I have a city in another world

Chapter 1945 Feeling the World

Chapter 1945 Feeling the World
Tang Zhen brought his own tent, so he could live alone instead of mixing together like other survivors.

During these three days, he had to go out with the survivors every day, and perform patrol tasks nearby to prevent the sudden sneak attack of the demons.

Perhaps because the camp was relatively secluded, the weather was calm for three days, and there was no sign of the demons.

However, Tang Zhen did not take it lightly. What he was worried about was not those ordinary demon servants, but the world lord powerhouse who chased and killed him.

These guys are haunted, and they will never take it lightly when they are killed by themselves.

His ability to hide is not bad, as long as he doesn't want to be exposed, those enemies can't find his trace at all.

The camp in the forest was only randomly selected. It is safer to hide in the city among a group of ordinary people.

With the passage of time, his injury has improved rapidly, and the feeling of breakthrough has become stronger and stronger.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that his time in this world was running out.

After he is promoted to the third realm of the world master, he can connect to the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater at any time and return to the world of Loucheng.

The only thing I have to do now is to adjust my mentality and wait for that moment to come.

When I was thinking about something in my heart, there was a greeting from a distance, and the chef in the camp had already prepared breakfast.

Tang Zhen was not interested in the bland food, so even after hearing the greeting, he sat quietly on the tree stump.

Listening to the birdsong in the forest and feeling the coolness of the morning mist, I felt a sense of comfort for no reason.

Tang Zhen was so immersed in this feeling that he seemed to have forgotten both the time and where he was.

"Brother Tang, why don't you go have breakfast?"

There was a greeting in my ears, and then I saw a young woman in a hunting suit walking slowly, carrying a half-new squirrel rifle on her back.

"I'm not hungry yet, there is still some food left from the previous collection, so let's leave the food for those in need."

Tang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, found an excuse casually, and replied with a smile.

"If you don't eat all the time, it will definitely affect your health, and you don't have enough physical strength. What should you do if you encounter demons?"

The woman in hunting clothes shook her head, as if she disagreed with Tang Zhen's actions, but she couldn't say much.

After chatting with Tang Zhen for a few words, she went to get her share of food, and soon returned to Tang Zhen's side.

While eating their food, the two chatted until the sun finally rose above the horizon.

Soon the leader of the camp appeared and began to organize the work of the day.

There are people who collect food, people who guard the camp, and people who patrol the perimeter.

The work of Tang Zhen and the woman in hunting clothes is still patrolling the perimeter, and the people participating in this task are young and strong men and women.

They have good physical strength and quick reflexes, and they have a greater chance of winning when encountering a battle.

As for those who are older, they will basically go to collect food or defend the camp, and do some work within their ability.

This is Tang Zhen's third time participating in peripheral patrols, and the not-so-complicated route has already been kept in his mind.

After the task arrangement was over, he carried the old-fashioned rifle assigned to him on his back and walked slowly towards the outside of the camp.

The woman in hunting clothes followed behind. Yesterday Tang Zhen saved her life on patrol, so the relationship between the two is relatively close.

"Everyone, be careful. There are more and more enchanted plants in the forest. Once they are attacked by them, it will become very troublesome."

Speaking of this, the leader of the demon hunter glanced at the woman in hunting clothes who was following Tang Zhen. Yesterday she was attacked by a demonized plant and was rescued by Tang Zhen.

Everyone nodded slightly. They also saw the horror of the demonized plant yesterday. It is just a vine, which is even more powerful than the giant python in the forest.

"Thank you……"

The voice of the woman in hunting clothes came, as if remembering what happened to him yesterday, she thanked Tang Zhen softly.

"Thank you, didn't you already thank you yesterday?"

Tang Zhen smiled lightly and shook his head, but his eyes fell on the forest path ahead. In fact, not far from them, there was a magic plant.

It was a big crooked tree, among the thick leaves, several emerald green vines danced like roundworms.

The most elementary enchanted plants are basically these vines. If ordinary people encounter them, it is basically difficult to get rid of their entanglement.

This kind of monster will not pose any threat to Tang Zhen. As for the survivors in the team, as long as they don't get close, they will basically not be in any danger.

However, Tang Zhen picked a leaf casually and threw it out seemingly casually, but in fact, after circling twice in the air, he shot at the demonized plant like lightning.

After they passed by, the big tree crashed to the ground, and bright red blood gushed out from the stump.

The leader of the demon hunter seemed to be aware of the abnormality. He glanced back at the direction where the demonized plants were located, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

At that moment just now, he seemed to feel abnormal fluctuations in devil energy, but when he sensed his surroundings, he didn't find anything.

"Maybe it's because my nerves are too tense, which leads to a problem with perception?"

Thinking of this, the leader of the demon hunter stopped worrying about the abnormal situation just now, but continued to pay attention to the movement ahead.

Tang Zhen has completely relaxed at this moment. Compared with the sleepless pursuit and escape some time ago, he is so leisurely now.

Unknowingly, he has integrated with the surrounding natural environment, and it seems that the details of those plants and trees are all presented in his mind.

There was a feeling in his heart that as long as he wanted to, he could change the structure of these plants at will.

Even if it is an ordinary grass, as long as it is carefully transformed, it can be turned into a treasure of heaven and earth.

Tang Zhen, who was immersed in this state, suddenly stopped and grabbed a plant beside him.

But in the blink of an eye, the originally ordinary weed changed, and the whole body was crystal clear and emerald green, as if carved from the best jade.

Bursts of strange aroma spread towards the surroundings.

"Mr. Tang, why don't you go?"

Seeing Tang Zhen standing still suddenly, the woman in hunting clothes who was following him asked curiously, but Tang Zhen did not respond.

The woman in the hunting suit was puzzled, and asked again. The strange thing was that Tang Zhen remained motionless.

A trace of panic rose in her heart, and she reached out to push Tang Zhen, only to find that her palm had penetrated Tang Zhen's body.

The woman in the hunting suit screamed. She thought she was hallucinating and took a step back subconsciously.

The scream also attracted the attention of other people, and they looked back at Tang Zhen's position at the same time, trying to figure out what happened.

"Mr. Tang, he... I..."

The woman in the hunting suit was full of surprise. She looked at her hands and Tang Zhen in front of her, not knowing how to explain what happened just now.

She is still not sure if she is hallucinating, but at that moment just now, her palm seemed to really penetrate Tang Zhen's body.

Thinking of the legends about ghosts in the outside world, the woman in hunting clothes was in a state of confusion. Could it be that Tang Zhen is a hidden evil spirit?

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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