I have a city in another world

Chapter 2016 The Advanced Block Is Not Perfect

Chapter 2016 The Advanced Block Is Not Perfect
After the huge steel convoy passed through the city gate, the scene before their eyes was not a wide street, but an open field full of weeds.

The venue was deserted and clear, with no ghosts to be seen, giving off a feeling of bleakness and dilapidation.

It's not even as good as the long street they were on before, at least it's not so monotonous, desolate, and makes people feel hopeless.

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment, which is what they are feeling at this time.

The joy of capturing the city gate slowly cooled down as if cold water had been poured on it at this moment.

"What the hell, this is the legendary high-end neighborhood, why doesn't it look like it?"

The dwarf's eyes widened in doubt, and after looking around, he said in a depressed tone.

"It's really very wrong. Could it be that the rumors are wrong and deliberately deceived us poor people?"

Another desperate person interjected, this is a desperate person who just followed Tang Zhen, because he was very brave in battle, so he was personally guarded by Tang Zhenxiong.

Although Xiao Wu and the others didn't speak, there was a trace of disappointment on their faces, which could be seen with their eyes.

They have imagined countless times, the scene after they went to the high-end district, but they didn't expect it to be the scene in front of them?
Could it be that the legendary high-end neighborhood is just a big lie to deceive the desperate, but the real situation is actually extremely cruel?

It's not impossible, driven desperate, to conjure up high-level neighborhoods and tell them to others.

Because the existence of high-end blocks conforms to the fantasies in the hearts of other desperate people, so will rumors be spread more and more widely among desperate people?
If so, what's the point of all their struggles?
Sure enough, it is indeed a city of despair, always inadvertently, let you experience what is real despair.

Just when everyone was discussing and getting discouraged, Tang Zhen frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong with the situation in front of him.

In this huge field, he felt that mysterious power again, which seemed to surround the ground and surroundings.

Gently closing his eyes, pouring the mysterious power in his mind into his eye sockets, Tang Zhen concentrated his attention and looked at the square in front of him again.

The scene that appeared before his eyes again was an empty square, and it was clearly a fetid swamp with black air rising.

Looking at the swamp, once it slips and sinks, there is no possibility of getting out. It is estimated that it will be swallowed by mud in the blink of an eye.

In the pulpy mud, black bubbles rolled out continuously, and from time to time, pairs of skeletons poked their heads out.

They appear and disappear from time to time, like fish, constantly wandering and undulating in the mud.

More skeletons just lay on the side of the road, watching the desperate people with greedy eyes, as if they were waiting for them to move forward and enter the swamp.

There is indeed a square under Tang Zhen's feet, but this square is a narrow one. After extending forward for a certain distance, it suddenly becomes thinner and narrower, leading to the front in a meandering way.

If you go forward foolishly without seeing the truth, you will [-]% stumble and fall into the swamp.

At that time, you will either be suffocated to death by the foul-smelling mud, or eaten by the terrible skeleton, or even become one of them after death.

After seeing through the illusion in front of him, Tang Zhen shook his head slightly, secretly thinking that the designer of this passage was really vicious.

The desperate people worked so hard to collect evidence, but when they got here, they were deceived, fell into the swamp and lost their lives.

However, is the truth of the matter really what I guessed?
Tang Zhen feels that things are not that simple. If he really wants to deceive the desperate, there is actually no need to engage in such a big fight.

So there must be something in it that I don't understand, so don't jump to conclusions lightly.

Just as he was thinking about it, the desperate men under him took a few more prisoners. They were all guards who turned out from the corner after entering the city gate.

Perhaps seeing the ferocity of the desperate man, when these prisoners were pushed over, they all turned pale and trembled.

Tang Zhen glanced at the prisoners, waved his hand gently, and motioned for them to stand up from the ground.

The prisoners didn't understand the situation, but they stood up obediently, with their chests folded and their hands tied together, not daring to look up at Tang Zhen.

"I can give you a chance to walk through the front. As long as anyone can walk through, I will spare his life. Do you dare to bet?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, several prisoners shook their heads desperately. Obviously, they also knew how dangerous the square ahead was.

"Why not? Could it be that this square has something to say?"

Tang Zhen asked knowingly, wanting to see if these captives would tell the truth.

"To tell you the truth, we only know that after passing through this square, we can reach the high-end block ahead.

But if you want to pass smoothly, you must pay a hundred certificates and get a special item at the same time.

It is said that only after wearing it can one see the confusion and avoid the death trap in this square.

It is said that the purpose of doing this is to prevent some stowaways who have not obtained a certificate from sneaking across the city gate to the high-end district.

And it turns out that doing so is really effective.

In the decades I have been a guard, I have seen at least hundreds of stowaways cross the city wall, but when passing through the square, all of them fell into death traps, and finally there were no bones left! "

An older prisoner explained to Tang Zhen, and what he said was basically consistent with what Tang Zhen had observed.

If things are as he said, it means that the high-end neighborhood really exists, and there is no problem with the passage ahead.

So if it is said that they passed through the city gate through the normal way, then they must have obtained the so-called special items, so as to see through the illusion in front of them.

After figuring out all of this, Tang Zhen lost interest and did not continue to delve into this square.

In fact, it is just the most basic defense method, and there is nothing unusual about it, but the effect is surprisingly good.

What interests him the most is these guards. You can tell from their appearance that they are also ordinary desperate people, but why do they become the guards here?
When Tang Zhen asked this question, the prisoners did not dare to hide anything, and quickly answered truthfully: "Actually, we are desperate people, but we come from a high-end neighborhood, and we were sent here to serve because we owed too much money.

We have to serve here for a hundred years before we have a chance to leave here and return to the high-end neighborhood.

If you die during your service, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive until the end of his service period, but returned to the high-end neighborhood empty-handed, he might not live for long. "

Hearing the explanations of these captives, Tang Zhen frowned and said, "As you said, this high-end neighborhood may not be as beautiful as imagined?"

The old captive laughed bitterly, and said with emotion: "Actually, I have been a city guard here for decades, and I actually like it better here.

Although it is extremely lonely and lonely here, at least there is a supply of military food, so you don't have to worry about going hungry.

Also don't worry, like the desperate people in the low-end neighborhoods, being hunted down by night watchmen, they are precarious all day long.

The most important point is that you don't have to live in a high-end neighborhood where everything is inseparable from money. It is actually the greatest blessing to live your life like this. "

The words of the old prisoner revealed a vicissitudes of seeing through the world. Obviously, in the past life, he also experienced a lot of torture.

Tang Zhen was not in the mood to pay attention to the other party's emotion, but asked: "What steps are needed to become a defender here?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's question, the old prisoner thought for a while, and then replied: "Just pick up the military badge on the corpse, or find a military badge in the warehouse, and after carrying it on your body, you will become the guard of the city gate by default. .”

Tang Zhen nodded. If it was really that simple, it would be a good way to arrange these desperate people under him.

(End of this chapter)

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