I have a city in another world

Chapter 1953 Signing the Contract

Chapter 1953 Signing the Contract
"Your net worth is indeed very rich. If that's the case, then I will accept it all."

Tang Zhen glanced at the demon gods with a smile, and waved lightly at the treasures, and then saw ripples rippling, enveloping the scattered treasures on the ground.

It seems to have a strong cleaning ability, and the filth attached to the treasure dissipates without a trace in an instant.

Although it was just a casual trick, the pupils of the demon gods shrank slightly, because at that moment, all the spiritual imprints they left on the treasure were erased.

In addition to the intensified pain of cutting flesh again, they were also full of shock at Tang Zhen's method of erasing a bunch of treasure marks.

If the spiritual imprint could be erased in an instant, there would be no need to use it, so this method alone was enough to make several demon gods think wildly.

Of course they don't know that this is the world controlled by Tang Zhen, and everything is under his control.

It only takes one thought to erase the existence of some items, so how difficult is it to erase a small spiritual imprint?
As the attached filth disappears, the precious light of these items soars to the sky, almost blinding people's eyes.

"So many treasures, it would be great if they were all mine?"

Even in the face of a life-and-death crisis, the six demon gods still had a trace of greed from the bottom of their hearts. It is really the appearance of these treasures piled up together, which makes people unable to restrain their heartbeats.

But from this moment on, the owner of the treasure has become Tang Zhen, even if part of it once belonged to him.

A small number of strong people occupy the vast majority of resources, and the trajectory of the practice world is so cruel. The good things accumulated over the years are cheap for others in a blink of an eye.

The feeling of heartache can only be experienced by the person involved.

But I can't say anything more, otherwise, if Tang Zhen is angered, it will not be as simple as throwing away the treasure.

Tang Zhen's eyes swept over those demon gods with frustrated faces, as if they had seen through their bodies to see if there were any hidden treasures.

Seeing this, several demon gods quickly showed a frank expression, showing that they had absolutely nothing to hide.

In fact, under such circumstances, the demon gods did not dare to hide anything, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

Perhaps just at that moment, they thought about leaving one or two things behind as capital for the Jedi's counterattack.

But under Tang Zhen's staring eyes, the demon gods gave up this plan one after another, feeling that it was too risky to do so.

In the state of full prosperity, they were still taken away by Tang Zhen in one pot. At this time, they are not even as good as demon servants, so why should they compete with Tang Zhen?

"Anyway, I am also a strong demon god. Since you cooperate so much, I don't want to make things difficult for you. I must maintain a certain amount of respect.

But one size is one size, in order to ensure that we can rest assured each other, did you sign these contracts? "

The tone seemed to be asking, but in fact Tang Zhen ignored the feelings of the demon gods at all, and directly smashed a bunch of contracts in their faces.

The expressions of the six demon gods twitched, and they directly hit their faces with the contract. What about the promised respect?

For the devil, signing a contract is usually the bondage of the strong to the weak.

In the past, they used this kind of contract to smash people's faces, and then enjoyed the helpless and desperate expressions of the weak.

But at this moment, it was their turn to bear the feeling of being smashed in the face, and the feeling in their hearts was really indescribable.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Seeing the complicated expressions on the faces of those demon gods, Tang Zhen's voice became cold and he asked with a cold snort.

"No...no...we'll sign now!"

Hearing the words, the Bone Wing Demon God, who was still a little hesitant in his heart, immediately picked up his contract and glanced at it quickly.

It has made up its mind to save its life no matter what, so even if it signs the most vicious contract.

After seeing clearly the origin of this contract, the Bone Wing Demon God shook his head, feeling extremely painful in his heart.

The devil's contract is extremely deceptive, and a fair contract allows both parties to know the content, and can only be signed after they agree.

However, there is also a kind of contract that the person who is forced to sign has no way of knowing the specific content, and there is no way to refuse it, otherwise he will pay a heavy price.

Once a contract is signed, life is tantamount to being in the hands of others. In order to avoid violating the rules of the contract, words and deeds are often treading on eggshells.

Some demons with evil tastes like to sign such contracts with people and set the rules that they must die if they violate them.

Then the devil will be like watching a play, watching the contract signer dare not do anything, suffering all day long, until a certain moment breaks the rules and dies.

The contract that Tang Zhen gave to several demon gods was the most domineering type. There were only two choices, either sign it or die!

But if it is really signed, life must be worse than death, and it would be a happy death to be killed by Tang Zhen.

But the problem is, if they refused to sign the contract, Tang Zhen would never let them die so happily.

With a long sigh in his heart, the other five demon gods signed contracts one after another, their faces full of death.

Seeing the six contracts slowly drifting in the air, Tang Zhen nodded in satisfaction, and waved lightly at the demon gods.

The six demon gods who had been limp like mud suddenly felt their bodies regain some strength at this moment. Although they were far from before, they could barely stand up from the ground.

Seeing each other's desperation, the demon gods secretly sighed in their hearts, and suppressed their hatred and dissatisfaction firmly in their hearts.

After signing the contract, not only their behavior is restricted, but even their thoughts are controlled.

If the thoughts of disloyalty in the heart exceed a certain limit and try to be unfavorable to Tang Zhen, he will also be punished.

Of course, this is just a convention. As for what is specifically signed in the contract, even they themselves don't know.

So all the demon gods were in a panic, for fear that Tang Zhen would play some evil tricks and plant mines in places they didn't expect.

Glancing at the demon gods who looked like eggplants beaten by frost, Tang Zhen snorted coldly, making them tremble slightly in fright.

"Since you are my slave now, you must do things for me wholeheartedly, absolutely not allowing you to slack off.

Do you know where the magic energy is particularly abundant, and the plane barrier is relatively weak? "

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, several demon gods looked suspicious, wondering why he was looking for such a place.

It is not uncommon to find places full of devilish energy, but places where the barriers of the plane are weak are quite dangerous places, and ordinary people avoid them for fear.

Tang Zhen's search for such a place obviously has a special purpose, and when he thinks about the strangeness of him, a thought arises in the hearts of all the demon gods at the same time.

Now when he looked at Tang Zhen again, there was already a hint of shock in his eyes, and there was still deep doubt in his eyes.

If the facts are as they think, then the seriousness of the matter is far more terrifying than the emergence of peerless geniuses among the human race.

Although their hearts were full of questions, they didn't dare to ask more questions. At the same time, according to Tang Zhen's request, they kept thinking about the places that met the requirements.

The Bone Wing Demon God was the most active. After Tang Zhen asked the question, it only gave the answer in a very short time.

"About 5000 kilometers away from here in the far west, there is a black desert, which used to be one of the main battlefields of the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago.

In the previous battle, even the space barrier was affected, and it was shattered and collapsed inch by inch.

The wave of void blew into the demon plane, turning a thousand miles into a desert. It is said that the black sand in the desert was formed by the collapse of meteorites in the void.

Although ten thousand years have passed, that black desert is still a forbidden area for life, and the damaged plane barriers have not been completely healed, so it must be able to meet your requirements. "

The other demon gods nodded at the same time, obviously the answer given by the Bone Wing Demon God was similar to what they thought.

If Tang Zhen is not satisfied, they will continue to provide other locations until he is satisfied.

Of course, the best place is actually the bottomless demon abyss, but the demon gods knew that if they proposed that place, Tang Zhen would definitely be angry.

That's the base camp of the demons. Suggesting Tang Zhen to go there is just letting him fall into a trap.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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