Chapter 1921

The demon lord holding the saber was naturally pretended by Tang Zhen. The purpose of challenging the Heisha demon lord was also to attract everyone's attention.

Otherwise, under such circumstances, he would have no way to find a suitable reason to lure all these demons into the trap.

A single Heisha Demon Lord cannot satisfy his appetite, so naturally he wants to destroy this guy's plan.

In fact, with the sword in hand alone, it is really impossible to fight against a Demon Lord. If another Demon Lord fights against him, he may have already been killed by the Heisha Demon Lord.

It's just that in that way, Tang Zhen's desired effect could not be achieved, so he had to act in this scene himself, deliberately highlighting the power of the sword.

If Tang Zhen really wanted to kill the Heisha Demon Lord, there would be no need for such trouble. Perhaps the moment the two sides fought, the Heisha Demon Lord had already been killed by the sword.

After the previous performance, the Demon Lord Heisha and all the demon masters were obviously attracted by Tang Zhen's words.

They stared at Tang Zhen intently, wanting to know what he was going to do?

"I know the loopholes in the rune circle, and I used this method to obtain the magic weapon in my hand.

If you want to get more treasures, you must work together, so that you can take out all the treasures in the magic nest.

So my suggestion is that everyone cooperate temporarily and distribute the treasures reasonably after getting them, so as not to waste time and get nothing in the end. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, Heisha Demon Lord nodded, which coincided with its guess.

The sword-wielding demon lord in front of him really knew how to obtain the treasure, and the reason why he disclosed the secret at this time must be due to the pressure of the situation.

As I said before, there is not much time left for them. Once the other demon kings arrive, everyone may really get nothing.

The other demon masters nodded at the same time.Apparently they think the same way.

Having said that, the Heisha Demon Lord is still vigilant, so as not to be tricked by the other party.

"Oh, you are so kind, why do I feel a little unreliable?"

Heisha raised a question and wanted to see how Tang Zhen would answer.

"It's all up to you whether you believe it or not, at least now I have gained something, even if I don't get more, I can't lose much.

At the same time, I have another requirement, that is, after I get the treasure, I must get [-]% of it.

As for how to distribute the rest, it is up to you to discuss and decide on your own, and I will not participate. "

If Tang Zhen didn't mention this point, those demons might still be skeptical, but when he proposed the conditions for sharing, those demons took it for granted.

If you are not selfish and try to think of your own interests, then you are not a qualified demon.

"In this case, then I will trust you once, but tell me, how should we cooperate with you?"

The words of Heisha Demon Lord mean that it has accepted Tang Zhen's suggestion.

Looking at the current situation, only it has the highest strength, and there are fifty demon guards under it, with undisputed decision-making power.

As for the other Demon Lords, whether they are willing to participate is not considered at all.

If Tang Zhen didn't ask them to participate, the first thing Heisha Demon Lord would do would be to kick them away.

None of the demon lords present was an idiot, so they could naturally think of this, so the way they looked at Tang Zhen began to become more complicated.

Previously, they were thinking of plotting against Tang Zhen, but in the blink of an eye, because of Tang Zhen, they were able to participate in the exploration of the Demon's Nest, and they might even share the treasures in the Demon's Nest.

The situation is changing so quickly that people are caught off guard.

"It's not too late, it's up to you to preside over it now, and crack the rune circle of the Demon Nest.

Don't lie to me, otherwise no matter what price you pay, I will wipe you out! "

Having said this, Heisha Demon Lord stretched out his hand to gently wipe his wound, and then saw the battle armor on its body squirm a few times, and the original damage was instantly healed.

It seems that the injury caused by Tang Zhen just now has been healed instantly by it, without any effect on the body.

Not as clear as Tang Zhen, the Heisha Demon Lord was just trying to cover up his injuries for the sake of face.

What healed was only the battle armor, the wounds on the body still existed at this moment, but outsiders couldn't see it.

Under the watchful eyes of all around, Tang Zhen walked towards the Demon Nest with a saber in his hand.

When passing by the Heisha Demon Lord and its demon guards, Tang Zhen could clearly feel the eyes full of murderous intent falling on him.

Obviously, it is impossible for him to let go of the matter of severely injuring the Heisha Demon Lord. When the treasure is taken out, it may be the moment when both sides tear their skins apart.

As for this moment, they still need to cooperate with each other, so they can only forcibly hold back the killing intent in their hearts.

Seeing this, the other demon masters who were watching followed in one after another. Although they knew that doing so would be risky, they were still willing to take the risk.

Heisha Demon Lord snorted coldly, followed at the end of the team, and walked in with his demon guards.

The huge devil's nest was once again overcrowded.

Although the floor was full of gold, silver and jewels, and there were scattered magic crystals, no one cared about it at all, and all eyes were focused on the cave ahead.

Looking at the handfuls of floating magical weapons, an unconcealable greed flashed in Heisha Demon Lord's eyes, and then turned to look at Tang Zhen.

"Quickly, how can we crack the rune circle and obtain the treasure inside?"

There was a hint of urgency in his tone, as long as it could get the magic soldiers here, even if other demon kings tried to snatch them, they would definitely not be able to do so.

The power of the saber in Tang Zhen's hand has been experienced by Heisha Demon Lord himself, so he naturally understands how much it will help him improve his strength.

"In this rune circle, there is a folding space connected, and behind it is the real devil's nest cave.

In the folded space, there is a precious magic sword, and any intruders will be attacked, and if they forcefully break in, they will die without a whole body.

There are two ways to crack it. The first one is to gather the strength of everyone present, attack the weak point of the rune magic circle, and destroy it directly.

It's just that if that happens, the treasure-protecting demon sword will come out of trouble. This kind of treasure is bloodthirsty in nature, and it is also a rare magic weapon.

At that time, we will definitely become the target of the magic sword. If we are unlucky, no one present will be able to escape. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, Heisha Demon Lord frowned, feeling that this method was unreliable.

Since this treasure-protecting demon sword is out of control, it can easily injure itself. Even if it can resist the attack, its own demon guard may not be able to dodge it.

Cultivating these demon guards consumed almost all of Heisha Demon Monarch's possessions. It was his capital for dominance, and it was absolutely impossible to lose it easily.

"Everything must be under control, so your method will definitely not work. Is there any other way?"

At this point, Demon Lord Heisha glanced at the saber in Tang Zhen's hand, and asked in a gloomy tone: "Since you have already obtained a saber, why didn't you use the method you just did, maybe it would be safer?"

Tang Zhen shook his head and said in a slightly regretful tone: "If my method was still useful, I would have taken away all the treasures long ago. How could it be your turn?
My method can only be used once, and it cannot be copied, so you should stop wishful thinking. "

Heisha Demon Lord didn't seem to care about the sarcasm in Tang Zhen's tone, but asked again: "Then besides breaking the formation violently, is there any other way?"

Tang Zhen nodded, glanced at the demons present, and raised his voice slightly: "Since we can't break through the formation violently, then we will join the formation together. As long as we survive the attack of the treasure-protecting demon sword, we can successfully enter the demon lair , take away the treasure inside.

I know the specific route, and I can guarantee that you will not be trapped in the rune circle. Of course, the premise is that you have the courage to try! "

Heisha Demon Lord ignored Tang Zhen's provocation, but frowned and thought for a while, and then asked in a puzzled tone: "I just want to know now, why do you know these secrets?"

Tang Zhen seemed to have expected that Heisha Demon Lord would ask such a question, so he raised his hand and took out a jade tablet, and showed it to everyone.

"This is a jade slip that I accidentally obtained in my early years. It contains various information about an ancient demon lair, but the specific location is not marked.

However, after I arrived at this devil's nest, I realized that many things here were exactly the same as those recorded in the jade slips. "

When Tang Zhen said this, he kept silent. The meaning he wanted to express was already clear to all the demons.

Obviously he was very lucky, and the jade slip he got contained information about this ancient demon lair.

That's why he took action quietly when everyone was blocked by the rune circle, and obtained a weapon in a special way.

Regardless of whether what Tang Zhen said was true or not, but with the jade slip, the credibility has increased a lot again.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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