I have a city in another world

Chapter 2020 Dragon Hunting

Chapter 2020 Dragon Hunting
This journey was extremely difficult, Tang Zhen used various tools, and finally arrived at the end of the road dangerously and dangerously.

Tang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, as for the desperate people who followed behind him, they slumped on the ground as if they were relieved.

They dared to swear to God that the journey they had gone through before was definitely a nightmare experience.

If it wasn't for Tang Zhen's warning and leadership, coupled with their own desire to survive, they might not be able to persevere.

Fortunately, everything has passed, and they finally survived, and now they only hope that similar situations will never happen again.

Otherwise, if they continue to toss like this, they are afraid that they will go crazy and collapse immediately.

But in the City of Despair, this kind of thinking is enough to become an extravagant hope. After all, despair and disappointment are the most common here, and it is hard to guard against.

Tang Zhen looked carefully at the road ahead again, and found that there was nothing unusual, and he felt much more relaxed.

He had tried his best so far, but fortunately, his hard work was not in vain, and none of the desperate people who followed him suffered casualties.

"Everyone eat and rest, then let's move on, I believe the high-level area is not far ahead."

Everyone nodded silently, and quickly seized the time to eat to replenish their physical strength, and beware of unexpected situations that may happen at any time.

Tang Zhen also sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating while eating the ready-made food.

After eating, everyone continued on the road, and after a while, a wide street appeared in front of them.

Everyone noticed the difference. Compared with the previous street, the road here seemed to be smoother and cleaner.

Moreover, on both sides of the road, flowers and plants with unusually bright colors can be seen from time to time.

Although it gives people the impression that these flowers and plants are painted with oil paint, they are very dazzling, but they are much stronger than the monotonous colors on the original street.

After walking for a certain distance, sparse trees began to appear on the side of the road. The more we advanced, the more trees became, and finally it became a forest.

In the farther place, there are looming peaks, which look soaring into the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone was in a good mood.

At least from a visual point of view, the environment here is far better than the previous location. If there is really no food, maybe you can go to this forest to find it.

Of course, the premise is that the forest is safe enough. If there are monsters everywhere, no matter how much food there is, you have to die to enjoy it.

Tang Zhen soon discovered that his worries were not unreasonable.

Because just as they were advancing, they could see strange figures appearing in the woods from time to time.

At the same time, there are greedy eyes, passing through the gaps in the trees, secretly staring at them.

It seemed that because of the road, these monsters could not get too close, otherwise they would have rushed to the road and attacked Tang Zhen and the others.

However, it keeps throwing stones and clods, or makes strange noises to lure people, which is annoying.

Guess its purpose is obviously to lure the desperate people into the forest, and then take the opportunity to do harm.

"Damn it, is it over yet?"

There was a fierce light in the dwarf's eyes. Looking at those figures who were probing their brains, he subconsciously picked up the magic modified hand cannon.

"Your Excellency, do you want me to go and see what it is?"

Tang Zhen nodded, and the dwarf immediately showed excitement, waved at the few desperate people around him, and rushed directly into the forest by the roadside.

Then there was the sound of guns and guns, as well as the roar of dwarves and others, as well as the sound of trees breaking.

Tang Zhen seemed to see a huge shadow swaying in the forest, and rushed out without hesitation, and appeared in the forest the next moment.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a dragon-shaped creature with a body length of sixteen to seven meters, with wings growing on its back, attacking dwarves and those desperate people.

For an ordinary desperate person, a monster of this size is definitely huge, but for a dwarf who controls a flesh puppet, it may not be that big.

At this moment, the dwarf was slashing at the dragon-shaped creature wielding a huge saber. As for the magic-modified hand cannon he used, it had already been thrown on the ground.

There were four or five blood holes on the body of the dragon-shaped creature. Judging from the appearance of the wound, it was obvious that it was bombarded by the magic hand cannon.

Just as the fleshy puppet approached, the dragon-shaped creature suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a mouthful of flames.

The dwarf couldn't dodge in time, so he could only raise his hand to cover his face, so as not to get hurt.

But in a blink of an eye, it turned into a fireball, and its whole body was wrapped in flames.

But the flesh puppet was not afraid of pain, so it rushed up against the flames, and the saber in its hand slammed down.

The dragon-like creature turned away and received a knife in the neck, but it wasn't particularly fatal.

As if enraged by the knife, the dragon-shaped creature opened its mouth wide and bit the dwarf's head fiercely.

After the mouth opened, it was much bigger than the dwarf's head, and Wan could swallow it in one gulp!
At this time, the dwarf's whole body was wrapped in flames, and he couldn't defend against the attack of the dragon-shaped creature at all. Although the other desperate men shot desperately, they couldn't effectively stop the attack at all.

Their weapons are pistols, not hand cannons, and their power is obviously not enough at this time.

At this critical moment, Tang Zhen shot directly, and a metal throwing gun more than three meters long appeared out of thin air, and he threw it out at the same time.

This shot was fast and ruthless, directly piercing the mouth of the dragon-shaped creature, piercing its head directly.

The dragon-shaped creature was so severely injured that it fell to the ground with a plop without even making a sound.

After the huge body twitched a few times, it didn't move any more, obviously dead.

Although he killed the dragon-shaped creature with one move, Tang Zhen did not relax, but re-condensed a long spear in his hand.

Because he found that in the surrounding forest, there were still many strange figures secretly peeping at them.

It seems that because Tang Zhen shot and killed the dragon-shaped creature with one move, the black shadows were afraid, so they didn't continue to approach, but they didn't stay away either.

Tang Zhen didn't know the origin of these monsters, but he knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, otherwise accidents would inevitably happen.

"Don't love to fight, evacuate immediately!"

After hearing Tang Zhen's order, those desperate people immediately formed a defensive formation and began to slowly retreat out of the forest.

"Wait a moment!"

The dwarf let go of his hand, rushed to the dragon-shaped creature in three steps at a time, hugged its head directly, and then dragged it violently.

Due to being burned by the flames, the dwarf's body smelled like roasted meat. The skin and flesh in many places had been stretched and cracked, and there was even dripping fat.

If it wasn't for the set of armor Tang Zhen gave him, perhaps at this moment the dwarf's whole body would have been completely roasted, turning into a pile of roasted meat.

It can be seen that the dwarf is extremely dissatisfied with this, after all, this physical puppet is the most satisfying one he has lived so far.

The damage was so serious at this moment, he was bleeding from distress, wishing to tear the dragon-shaped creature into pieces.

As for the purpose of dragging it, it is to take it outside the forest, and then eat it after roasting it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to vent his anger and desire for food.

The forest was not far from the roadside, and Tang Zhen and others quickly retreated. Fortunately, they were not attacked by other monsters during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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