I have a city in another world

Chapter 1959 It Was An Old Acquaintance

Chapter 1959 It Was An Old Acquaintance

Just when the demon gods looked at the broken corpses all over the ground and were in doubt, Tang Zhen had already turned his head and sent another voice transmission to the two lords.

"The demon god was confused by the illusion, and has sent a message through the projection of the soul, and the master of the demon race must arrive soon.

I just don't know if Tang will be needed to help in the next battle? "

Hearing Tang Zhen's words at first glance, he seemed a little overwhelmed. He is only in the third realm of the world master, so how could he participate in the battle between the creators?

Creator-level monks are already able to control one side of the world, possessing unimaginable terrifying power.

One word can determine life and death, one thought can reverse the world.

Before the master monk took the last step, he still needed to rely on the energy of heaven and earth to fight. If he was in the middle of the rules, he would be restricted by the rules.

The Creator is able to control the rules and turn everything in the world into a weapon. The enemy is in the world controlled by the Creator, and they can't get half of the energy of the world.

At this time, if you want to fight with him, you can only rely on the energy of heaven and earth generated by the mind world. Once it is completely consumed, it will be slaughtered.

If it is a monk without a mind world, he will be even more restrained when facing the Creator.

But Tang Zhenjue is very human. Since he embarked on the road of cultivation, he has killed countless strong people and created a great reputation.

Even the two creator powerhouses have heard of him, which shows how famous he is now.

Now that he raises such an inquiry, it shows that he is sure to deal with the Creator, at least self-protection is not a problem.

After hearing Tang Zhen's question, the two creators chuckled and shook their heads, but they couldn't help giving Tang Zhen a high look in their hearts.

Although the devil plane is backward and closed, and the means of controlling it are far inferior to those of the monks of Loucheng, they are still the real creators, the real powerhouses who control the world.

This level of battle, even if the master cultivator can participate, it will be extremely difficult.

If it is not necessary, they will not let Tang Zhen participate in it, so as to avoid accidents.

Although they just met each other, the two creators had a deep impression on Tang Zhen, and the secret path really deserved its reputation.

This Tang Zhen really possesses quite extraordinary means as rumored, no wonder he has become the master of the war zone and one of the lords of the fifth war zone after only practicing for less than a hundred years.

It was precisely because they knew Tang Zhen's past that the two creators favored him. Otherwise, if he was just an ordinary world master, how could he be personally invited by them?

The Warlord said: "You don't need to participate in the next battle, you just need to maintain the transmission channel.

It's just the four masters. If I fight with the protoss lord, we will definitely beat them to pieces! "

The war mad lord lived up to his name, and there was a hint of arrogance in his words, as if he didn't take the enemy seriously at all.

The protoss lord smiled slightly, looking elegant and unrestrained. He explained to Tang Zhen: "The purpose of letting you lure the controllers earlier is to prevent them from hiding when things are going wrong. become extremely difficult.

You may not know the Creator's ability to escape, and if they really want to hide, it will be difficult for us to find them. "

Tang Zhen nodded. He knew that what the Protoss Lord said was true. The Creator can control the world, so naturally there is no place he cannot go.

As long as they are willing, a speck of dust can turn into a vast world and become a shelter.

There are so many things in the world, and under such circumstances, it is naturally extremely difficult to find them.

Perhaps it was because Tang Zhen was more pleasing to the eye, the Protoss Lord smiled and said, "There is one more thing you may not have imagined, in fact, the master of the demon plane and I are already old acquaintances.

A long time ago, these guys broke into the Fifth War Zone, but they were beaten up by me and a few lords, and almost lost their lives.

If they hadn't been running fast at that time, it is probably still unknown how many controllers there are in the demon plane. "

Tang Zhen couldn't help but suddenly realized when he heard this.

It turned out that there had already been contact between the monk Loucheng and the demon controller, and the other party had suffered a great loss.

It's no wonder that with the greedy character of the devil, he resisted the temptation to completely seal off the plane, and at the same time built it to be impenetrable, never in contact with the outside world.

Apparently, they were afraid that the monks of Loucheng would come to their door, so they would rather not accept the call to sacrifice, so as not to reveal too much information.

Presumably, the information collected by the fifth war zone, as well as the demon blood essence implanted in him, were all obtained from the original battle.

It was through that battle that the Fifth War Zone noticed the demon plane and launched a corresponding investigation.

It was only because of the particularity of the demon plane that the cornerstone platform had not taken action for a long time, but the corresponding battle plan had already been drawn up.

Tang Zhen's appearance just met the conditions for the plan to start. It was precisely because of Tang Zhen's legendary experience that the cornerstone platform selected him as the executor of the task.

In such a situation where everyone gets what they need, the cooperation between Tang Zhen and the cornerstone platform was quickly reached, and he was successfully promoted to the third realm of the world master.

When he completed the plan, the Cornerstone Platform took the opportunity to propose a plan that had been formulated long ago, summoning the Creator through Tang Zhen, and then the Creator built a transmission channel.

After the passage is completed, the monks of Loucheng in the fifth war zone will act immediately to launch an invasion of the demon plane through the transmission passage.

The whole plan is linked together, and Tang Zhen is just the key figure in the executor's plan. If his promotion plan fails, then the follow-up plans will not be able to be carried out.

If Tang Zhen succeeds, then the fifth war zone will obtain a resource-rich plane and transform it into a transfer station to launch an invasion of the surrounding world.

If Tang Zhen fails, the Cornerstone Platform won't suffer much. At most, he can wait for the right time and send other monks to carry out the infiltration mission.

Perhaps the waiting process will take thousands of years, but for the cornerstone platform, this time is but a blink of an eye.

Knowing the plan of the two lords, Tang Zhen naturally tried his best to cooperate and find a way to kill the controller first.

If you can't get rid of the controller, you can't control the seat, and there is a possibility of being destroyed by counterattack at any time.

Therefore, at the same time as the formation was just now, the two lords had already asked about Tang Zhen's specific situation, and at the same time asked him to find a way to lure out the controller of the demon clan.

As long as the demon masters dare to appear, they can make them come and go!

The two lords are so confident, Tang Zhen will naturally cooperate actively. In fact, he also wants to experience it himself, how do the creators fight?
Just after the exchange between the two parties ended, there was a sudden sound of wind and thunder in the distant sky.

The sound came from far to near, like a raging ocean wave, approaching Tang Zhen's position continuously.

When I looked carefully, I realized that this was not an illusion. In the black desert where there is no drop of water, there were really huge waves.

The most important point is that these billowing waves are all formed by changes in the air.

At the same time, in this wave, there seemed to be countless figures, shuttled back and forth uncertainly.

As the waves swept in, the sky became fiery red, and it was filled with thick magma in an instant.

There are scorching hot bubbles floating on the magma, and they burst continuously as they appear, as if they might pour down at any time.

If so, the Black Desert would instantly turn into a sea of ​​flames, with nowhere to hide.

At the same time, unimaginable pressure appeared, making people feel that the whole body was imprisoned.

The energy of heaven and earth floating in the space was emptied in an instant. At this moment, the black desert became a real place of death, full of murderous intentions everywhere.

Even the most common grain of sand can be transformed to become more terrifying than bombs.

As long as the controller is willing, the power of a grain of sand shattered can completely blow up a mountain.

If ordinary monks are placed in this environment, they may lose their lives in a very short period of time without the need for the controller to take action.

This is the means of the Creator. In this world, they are the absolute masters.

The advantage of Loucheng monks is that after they are promoted to creators, they can not only control the external world, but also use the mind world.

This gives them a unique advantage, and they are more at ease when fighting enemies of the same level.

At the same time that the surrounding changes appeared, Zhan Kuang and the Protoss Lord were not surprised but happy, and excited smiles appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Tang Zhen, you maintain the teleportation channel, the two of us will go back as soon as we go!"

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two lords disappeared without a trace, and they ran towards the huge waves and the sea of ​​fire respectively.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a thunder-like roar from among the huge waves and lava, and the sound seemed to be mixed with indescribable shock and fear.

 Thanks: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion", "Book Friends 161230210706931" and "Uncle Book" for their rewards, thank you book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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