I have a city in another world

Chapter 1996 With a group of helpers

Chapter 1996 With a group of helpers

Standing at the window on the second floor, Tang Zhen looked back at the street, only to see strange figures shaking everywhere.

The movement of the battle just now was not small, and the night watchmen in the nearby streets were all attracted, and the entire street was completely blocked.

But after the desperate people entered the house, the night watchmen seemed to have lost their target, and began to wander in place, and finally dispersed slowly.

Their wandering area is the street, the house occupied by the desperate, which belongs to the forbidden area in the eyes of the night watchman, or simply turns a blind eye.

Watching the night watchmen gradually disperse, the desperate people gathered in the house finally let out a long sigh of relief.

The dwarf squeezed out from the crowd, walked to the second floor, and bowed to Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency, please help me. I have brought all my subordinates, and I can follow your command at any time."

Looking at the dwarf covered in scars, Tang Zhen nodded slightly to express his understanding, but he still asked: "I saw the manpower you brought back just now, and it seems to be far less than the number I saw before. What's going on? What's going on?"

The dwarf smiled wryly when he heard the words, shook his head and sighed: "Things are really as you said, I only found out after I went back that half of my subordinates have defected to other forces.

After they saw me go back, they even wanted to kill me and take credit for my head.

After I killed a few with the continual crossbow given by your Excellency, the gang of traitors were scared away, and then I gathered those who were willing to follow me and hurried here.

As a result, he was assassinated on the way and was delayed for half a day, so he encountered night watchmen and was hunted down.

If it wasn't for Your Excellency, it would be impossible for us to break through the night watchman's blockade. "

When the dwarf said this, his expression was mixed with embarrassment and anger, obviously full of anger.

Tang Zhen was not surprised. What happened to the dwarf was within his expectation.

Although not all the people were gathered together, there were a hundred and ten people in the room, which was enough for Tang Zhen.

"You don't have to feel aggrieved. After dawn, we will find revenge for the guy who murdered you, and take over their territory by the way."

Tang Zhen's plan is to recruit a large group of people, and then use the crowd tactics to quickly flatten the various forces in this block.

Instead of working hard to collect the certificates by yourself, it is better to snatch them directly from those forces, which will undoubtedly be faster.

In the process of harvesting and plundering, you can also continuously increase your manpower, so that your power will continue to increase.

When there are enough people, Tang Zhen will not rely on credentials to pass through the city gate like other desperate people.

In that case, the vouchers in his hand would not be enough for several people, and what he wanted to do was to bring all these desperate people to a new neighborhood.

Have enough manpower, so that after reaching a new block, you can continue to repeat the old tricks and keep moving forward.

Collecting vouchers is just in case, if the plan fails, there will be a chance to use it.

Tang Zhen's biggest advantage now is that he can create all kinds of items out of thin air, so that he can provide enough weapons for his subordinates.

In the city of despair, weapons and armor are precisely the most precious things, and many people are empty-handed.

With the means of creating things with ideas, Tang Zhen doesn't have to worry about logistics at all. At least he can afford to support the hundred or so people in the house.

What makes Tang Zhen uncertain is whether there are any restrictions on his method of creating things out of thin air?
One thing he knows very well, there is almost no pressure when making ordinary items, but when making some special items, he will feel very strenuous.

Just arming these desperate people does not require any special items, and it is very easy for Tang Zhen.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen said to the dwarf: "I will prepare a set of equipment for each of you, and when you hear my greeting later, you can bring someone to get it.

Then I will prepare enough food, have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will be ready for action. "

"As ordered!"

The dwarf was simmering with anger, and naturally supported Tang Zhen's plan. After chatting with Tang Zhen for a few more words, he turned and went downstairs.

Not long after, Xiao Wu came up.

"You are responsible for guarding the door. No one is allowed to enter without my order."

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, Xiao Wu nodded, holding the saber Tang Zhen gave her, and stood at the door without saying a word.

Tang Zhen glanced at her and found that Xiao Wu's body was also full of wounds, except for the heaviest wound which was entangled in cloth strips, and the other wounds were left untreated.

After thinking about it, Tang Zhen stretched out his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Soon in his palm, an emerald green object like jasper appeared, exuding a fresh fragrance of grass and trees.

This smell is very special. After Xiao Wu who was standing at the door smelled it, she immediately felt refreshed.

"Go downstairs to find water, dissolve this ointment and apply it on the wound, it should have a miraculous effect on healing the injury."

Tang Zhen just wanted an ointment to heal the wound quickly, and this thing appeared naturally. As for the specific effect, Tang Zhen actually didn't know.

However, he believed in his own ability, since it was made according to his own ideas, the effect must not be much worse.

Xiao Wu believed in Tang Zhen's words, and when she smelled the ointment, she felt that the pain in her body had eased.

It can be seen from this that this is definitely a holy medicine for healing, and the effect is extraordinary.

In the city of despair, medicines are more valuable than weapons.

She didn't know how Tang Zhen did all this, but she knew that it was best not to ask too much about some things. The more secrets she knew, the more unnecessary burdens and threats would be added to herself.

After nodding his thanks to Tang Zhen, Xiao Wu took the ointment and went downstairs, and then collected the drinking water from those desperate people.

Put the ointment into the water, and soon a bucket of emerald green liquid medicine appeared in front of everyone.

Like Xiao Wu, those desperate people were all attracted by the aroma of this liquid medicine, and at the same time showed a trace of expectation.

In order to break through the blockade of the night watchmen just now, many of them have been injured, and in the absence of medical treatment, they can only grit their teeth silently.

Nowadays, there are healing medicines that can relieve one's own pain, which is naturally the best.

In an environment like City of Despair, if they are weak and sick, it means that the chances of being eliminated are greatly increased, and dragging their bodies with injuries will undoubtedly make their situation more dangerous.

After the liquid medicine melted, Xiao Wu was the first to experiment with her own body. She didn't know the reason, but she trusted Tang Zhen very much anyway.

After applying the liquid medicine on the wound, a miraculous scene appeared, first felt a numb itching, and then a cooling sensation.

Immediately afterwards, the wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, without even leaving a scar.

The desperate people who saw this scene were stunned at first, and then they showed surprise, and they all asked for a medicine for themselves.

Seeing this, the dwarf immediately stood up. He kept everyone quiet, and then distributed the bucket of medicinal liquid according to the severity of everyone's injuries.

Immediately, there was a scent of medicine in the crowded house, and the desperate people watched their wounds heal quickly, with expressions of shock and joy on their faces.

Xiao Wu also told these desperate people at the right time that the medicinal solution was a reward from Tang Zhen, and these desperate people thanked them repeatedly.

For Tang Zhen, who defeated the dwarves, occupied a house, and gave them weapons and healing medicines, he was filled with awe and curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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