I have a city in another world

Chapter 1926 Gu Refining Demon Nest

Chapter 1926 Gu Refining Demon Nest
Looking at the scene in front of him, Heisha fell into deep thought.

It seemed to understand Tang Zhen's plan, and it clearly wanted to use similar means to lure all the demons involved in the treasure hunt into the devil's nest.

I am just the first wave, and more demons will be bewitched later, and then introduced into this demon nest.

It's not easy to get in, you need Tang Zhen to guide you, if you want to go out, you can't find anyone to guide you.

The end of rushing out indiscriminately can only be killed by the treasure-protecting magic sword and turned into a pile of minced meat.

What's more, who would be willing to leave before the treasure is in hand?
Heisha Demon Monarch felt chills in his heart, perhaps from the moment he entered this demon lair, he could not get out.

The only thing it doesn't understand is, what is Tang Zhen's purpose in doing this? Is it to let a group of demons compete for the treasure and kill each other to the death?
If this is the case, what good is it for him? Could it be possible that he can still get the fisherman's benefit in the end?
If you think about it carefully, you will know that this is simply impossible. How dare he, a little devil, covet a treasure that even a group of devils can't get?
The Demon Lord Heisha couldn't figure it out, so he could only hold back his temper and wait and see the development of the situation.

It would never have dreamed that the devil's nest it was in, and the treasures that made them crazy, were actually placed by Tang Zhen.

What it didn't expect was that this fragrant bait was placed to catch big fish. As for a demon like it, it can only be regarded as a small fish and shrimp at best.

In the following time, Heisha Demon Lord and other demons watched Tang Zhen repeat his old tricks through the barrier.

He led a group of demons into the rune circle, and walked through the rune circle like a leisurely stroll, and then some demons couldn't help tempting to steal the treasure, which led to the pursuit of the treasure-protecting demon sword.

During the whole leading process, those later demons didn't realize at all that a group of demons had already entered the depths of the demon's nest before.

"This bastard, how many people do you want to bring in?"

A demon lord scolded angrily, and at the same time waved his hands and shouted loudly, telling those demons not to come in.

As a result, he yelled for a long time, but there was no response from the other side, which made the demon lords very annoyed.

Obviously, the inside and outside of the cave have been completely separated into two worlds. No matter how angry they are, it is of no avail.

After witnessing this whole scene, the demons, including the Demon Lord Heisha, felt helpless from the bottom of their hearts.

Things are already moving towards the worst situation, presumably it won't be long before those demons will break out and grab things with them.

"No matter how many, before the competitors come in, we must get the treasures here!
If it can't be done, you guys will definitely die, and I don't even need to do it myself. "

The Heisha demon lord let out a low growl, regardless of whether the demon lords believed it or not, they had already made up their minds.

Absolutely don't pay attention to those later competitors, but go to the front of those magic soldiers, ready to try to crack them with violent means.

If you can't succeed, maybe you have to find another way, in short, you can't make others cheaper.

What I can't get, other demons can't get it either.

About half an hour later, another group of demons broke in and collided head-on with Demon Lord Heisha.

Seeing that there were treasures everywhere, and that someone had already arrived first, the demons who came later couldn't help but start to snatch them.

Demon Lord Heisha and other demons are in unspeakable suffering. They have been busy for half a day, but they only got a few treasures of low value.

As for the magic weapon they are bound to obtain, they have not yet obtained it.

Those who were beaten wanted to explain, but in this situation, how could the demons care about them, anyway, beat them first.

There are more wolves than meat, they are eager to enjoy these treasures to themselves, and naturally hope to kill more competitors.

The fight lasted for a long time, and finally stopped when there were corpses all over the place.

The ones who survived in the end are naturally the strong ones. If it still continues to fight at this time, it may not be able to guarantee its own survival.

In this case, the demons will rationally choose to temporarily stop fighting, and instead find a way to break the rune circle.

It's a pity that they will never know that with their clumsy means, even if it takes ten or eight years, it is impossible to untie the rune circle.

This is something arranged by Tang Zhen himself. With his strength as a world lord and powerhouse, the purpose is to delay time. How could it be possible for those demons to easily crack it?
In the following time, there will inevitably be an inevitable outbreak of competition and fighting between the first entrants and the late entrants.

In the process of killing and eliminating, the remaining survivors will become stronger and stronger. If they cooperate together, they may enter the core area of ​​the Demon Nest.

But what awaits them at that time will be even more terrifying things, even with their strength, they may not be able to retreat unscathed.

Wanting to take away the treasure is nothing more than a dream, Tang Zhen can't let them take these things away easily.

If it is a strong person at the level of Linghuang and World Lord, it is possible to enter it, but when that time comes, Tang Zhen will definitely not sit idly by.

In this process similar to refining Gu, as many demons come in, as many will die, and no one can escape.


The transparent barrier of the rune magic circle separated automatically, and Tang Zhen's figure slowly appeared, entering a hidden area of ​​the magic nest.

This area looks like the abdominal cavity of a creature, covered with things like blood vessel meridians, and the extended capillaries penetrate deeply into the ground.

Things related to demons are always full of evil breath.

The extended capillaries spread all over the demon's nest. After those demons were killed, their flesh and blood would be absorbed by these blood vessels and transported to this area.

Tang Zhen walked to the very center, where there was something similar to a heart, which was actually a magical plant left over from ancient times.

After Tang Zhen found it and modified it, it happened to be used to absorb the blood essence of the slain demon, and after it was gathered together, he refined and absorbed it himself.

The fighting demons never expected that Tang Zhen's purpose of attracting them here was to make them fight and fight out of greed.

The more fiercely they fought, the more benefits Tang Zhen would gain, otherwise his arrangements would have been in vain.

He stretched out his hand and patted the beating heart, and then heard a sound like running water, and it seemed to be filled with liquid.

Tang Zhen smiled, stretched out his hand and slowly pressed on the beating heart. It didn't take long for the blood inside to be refined.

This is just the first wave of harvest, and in the coming time, more demon blood essence will be absorbed and refined by him.

When this devil's lair attracts higher enemies, Tang Zhen's strength suppressed by the laws of the plane can also be restored to a certain extent.

At that time, even if a demon at the level of the world master comes, he is sure to kill the opponent. Even if he can't kill him, at least there is no problem with self-protection.

That was the real harvest season. By the time the Creator level powerhouses noticed him, Tang Zhen had completed his plan and temporarily withdrew from the demon world.

Although the resources of the demon world are very rich, the laws of the plane are very suppressed. For Tang Zhen at this time, he is still a very powerful opponent, and it is not easy to launch an invasion easily.

What's more, his purpose of coming to the demon plane is only to improve his own strength, and then seek the Creator World.

As long as this plan is successful, the Holy Dragon War Zone may no longer need to worry about resources, and it will be up to Tang Zhen whether to invade the demon plane or not.

(End of this chapter)

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