I have a city in another world

Chapter 1928 The Devil Emperor Must Die

Chapter 1928 The Devil Emperor Must Die

When such a major event occurs, it will definitely get the attention of the four parties, and it is impossible to hide the secret.

It didn't take long for the news of the gathering of demons to spread, making a group of demon hunters restless.

Just being the master of the devil's nest would make their scalps tingle, and they would avoid them if they were afraid.

Before Tang Zhen appeared, the demon lord was synonymous with invincibility. It was not until he killed demons one after another that the demon hunter realized that the demon lord was not invincible.

They were very excited and began to actively gather with Tang Zhen, preparing to participate in the great cause of killing demons.

However, this kind of concept change requires a long time and successive victories to stimulate, and it cannot withstand much setbacks.

At this moment, the biggest test has come.

Countless demons gather here, and if you pick out a demon lord at random, they can be completely crushed.

If it was the Demon Lord who made the move, all the demon hunters in the entire city would be doomed!
Facing such a severe situation, the demon hunters subconsciously want to escape, being near a source of danger, they are more likely to be affected by disasters.

However, the sudden appearance of strong demonic energy is also an opportunity that cannot be met but cannot be sought. If you choose to escape, it is tantamount to wasting an excellent opportunity to improve your strength.

The demon hunters were caught in a dilemma, facing the threat of life and the temptation of improving their strength, they didn't know how to choose for a while.

There are also some demon hunters who are bold enough to sneak into the dark world in disguise, wanting to see if they can take the opportunity to gain some benefits.

Demon hunters are both good and evil. Strictly speaking, they are not much different from demon servants. When they enter the dark world, they will not attract the siege of demons.

But if you meet your enemies and are recognized on the spot, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

In terms of chasing profit, there is not much difference between demon hunters and those demons. They both risk their own lives and want to seek a fortune.

Tang Zhen has been paying attention to the changes in the demon nest. As time goes by, more and more demons died in the battle.

Of course, death is not without rewards. During this period of time, one baby after another was born, making the owner stronger and stronger.

It was precisely after seeing the preciousness of these treasures that the surviving demons did not want to leave even more, but devoted themselves to cracking the rune circle, wanting to obtain more treasures.

Now all the demons know that this devil's lair is a life-swallowing devil's lair, and if they want to enter, they must be prepared not to come out.

But even so, there are still more and more demons rushing here. Driven by greed and desire, the threat of death is nothing.

What Tang Zhen has to do now is to continuously refine and absorb the blood essence of demons. Due to the rich harvest, his strength is also improving rapidly.

When he first came to the demon plane, his strength was only comparable to that of a king-level monk, and a demon at the level of a demon king could easily kill him.

After clearing several demon nests, obtaining a large amount of resources, and gradually adapting to the laws of the plane, Tang Zhen's strength began to increase rapidly.

At this time, Tang Zhen was stronger, even a demon at the Linghuang level could definitely fight against him.

But if he had a choice, Tang Zhen didn't want to fight a demon of this level, lest he be injured accidentally and be attacked by other demons.

If Tang Zhen is injured, the core area of ​​the Demon Nest will be unmanned, the lethality of the rune circle will be greatly reduced, and the expected goal will not be achieved.

However, things in the world are always unsatisfactory. Even a world lord like him cannot control the real process of destiny.

What you are afraid of will often come.

Tang Zhen refined a blood crystal, slowly opened his eyes, and looked out of the devil's nest with a solemn expression.

Just at the moment just now, he felt a special breath, although it was only fleeting, it still made Tang Zhen vigilant.

He was [-]% sure that it was the aura of the powerful Spirit Emperor, that is, the Devil Emperor as the devil monks said.

Sighing softly, Tang Zhen stood up from the ground and walked slowly towards the outside of the Demon Nest.

If the Devil Emperor powerhouse comes on stage too early, it will affect his plan, and even the Devil Emperor dare not compete with him for the treasure.

His own plan is to let the demons fight for the treasure, rather than being monopolized by the devil emperor, so no matter what, Tang Zhen will not let the other party participate in the competition.

There is only one solution, and that is to do it yourself to solve this hidden danger.

Tang Zhen has never underestimated any opponent, especially a strong man at the Linghuang level, he needs to be taken seriously.

Walking out of the devil's nest, Tang Zhen transformed and regained the image of a devil.

At this time, in front of the demon nest, it was as lively as a market, and a large number of demon servants gathered here.

After the first rune magic circle was broken through, all the treasures inside had been looted, and the demon lord-level powerhouse had entered deeper, trying to find a way to enter the core area.

The part of the demon nest that had been cleaned was cleaned up again by these demon servants, and all kinds of demonized creatures inside were also robbed.

After they took the items out, they didn't evacuate directly, but set up a stall in the open space in front of the devil's nest to trade.

The items for sale are not only harvested in the magic nest, but also their own accumulated materials, as well as ancient relics found nearby.

Put out the things you don't need, in exchange for some training materials you need, and use the magic energy here to improve your strength.

This market was welcomed by many demon servants, and even some demon servants came from afar just to be able to participate in the transaction.

In the world of demons, a trading fair of this scale is quite rare, and once you miss it, you may never have the chance to encounter it again.

Tang Zhen disguised himself as an ordinary demon servant, walked around the market, and finally came to a stall.

The stall owner was a thin man who looked no different from an ordinary human except for a flame-like pattern on his forehead.

Right now it was sitting on the booth without saying a word, and there were several demonized plants on the spread out white cloth, which were obviously collected from the demon's nest.

Standing in front of the booth was a man, wearing a blue robe, with a frighteningly pale skin and eyes like ripe tomatoes.

When Tang Zhen walked over, the white-faced man was holding a demonized plant, looking at it very seriously.

"Boss, how do you sell this enchanted plant?"

After looking at it for a while, the white-faced man asked the stall owner, as if he wanted to buy it.

"One magic crystal, no bargaining!"

After the stall owner finished saying this, he closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to waste this rare opportunity to practice.

"It's not expensive, I bought it."

While the white-faced man was speaking, he threw out a magic crystal and put the magic plant in his pocket.

The stall owner took the magic crystal, and with a smile on his face, he began to sell other magic plants to the white-faced man.

"You have good eyesight. The things on my booth are all produced in the ancient demon lair in front of me. They are absolutely rare and extinct species.

It's not like the other guys who use fake products from other places to deceive people. If they can't help their cultivation, it's fine, and they may be poisoned to death.

If you are interested in these things, you may wish to buy more, otherwise you will miss this opportunity, and you will not be able to buy it if you want to buy it again. "

The white-faced man smiled, shook his head at the stall owner, turned and walked to another stall.

The stall owner was a little disappointed when he saw this. He finally ran into a customer who didn't bargain, and he really didn't want to miss it like this.

But since the other party doesn't want to buy it, it can't be sold by force. If it angers the other party, who knows if it will cause trouble for itself.

While the stall owner was secretly sighing, Tang Zhen stared at the back of the white-faced man and walked over slowly.

"Your Excellency, I see that you are very interested in the items in the ancient devil's lair. I also have the same item here. Do you want to see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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