Chapter 1961 Rolling
Half of the body was wrapped in hot magma, fell heavily from the sky to the ground, and landed on a sand dune.

As if the process of weathering had been accelerated tens of millions of times, the huge half of the body decayed rapidly, and the flesh and blood turned into fly ash, leaving only the hideous and huge skeleton in a blink of an eye.

The demon gods looked at this scene in despair, only to feel that their beliefs had collapsed. They really couldn't believe that the omnipotent controller was defeated?
Even if he didn't fall at this moment, the defeat was already doomed, and there was no possibility of a comeback.

"Little bug, let me see where you are fleeing!"

Seeing the controller fleeing, the war mad lord went after him directly, not caring whether he would be ambushed or not.

Even though this is a world controlled by the demons, he is fearless, obviously extremely confident in his own strength.

A monk like him in Loucheng must have attacked countless planes. Although the demon plane is not weak, it may not be regarded by the war mad lord.

If they dared to let Tang Zhen lure the controller to come, they must have the means to win, and now it seems that this is the case.

Facts have proved that the controller is no match for monk Loucheng, and it is not easy to successfully escape from this place.

Just as the war mad lord was chasing and killing him, the huge waves in the distance suddenly turned blood red.

This red is blood, and the smell is so strong.

Pieces of flesh and blood that were as huge as houses, like fallen leaves flying in the wind, kept rolling in the waves of blood.

Amidst the surging blood waves, a huge figure could be seen from time to time, cruising and flashing constantly.

It's just that this figure is covered in cuts and bruises, and the injuries in many places are extremely serious, and huge bones and internal organs can be clearly seen.

It was like a desperate trapped beast, struggling desperately, but unable to get out of the hunter's control for a long time.

The onlookers recognized at a glance that this was the body of another controller, but the domineering arrogance at first looked extremely embarrassing.

No need to guess, it was also in trouble and was crushed and beaten by monks in Loucheng.

The demon gods who saw this scene were completely desperate, and the bone-winged demon god was even more limp on the ground, as if his soul had been withdrawn from his body.

Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to those distraught demon gods at all, but still stared at the battlefield intently, with brilliant eyes.

The battle scene of the Creator really opened his eyes, and the methods of monk Loucheng made him even more amazed.

The seemingly mighty native monks were not opponents of the Loucheng monks at all. Perhaps, as Lord Zhankuang said, the best choice for them was to pack up their belongings and flee.

In order to prevent the invasion of Loucheng monks, the demons specially built a solid shell, and then acted as a shrinking turtle, domineering in their lair.

The once-in-a-thousand-year harvest of the human race looks like that, but it is actually extremely ridiculous.

A group of powerful monks, the highest combat power has reached the level of the Creator, but all day long they want to search for oil and water from the weak human race, but turn a blind eye to the wealth of other planes.

How much oil and water can there be on a group of human races whose strength is deliberately controlled by them and harvested once every thousand years?
The once-in-a-thousand-year harvest, in Tang Zhen's view, is simply self-inflicted humiliation, but these idiots are still complacent.

It can only be said that the demons are a bunch of cowards, and the root cause lies in the controllers. It is because of them that the demon plane has been reduced to this level.

If it is really a raging soldier, it will be a raging nest.

The cornerstone platform once said to Tang Zhen that the strength of the demon plane should not be underestimated. This may not be alarmist, but it was just the demon plane thousands of years ago.

The demons who suffered a disastrous defeat in the world of Loucheng and chose to hide and avoid the battle have long since lost their original strength and vigor.

Just when these thoughts flashed through Tang Zhen's mind, amidst the bloody waves, the fighting became more intense.

That huge figure stirred up the huge waves, trying to reverse the crisis, but the effect was not obvious.


The huge wave was broken, and that huge figure appeared, looking up to the sky and roaring angrily.

Right next to this huge figure, there appeared a figure wearing a white robe, even in the filthy waves of blood, it was still spotless.

This figure is none other than the Protoss Lord, holding a three-foot long sword in his hand, walking on the waves like a stroll in a garden.

Every time the sword is swung, it will bring out a shocking sword glow, and when it falls on the huge figure, a large piece of flesh and blood will be cut off.

The situation of the controller is extremely dangerous. When facing the Protoss Lord, he has almost no power to fight back.

From the very beginning of the battle, it was in a state of being suppressed. During the period, it tried to escape from the battlefield, but it didn't want the protoss lord's long sword to be like a maggot attached to the bone, and it couldn't get rid of it at all.

Seeing that the battle in the sea of ​​magma was over, and the controller who fought against the war mad lord was severely injured and fled, this controller no longer wanted to fight.

It carried the attack of the protoss lord and fled desperately towards the distance. The huge waves it passed turned into ice blades as hard as fine steel, and swarmed towards the protoss lord.

Although this kind of attack can't help the protoss lord, it can slow down his pursuit speed and increase the possibility of successful escape.

The Protoss Lord laughed lightly, ignoring the ice blades at all, and chased after him with a three-foot long sword.

An unhurried voice came to Tang Zhen's ears at this time.

"Lord Tang Zhen, Lord Zhankuang and I will clean up those two guys, and you will be responsible for the transmission channel.

You only need to maintain the normal operation of the channel. After we kill these crawlers, we will return here. "

After leaving a sentence, the protoss lord disappeared, and it is estimated that he has left the scope of the Black Desert at this moment.

"Don't worry, you two, there will be no mistakes."

Tang Zhen retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at the transmission channel beside him, and confirmed that it was still operating normally.

The construction and operation of the teleportation channel is far more time-consuming than the summoning circle. The former requires a teleportation building and a large number of monks, and it can never be completed in a short time.

The main work is done by the cornerstone platform. What Tang Zhen has to do is to ensure the stability of the coordinates and not be destroyed in the middle.

Since this incident has alarmed the controller, it is equivalent to alarming the entire Demon Race. It can be predicted that in the next time, countless Demon Race will inevitably come straight to the Black Desert.

Therefore, Tang Zhen had to take on the task of guarding, resisting the attacks of those demons, and teleporting to the monks in Loucheng.

This task is equally dangerous. Tang Zhen will face countless enemies, among whom there must be powerful ones at the level of demon gods, and there may even be controllers.

Especially at the moment when the transmission channel is completed, the breath of the Loucheng world will pour in continuously, and when the breaths of the two worlds collide with each other, there will definitely be amazing visions.

At this time, even if you want to hide it, you can't do it. Someone must guard the transmission channel to ensure that it will not be destroyed by the enemy.

The main task of the two lords was to build and guard the transmission channel, but they obviously didn't take this matter to heart.

In other words, in their view, Tang Zhen alone could guard the transmission channel.

This was not to make things difficult on purpose, but to have enough confidence in Tang Zhen, otherwise the two lords might not dare to leave without worry if they were replaced by one person.

Plane invasion is no small matter, two lords have important responsibilities, how can they act hastily?
The key is to eliminate the controller of the demon race. At this time, the master of the demon race has suffered heavy losses. Naturally, the two lords will not miss such a good opportunity.

As for the demon monks below the controller, in the eyes of the two lords, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs, and there is nothing to worry about at all.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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