Chapter 2018

After arranging the desperate people, Tang Zhen stopped wasting time and began to lead the dwarf and others towards the square.

On the city wall behind them, there are nearly ten thousand pairs of eyes, staring at them intently.

There are regrets and expectations in these eyes, but more of them are deep unwillingness.

Although they also thought about going to the high-end district with Tang Zhen, they subconsciously felt fear when they thought of the predicament they were about to face.

Instead of taking risks, it is better to be safe and secure and spend the rest of your life safely.

Different choices determine different paths, which are no longer related to each other at this moment.


Seeing Tang Zhen and his group walking towards the square, the skeleton monsters wandering in the mud became extremely active.

They keep pouring out of the muck and congregate along the road, waiting for the unlucky stumbler.

"If you can't see through the illusion, it's almost all luck. I don't know how many will be left in the end?"

Tang Zhen glanced over those skeleton monsters, with a cold look in his eyes, he turned to the dwarf and the others and said, "During the journey ahead, you must firmly remember my footsteps, and you must not deviate from them.

Otherwise, as long as there is a single error, your life may be lost, and no one can save you.

I'm definitely not alarmist, if you don't believe it, you can try it! "

After hearing what Tang Zhen said, everyone showed solemn expressions, expressing that they would be more careful.

Dangers are everywhere in the city of despair, and there is almost no safe place. The huge square full of weeds in front of them looks very strange at first glance. How dare they take it lightly?
"Give you three minutes to prepare, and then follow behind in a long line with ropes tied around your waist.

Every group of 20 people, without my order, is absolutely not allowed to untie the rope easily! "

After hearing Tang Zhen's order, the desperate people followed suit one after another, and soon formed a long queue again.

When the time came, Tang Zhen stepped forward first.

The dwarf, Xiao Wu and others followed closely behind, and behind them were nearly a thousand desperate people who chose to follow. They followed closely behind Tang Zhen with nervous expressions on their faces.

There was nothing unusual at the beginning, but it didn't take long for them to feel something was wrong.

The seemingly empty square was filled with an indescribable stench, which made people want to vomit.

Bursts of strange sounds kept ringing in their ears, as if something was rolling in the mud, and as if something evil was whispering softly in their ears.

The desperate people, who were already a little nervous, became even more nervous at this moment, carefully guarding against the sudden arrival of danger.

Unknowingly, the speed of the team was also affected.

Tang Zhen glanced back, but didn't say much.

At this time, the road under their feet was fairly wide, and even if the team was a little chaotic, there would be no danger.

However, as the road continues to advance, the road becomes narrower and narrower, so if there is another chaos at that time, it is necessary to take countermeasures.

The purpose of tying the rope was to ensure that everyone would be brought there, but if there really was a black sheep, then Tang Zhen would never keep him, but would get rid of him immediately.

Where Tang Zhen and the others walked, the skeletons gathered on the side of the road wailed in disappointment, and then struggled desperately in the mud, biting at the back of the team.

No one fell here, so maybe someone will fall later, as long as you wait patiently, there will always be unlucky ones.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the road suddenly changed. It was originally several meters wide, but now it was only three feet wide.

Although this width is more than enough for walking, you still need to be more careful.

And compared to the original flatness, the road surface has begun to become rough and bumpy at this time, with depressions and protrusions from time to time.

If you accidentally stumble, you will fall into the muddy swamp next to you.

After arriving here, dangerous situations finally appeared frequently, and the desperate people could not see the unevenness on the ground, so they would be stumbled from time to time.

If it weren't for the ropes on their bodies, they would have fallen into the muddy swamp and been torn to pieces by those skeleton monsters.

But even so, there were still some unlucky people who stumbled and fell into the swamp, and then those skeletons took the opportunity to grab their bodies and tear them down desperately.

These skeletal monsters have sharp bone claws, which will pierce into the flesh almost as soon as they are grabbed, and the desperate people who are attacked will be scarred in an instant.

At this time, those desperate people will struggle desperately and cry out to their companions for help.

Because of the rope tied to their bodies, most desperate people will try their best to pull their companions back up after they are in danger.

As long as they don't die, there is always the possibility of healing the wounds on their bodies. After all, they have the healing medicine distributed by Tang Zhen.

However, there were still some guys who were afraid of being implicated. After their companions fell into the mud, they directly drew their knives and cut off the ropes on their bodies.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't reach out to rescue, for fear of implicating himself.

Selfishness, it's a subconscious reaction,

Without the involvement of the rope, the desperate people who fell into the swamp had no chance to struggle, and were directly thrown into the mud.

Before and after, a total of more than a dozen teams encountered similar situations, and nearly a hundred desperate people lost their lives in an instant.

Those who don't rescue their companions soon taste the consequences. After they cut their companions' ropes, other desperate people began to refuse to connect with their ropes.

No one would entrust his life to such a companion. Maybe he would help the other party when something happened, but when something happened, they would definitely stand by and watch, or even push you.

After finding no one to tie the rope with themselves, these desperate people looked gloomy and moved forward cautiously.

"Okay, here is a big platform with thousands of square meters, everyone can take a rest here."

At this moment, Tang Zhen suddenly stopped and said to the desperate man behind him.

Hearing the words, everyone let out a sigh of relief at the same time, and sat softly on the ground.

Tang Zhen glanced at the desperate people and said in a cold voice: "The next section of the road will become more dangerous. If you want to pass smoothly, you must have the most trustworthy partner.

But I think everyone has seen the behavior of some people just now, and you know for yourself whether such people are trustworthy or not. "

Tang Zhen kept silent when he said this, he had already given enough hints, if these desperate people still don't know what to do, then it can only be said that they deserve to die.

This is also because he is too lazy to do anything, otherwise this kind of black sheep will definitely be driven away by him.

Right after Tang Zhen said these words, the faces of those desperate people who had cut off the rope all changed drastically.

They have already clearly felt that the eyes of the desperate people around them have changed, with a trace of killing intent.

Obviously, many desperate people looked down on their previous behavior from the bottom of their hearts, but they were limited by the environment and could not attack it.

After realizing their situation, those desperate people immediately held their weapons vigilantly, and at the same time explained loudly to Tang Zhen: "We didn't do it on purpose, it was just a subconscious reaction when the situation was critical.

They will definitely die, and there is no way to rescue them. If the rope is not cut, everyone will suffer. "

It was obvious that he did it by himself, but he insisted on kidnapping other people to excuse himself from responsibility.

Tang Zhen shook his head, and said softly: "I didn't say that you did something wrong, after all, this is a world where the weak prey on the strong, if you don't be cruel, you won't be able to survive at all.

I'm just saying that you are not trustworthy. If you betray your teammates once, you can betray them a second time.

So I can give you the chance to choose, either turn around and return now, or keep a certain distance behind us, and hand over the weapons in your hands at the same time.

If you refuse to cooperate, I think you are very clear about the consequences you will encounter. "

(End of this chapter)

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