I have a city in another world

Chapter 2005 Dedicated Enthusiastically

Chapter 2005 Dedicated Enthusiastically
The desperate person who was in charge of recruiting was surrounded by a large group of people as soon as he walked not far away, and he couldn't move forward at all.

These desperate people asked about the specific conditions for recruitment, and when they heard that they only needed to be brave and hardworking, and had no other requirements, they immediately swarmed towards the building in front of them.

Such a recruitment condition is that there is no threshold at all, and anyone is eligible to join!

The desperate people secretly guessed that this was the start of Tang Zhen's power, so the recruitment conditions were relaxed.

If Tang Zhen becomes stronger in the future, the recruitment will become stricter and stricter.

If this is the case, this opportunity should not be missed, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

Seeing the desperate people coming in groups on the street, the dwarf's subordinates were shocked, thinking that the enemy had made a comeback.

They didn't need anyone to direct them, they held swords and pistols and quickly formed a defensive line to block the crowd on the opposite side.

"Don't get me wrong, we are here to join Your Excellency Tang Zhen!"

Seeing the black muzzle of the magic-reformed pistol pointing at themselves, the desperate people were startled, stopped in their tracks, and at the same time shouted loudly to indicate their purpose.

Having seen the power of the magic modified pistol before, they knew that if they were hit, they would definitely die.

They must express their intentions as soon as possible, and must not be impulsive, otherwise death will be in vain, and no one will seek justice for them.

The dwarf's subordinates looked at each other when they heard the words, but they did not relax their vigilance, but immediately asked Tang Zhen.

"Let them come here. I am the one who sent people out to publicize and prepare to recruit some more people."

Tang Zhen's voice sounded, which made the dwarf's men relax their vigilance, and then slowly made way for those desperate people to come forward.

But even so, they still did not relax their vigilance. Who knows if there will be remnants of the group of enemies just now, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to launch a sneak attack?

In such a chaotic place, there is nothing wrong with being more vigilant.

A large group of desperate people rushed over quickly. They wanted to get close to Tang Zhen, but they hesitated and did not dare to move forward. At the same time, they looked at him expectantly.

Upon seeing this, Tang Zhen said: "You all clean up the battlefield first, then get together and wait for the next order.

Everything I promise will definitely be fulfilled.

But you must also obey the order, absolutely not allowed to steal and play tricks, if someone is afraid of fighting and dying, then leave as soon as possible, don't wait for me to drive them away. "

There was a bit of coldness in Tang Zhen's words. He provided the most precious food in the city of despair, and provided equipment that was more expensive than human lives, so naturally he would not raise some waste.

As long as these desperate people dare to go all out and kill the enemy bravely during the war, Tang Zhen will definitely not treat them badly.

A group of desperate people repeatedly said that they would not do it. To survive in the city of despair, basically they do not lack the courage to fight hard.

After finally having the opportunity to join a powerful group, how could they waste such an opportunity, they would definitely show themselves desperately.

Some people may be more cautious, but in the case of fighting with the team, as long as the performance is not too cowardly, it will not affect the overall situation.

In the following time, these desperate people who had just joined gathered all the corpses on the street as ordered, and carried them to the dwarf sitting at the door.

Seeing the dwarf devouring madly, many people trembled in fear, fearing that they would also be eaten.

The corpses of the enemy chieftains controlled by the dwarves were already full, but they were still devouring them non-stop.

Relying on his own natural ability, his size is growing rapidly. If he swallows all the surrounding corpses, his size will at least expand several times.

Tang Zhen is very happy to see the changes in the physical puppet. With such a body shape and corresponding equipment, it will definitely be able to exert a terrifying combat power.

Not to mention the terrifying power, just the savage collision and trampling is enough to make the enemy collapse in despair.

In fact, the dwarf is also aware of this, but he does not have the conditions, and cannot gather the equipment needed by the flesh puppet.

If he could have a full body of heavy armor, then his combat power would at least triple, and perhaps no one in the neighborhood would be his opponent.

Even if Tang Zhen wanted to defeat him at the beginning, it would never be so easy. After all, with armor and without armor are two completely different concepts.

Tang Zhen was also watching the dwarf's operation, and he also felt familiar with this parasitic manipulation method.

Although his own memory has disappeared, he can still guess that he must have an extraordinary identity and strength before entering the city of despair.

Tang Zhen didn't care about the bloody scene of the puppets devouring the flesh, and seemed to be used to it for a long time.

There are thousands of races of monks, and each has its own method for improving its strength. This method of devouring flesh and blood is also one of them.

Although it looks bloody, but for practitioners, this kind of thing is not too rare.

At this time, the fleshy puppet's belly swelled up high, indicating that although its digestion speed was fast, it was far slower than the speed of devouring, which would also delay its growth in size.

At this speed, the dwarf would probably take at least a few days to complete the cultivation of the flesh puppet.

This speed is a bit too slow, maybe I can help?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and soon something appeared in his hands.

Looking at the dwarf who was concentrating on manipulating the puppet, Tang Zhen threw the object in his hand and it fell into the opponent's hand accurately.

The dwarf took it reflexively. Seeing the black ball in his hand, he couldn't figure out what Tang Zhen was going to do.
"If you swallow it for the flesh puppet, it should help speed up digestion and make absorption more efficient!

There may be other effects, I can't say, but there are definitely benefits. "

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, the dwarf threw the black ball into the flesh puppet's mouth without any hesitation.

Judging by the dwarf's appearance, it seems that he is not worried at all that the black ball is poison, and it will poison him indirectly through the puppet in the flesh.

After the black pill was swallowed by the flesh puppet, soon a sound like drumming came from the corpse of the enemy chieftain.

The belly, which was originally swollen like a ball, decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, its limbs also changed, slowly expanding like blowing a balloon.

The changes are not just that, as the body size continues to grow, the skin of the flesh puppet also begins to keratinize, becoming like scales.

Some thick, bone-spur-like sharp objects slowly drilled out from under the flesh, making the puppet's appearance even more terrifying.

As for the head of the flesh puppet, black sharp horns grew out, and the flesh on the face quickly disappeared, leaving only a thin layer of skin in the end.

The skull of the enemy chief also began to deform. It was very similar to a human head, but now it looked like a ferocious dragon.

After seeing this obvious change, the dwarf showed joy, and then his body shrank into a ball, squeezing into the cranial cavity along the eye sockets.

After another minute or so, the fleshy puppet controlled by the dwarf twitched all over, and then stood up abruptly from the ground, its black eye sockets constantly sweeping around.

Seeing this, the desperate people around quickly dodged away. It was the size of the physical puppets that brought great pressure to people, making them subconsciously want to stay away.

The flesh puppet moved its hands and feet, then looked at Tang Zhen, and saluted him with fists.

Tang Zhen smiled without saying a word, and waved his hand lightly.

The flesh puppet nodded, then grabbed a wreck with its big hands with sharp nails, and stuffed it directly into his mouth like eating a snack.

Ignoring the body puppets that continued to devour them, Tang Zhen turned his head and looked behind him, only to see more and more desperate people coming on the broad street.

At this time, at least a thousand desperate people gathered in front of the building. With their joining, Tang Zhen's manpower at his disposal was increasing rapidly.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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