I have a city in another world

Chapter 1964 The Law Collapses

Chapter 1964 The Law Collapses
The moment the two planes were connected, the entire demon world seemed to shake, and the originally bright sky fell into darkness in an instant.

This is extremely dark, as if the light has completely disappeared, and you can't see your fingers.

It also seems that everything in the world has been far away, and in the vast void, only you are left in the whole world.

The indescribable sense of panic and loneliness made people tremble and scream in terror from time to time.

Fortunately, the darkness did not last too long, and soon people were pleasantly surprised to find that there was a light in the sky above their heads.

However, what appeared in front of them was not the sun, the moon and the stars, but a scene that terrified them, a strange scene that they had never seen before.

From top to bottom, the entire sky seems to be covered by a huge grid-like barrier, which looks like a translucent dome, with countless mysterious runes floating on it.

Although these runes looked like stars, they shone brightly, and at the same time exuded a breath that made people feel palpitations.

Ordinary people are in a daze, unable to understand the origin of these runes, but only powerful monks can understand how extraordinary these runes are.

They are by no means artificially drawn, but the laws of heaven and earth are embodied, representing the rules of the entire world and maintaining the operation of the entire world.

Each rune has a special function, as long as one rune is missing, it will cause an unimaginable disaster.

They really exist, but they are still unknown. Only the controller of this world has the opportunity to see the whole picture.

But at this moment, these things that cannot be seen at all appear in front of the world without any cover.

This shows that the rules of the world have been broken, the original balance has disappeared, and disasters are slowly coming.

People who are affected by the rules of the world immediately feel emotionally, and their hearts are full of restlessness.

It's a pity that people don't know the real reason, and even mistakenly think that all these changes are caused by these runes in the sky, and regard them as the source of disaster.

They never dreamed that there was such a strange thing in the sky above their heads.

It looks like a cage, imprisoning them in it, and there is no way to get rid of it.

The ravages of the demons and the sudden changes in the sky have caused huge changes one after another, causing people to fall into despair.

Just when ordinary people felt collapsed, the monks were full of panic, confirming that a catastrophe was imminent.

They are far more sensitive than ordinary people to changes in the energy of the heaven and earth, and they are the first to be affected.

The energy of heaven and earth in the whole world has become completely chaotic, and those violent energies impacted everywhere, causing countless rain, snow, wind and frost to fall on the ground.

Terrifying thunder and lightning shredded the sky and continuously bombarded the buildings on the ground. The vast land was full of soaring flames.

The raging energy of heaven and earth made the monks feel extremely uncomfortable. Some monks who were practicing even lost their lives in a daze.

Especially those demon servants who relied most on the devil energy. At the moment when the world changed, countless demon servants wailed in horror, and then exploded to death.

Even if they survived the initial changes in the world, they have also suffered great trauma. If they are not recuperated in time, they will leave hidden dangers that are difficult to heal.

This is the impact transformation of the high-energy plane to the low-energy plane, and as time goes by, this impact transformation will intensify.

It can change the rules of the entire world, and in the worst case, it can even cause the extinction of species on the entire plane.

Plane invasion is far more than simply conquering by force. After countless invasion practices, the Cornerstone Platform has mastered various methods of plane invasion.

This way of invading the energy of heaven and earth and changing the rules of the world is also one of the means of the cornerstone platform.

When invading some weak planes, there is no need for the monks of Loucheng to teleport there. This kind of violent energy impact alone can completely destroy the entire plane.

However, such weak planes basically don't have much plundering value, so even after they are discovered, most of them will be screened out and given up.

After all, plane invasion also requires cost. If the effort is not proportional to the gain, there is naturally no need for invasion.

After undergoing violent energy impact transformation, the invaded world will undergo earth-shaking changes, and new species will be born accordingly.

Under the nourishment of more heaven and earth energy, the monk's strength will also be improved rapidly, and he will have the opportunity to hit a higher realm.

After this change, if the aborigines can still control the world, that would be a great thing.

If it can't survive this transformation process, then this brand new world will be replaced by a new owner.

After occupying the demon plane in the fifth war zone, they intend to use and transform it, so the intensity of the energy impact must be controlled, so that the phenomenon of species extinction will not easily occur.

Otherwise, it will affect the plan of the theater and waste a lot of monk resources.

Enslaving indigenous monks to serve them has always been a common method used by Loucheng monks.

It is for this reason that there are countless races in the Loucheng world, and their strength continues to grow.

The whole world was affected, and those demons gathered in the black desert naturally had no chance of being spared.

The chaotic scene spread rapidly across the entire battlefield. Countless demons either sprayed blood from their mouths, or burst their bodies, and fell on the battlefield inexplicably.

But in a blink of an eye, the entire battlefield was full of wailing sounds, and demons were rolling everywhere.

It's just that no matter how they struggled and cried out for help, no one paid any attention to them.

All the demons are suffering unspeakable pain, and they can't take care of themselves, so how can they have time to care about other things?
Just when the whole world was in chaos, the runes floating in the sky changed again.

Some runes suddenly burst out with dazzling light, like burning fireworks, blooming the most gorgeous light.

After the dazzling light, these runes seemed to have exhausted all their energy, and quickly withered and withered.

Every time a rune was extinguished, the sky seemed to shake, and cracks visible to the naked eye spread rapidly in the sky.

People who are always paying attention to the changes in the sky seem to hear the crisp sound of shattering, as if the whole world is gradually collapsing.

There seemed to be something in the body, like an invisible thread, being pulled away abruptly.

Only the strength of monks above the law can be faintly aware of it. It seems that the thread of fate lingering on him has been cut off at this moment.

From then on, the rise and fall of their luck will no longer be affected by the rules of the world, but will be in a state of extreme chaos.

This is definitely not a good thing, because their fate is out of control, and various unexpected situations may happen to them at any time.

Death, disease, luck and misfortune, everything becomes unknown.

Under the rules of chaos and collapse, no one can control his own destiny, and everything will be in chaos.

The occurrence of this situation shows that the Loucheng world has gained the upper hand, and the rules of the demon world have been completely disrupted.

Before the army of Loucheng monks arrived, the cornerstone platform was like a silent vicious dog, dealing a fatal blow to the demon plane.

Just when the whole world was in chaos, a continental-level building city from the fifth war zone slowly descended in the transmission channel of the Black Desert.

(End of this chapter)

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