I have a city in another world

Chapter 1986 Idea Creation

Chapter 1986 Idea Creation
Looking up at the sky, Tang Zhen only saw a cloud of gray, unable to determine the time at all.

Seeing this, the thin woman seemed to guess what Tang Zhen was thinking, and explained to him in a low voice: "The night here comes suddenly, if you want to know in advance, you just need to pay attention to the buildings on the side of the road.

If you see lights coming, it is a sign that night is coming, and it will soon be dark. "

Tang Zhen nodded. The City of Despair is indeed a strange place, and everything cannot be understood with common sense.

"If a person enters a lighted room and can come out successfully, will he also come out by the door from which he entered?"

After Tang Zhen thought about it, he asked again, if he won't come out from here, then there's no point in keeping him guarding.

"If you successfully leave the house, you will randomly appear in a certain house in the block, and only in rare cases will you be able to walk out through the entrance door."

Tang Zhen secretly thought that this was indeed the case, so he asked again, what are the so-called rare cases?
"If you can kill all the evil spirits in the house, you can get a key, so you can live in the house for a year.

There are many benefits of obtaining the key. Not only can you get food that appears regularly, but you can also avoid the pursuit of night trainers at night.

It's just that getting tenure is tough, and I only know of three desperate people in the entire neighborhood who have the keys.

They are all very powerful, they are the top three bosses of the gang of desperadoes, and they have many followers. "

Tang Zhen listened carefully, he didn't expect these houses to be so weird, but what the thin woman said also aroused his interest.

It would be a very good thing if he could get the right to use a house, at least he would not have to sleep on the streets.

Moreover, there are certificates needed to leave this block in the house. If Tang Zhen wants to leave this weird city, he must collect enough certificates.

Just when he was concentrating on thinking, the thin woman suddenly covered her stomach with her hand, and then there was a grunting sound.

Seeing Tang Zhen looking at her, the thin woman blushed slightly, and then whispered, "I haven't eaten for two days, that's why..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, until it was almost as thin as a mosquito, and she felt a little ashamed.

Tang Zhen nodded to express his understanding, and at the same time reached out to touch his body to see if there was food.

In the end, he found that there was nothing else on his body except a long robe and the soft armor covered under the robe.

"It would be great if I had a piece of jerky with me, so I can take it out and give it to the other party as a reward for her answering the question."

Tang Zhen didn't bother to take advantage of anyone. He was very satisfied with the performance of this thin woman, and appropriate rewards were justified.

When this idea came up in his mind, he suddenly felt something abnormal in his mind, and then an inexplicable feeling appeared.

In his palm, an object slowly appeared, and it took shape in an instant.

Tang Zhen glanced at the item in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face, because the thing that suddenly appeared in his hand was exactly the piece of jerky he had just thought of.

"How is this going?"

Feeling puzzled in his heart, Tang Zhen tried again, and soon another piece of jerky appeared in his hand.

"Is this... created out of thin air?"

Tang Zhen felt different, he actually still has such ability, did he only have it after he came here, or was he able to do it before?
"Take it, this is a reward for you!"

Seeing what Tang Zhen threw over, the thin woman quickly reached out to catch it, and when she found out that it was two pieces of jerky, a strong surprise appeared on her face.

"Thank you, You're so kind!"

After the thin woman thanked her, she immediately stuffed the jerky into her mouth, and chewed it with an expression of enjoyment on her face, not worrying about any problems with the jerky at all?
In fact, the skinny woman knew in her heart that if Tang Zhen wanted to kill him, he would be able to do it with a single blow, there was no need to go to such lengths.

Looking at the thin woman with a happy expression on her face, Tang Zhen confirmed that the jerky really exists, which is amazing.

Continuing to study this ability to create things out of thin air, if it can be used without limit and can make other items, it will definitely be of great help to Tang Zhen.

This time he didn't continue to try to make jerky, but thought about making a weapon that looked similar to the weapon in his hand.

Sure enough, when this idea came to him, he felt a strange feeling in his mind again, and then a slender sword slowly stretched into shape in his hand.

Seeing this, the thin woman who was eating jerky opened her mouth wide in astonishment, her face full of disbelief.

Tang Zhen ignored the thin woman's expression, but frowned slightly, because when the sword appeared, he felt a tingling pain in his mind.

It seemed that there was something in his body that was passing by rapidly at this moment, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

But Tang Zhen did not give up, but insisted on condensing the sword, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

The saber that appeared in his hand was about 1.2 meters long, and the blade was blue-black in color, with lines like blood vessels on it.

Just by looking at it, one can tell that this saber must be extremely sharp, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it will break the hair.

Although it is not a peerless weapon, it is definitely not an ordinary weapon, and it will inevitably attract countless people to fight for it.

"The manufacturing process is so difficult. It is very likely that I am based on the sword in my hand. If it is an ordinary weapon, maybe it will not be so difficult?"

Just as Tang Zhen thought of this, he tried again. Sure enough, as soon as the idea of ​​xing it rose this time, an ordinary-looking silver-white saber took shape in his hands.

The thin woman next to her had her mouth wide open, and half a piece of jerky was still in her mouth, looking very cute.

Her eyes were also rounder, as if she couldn't figure out what Tang Zhen was doing, why were swords appearing in his hands one after another?
Tang Zhen was in a very good mood at this time, turned his head to look at the stunned thin woman, and asked casually with a smile: "Don't be in a daze, tell me, what kind of weapon are you good at?"

The thin woman was stunned for a moment, and reflexively said: "I like to use a crossbow. I can hide in the distance and beat people secretly, which is safer!"

She once saw a crossbow in the hands of a desperate person, and she was extremely envious.

It's a pity that the opponent's weapon is obtained from the night watchman, and the probability of it appearing is very low, so it is impossible for him to get it.

So after hearing Tang Zhen's words, the thin woman gave the answer directly without thinking too much.

"A crossbow? What does it look like?"

Tang Zhen frowned and thought for a while, but still couldn't remember what the crossbow should look like, so he asked the thin woman.

"That's it, just install the crossbow and pull the trigger to shoot!"

The thin woman picked up a stone and sketched it on the ground. She drew it very carefully, and Tang Zhen also looked at it seriously.

"So that's it, is this a crossbow!"

While Tang Zhen was staring at the painting on the ground, an object quickly took shape in his hands. It looked like a crossbow, but its appearance was slightly different from the one drawn by the thin woman.

Slowly lifting the just-made object, Tang Zhen aimed at a big tree beside him, and gently pulled the trigger.

A series of swishing sounds were heard, but in the blink of an eye, more than ten crossbow arrows appeared on the big tree, and the arrows sank deeply into the trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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