I have a city in another world

Chapter 1930 You are an outsider!

Chapter 1930 You are an outsider!
"It's not that easy to plot against me!"

After realizing that he was being attacked, the white-faced devil emperor retreated quickly, and at the same time his body turned into smoke and exploded.

The dissipating speed of the arm was slightly slower, and at the same time, he punched out and went straight to the direction of the attack.

After the body is aerosolized, physical damage can be offset, and at the same time, it can ensure the fastest escape from danger.

In addition to saving lives, this smoke is also a deadly attack method. After it spreads, it can form an indiscriminate attack.

In the smoke, there will be no bones left that will be eaten in an instant, and there is no possibility of escape.

If you observe the smoke carefully, you will find that they are not carbon particles, but a very small bug.

Although it is small in size, its attack power is extremely strong, and it can devour an elephant in an instant.

Picking out a bug at random can kill a blood demon, and the whole process is silent.

If you don't know the basics, it is very easy to be plotted against when you are fighting against him.

These worms have been cultivated by the White Faced Devil Emperor for many years. During the thousands of years of fighting and fighting, it is unknown how many living beings have been devoured by these worms.

As for the body of the white-faced devil emperor, it is also a similar bug, a demonized species left over from ancient times, and it became a demon by chance.

If devil insects are also a race of demons, then the body of the white-faced devil emperor is the patriarch of this race.

Relying on his own strong strength and special body structure, the white-faced devil emperor was not too flustered, as if he was sure that he would not suffer serious injuries.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this thought came up, it felt a burst of painful emotions, and those monster insects on the attacked part turned into fly ash in an instant.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Demonic insects have super lethality, and the defense of the body is also quite strong. Even the demonic master cannot kill them easily.

But after being attacked at this moment, they died instantly, without even a chance to evade.

This abnormal phenomenon shocked the White Faced Devil Emperor, and realized that the situation was somewhat abnormal.

But while shocked, it was also extremely angry.

For the White-faced Devil Emperor, these bugs were equivalent to his subjects and brothers and sisters, and a group of them died suddenly, which was simply unbearable for him.

It seemed to feel the resentment released by the devil worm when it died, and it was instantly furious, and it attacked again without hesitation.

At this moment, it no longer regards Tang Zhen as a weak demon servant, but as a strong man of the same level.

But even so, it was fearless and vowed to kill the opponent and avenge those dead bugs.

Unexpectedly, when it launched its attack, it found that the front was empty, and the enemy who attacked him suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The white-faced devil emperor panicked. It is said that within a thousand kilometers of its range of perception, it is impossible for the enemy to disappear so completely.

Unless the opponent's realm is much higher than his own, then he can avoid his own perception without his own awareness.

Thinking of this possibility, the White Faced Devil Emperor couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Originally thought that the other party was a demon servant, so he was negligent and let the other party take the opportunity to sneak attack.

When those monster insects were instantly killed, it immediately realized that the enemy's strength might be similar to its own.

But at this moment, it is afraid that the enemy's strength will surpass itself. If that is the case, what it needs to consider is no longer revenge, but how to get out of danger.

Being able to survive in a cruel environment until now, and step by step become a strong man who is feared by countless demons, the White Face Devil Emperor is definitely not the kind of indecisive person.

Know how to choose between advances and retreats, knowing that things cannot be done, and will never act rashly.

Therefore, when it found that the situation was very unfavorable to itself, it chose to give up the attack without hesitation, and turned around and fled the battlefield.

If it is confirmed that he made a mistake in his judgment, the White Faced Devil Emperor can make a comeback at any time and chase the enemy to the ends of the earth.

Just at this moment, the surroundings suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the white flames burned blazingly, completely blocking its way out.

Although this kind of flame burns fiercely, it can't feel a trace of temperature. Instead, it gives people a bone-chilling feeling.

In the process of flying, a group of demonic insects suddenly touched the jumping flames, and turned into flying ash in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of flame is this, why is it so overbearing?"

The white-faced devil emperor was startled and angry. He recalled the strong demons he knew, but he couldn't think of anyone with such an attack method.

Although he was puzzled about the origin of the other party, but at this moment in a crisis, it was not the time to think about these issues at all.

With a thought, the demonic insects that had been flying around withdrew at the same time, reunited in an instant, and turned into a round ball with a human face.

A series of energy shields appeared outside the ball to counteract the attack of the flames, and then the ball was seen flying towards the sky above the head like lightning.

Unexpectedly, when it fled, the surrounding white flames followed behind it like maggots attached to the bones.

No matter how the white-faced devil emperor dodges, the flame always chases after it, constantly licking his body.

Waves of painful wailing resounded in the white-faced Devil Emperor's mind. It was the wailing of the demonic insects on his body before they touched the white flames and were burned to ashes.

Crowds of demonic insects died one after another, and the white-faced Demon Emperor was heartbroken, but he didn't dare to hesitate at all, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

It had been a long time since he had experienced this kind of threat of death, and the white-faced devil emperor even had a fighting spirit in his heart, wanting to have a hearty fight with the opponent.

But it also knew in its heart that it was impossible for the enemy not to know its strength, and if it could still attack under such circumstances, it showed that it had the means to kill.

If you escape, you can fight back and get revenge, if you can't escape, you will die, there is no other result.

But what worried the White Faced Devil Emperor was that after flying for such a long time, it still didn't get rid of the pursuit of the white flame.

The white flames are endless, and although the number of demonic insects that make up the body is extremely large, they simply cannot bear this kind of loss.

If this situation continues, it can be boiled to death even if it is boiled.

In desperation, the white-faced devil emperor began to mobilize the power of law to create endless black water in an attempt to break out.

Water and fire restrain each other, and the black water it uses the power of law to create is definitely not an ordinary thing, and it may be able to restrain this strange white flame.

At the same time as the spell was cast, the boundless black water poured down like a river of heaven, pouring down overwhelmingly.

Two objects with opposite attributes, one white and one black, collided with each other in an instant, and billowing black mist rose up, filling the space between the sky and the earth.

Feeling that his countermeasures were effective, the White Faced Demon Emperor was overjoyed, and continued to use similar methods.

"Just work harder, as long as you rush out of this sea of ​​flames, even if the enemy's strength is stronger than mine, it is doomed to fail!"

The white-faced Demon Lord secretly felt ruthless in his heart, he was already devastated, and his heart was already full of anger.

He hadn't suffered such a loss for a long time, how could the White Faced Devil Emperor endure this bad breath, he must get it back.

The surrounding area was filled with thick fog, which seemed to have completely suppressed the white flames. While the white-faced devil emperor was overjoyed, he rushed to the edge area again at a higher speed.

"Hurry up, hurry up, and you'll be out of trouble in no time!"

Just when the white-faced devil emperor was secretly happy, he saw a figure flashing in front of him, directly blocking its way.

The white-faced devil emperor felt a chill in his heart, and when he was about to withdraw to avoid it, a saber slashed at his face.

Just as it was trying to disperse its body again, it was surprised to find that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped to an unbelievable level.

The steaming water mist instantly condensed into an impenetrable ice wall, imprisoning it in it.

The ice wall made it impossible for the white-faced devil emperor to disintegrate smoothly, and he couldn't disperse after disintegrating, so he was very anxious for a while.

At this moment, the saber slashed down, and a trace of strange power surged out, which was completely different from the demon's cultivation power.

"What kind of power is this... no, you are not a demon!"

The white-faced devil emperor roared in horror, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, far more terrifying than being attacked by surprise.

Only a demon of its level knows that there is a wider world beyond the plane, but because of the barriers of the plane, few outside monks can break into this place.

The white-faced devil emperor can be sure that the enemy who attacked and killed him in front of him is definitely a monk from the outside world!

(End of this chapter)

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