I have a city in another world

Chapter 2027 The cave is not safe

Chapter 2027 The cave is not safe
Before you know it, night has quietly fallen.

The entrance of the burrow has been blocked, and the stones are built airtight to prevent the smell from overflowing and attracting monsters.

Although the effect is not particularly good, it is better than not doing it, at least it can play a role in covering up.

This is also a last resort, although it will feel very stuffy, but it is much better than losing your life.

I haven't experienced the wave of monsters here, so I don't know how terrible the situation is. Being in the area outside the city, it is completely inevitable.

The huge dwarf had to dig a hole to bury the puppet in the ground, and then got into the hole.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't do it, but the horned helmet reminded him repeatedly that the night was far more terrifying than he could have imagined.

In this case, if you continue to stay outside, you will be attacked by monsters [-]%.

The flesh puppet is the biggest and has good defense, but when faced with endless monsters, even its iron body can't withstand the attack at all.

This is not alarmist talk, not to mention that the dwarf has also experienced the strength of the dragon-shaped monster. Although it became his food in the end, it was all because of Tang Zhen's help.

If they rely solely on their own strength, this will turn into excrement, and I'm afraid it has already become themselves.

It can be seen that the dwarf is in a very depressed mood. This fleshy puppet is the work he is most satisfied with. Even if it suffers a little damage, it will make him feel distressed.

If he had a choice, he would rather stay with his physical puppet, otherwise he would feel very insecure.

If there were not many monsters, he would even be willing to fight the monsters, and he would not be separated from his flesh puppet.

It's a pity that in this special environment, when the dwarf is not self-willed, if he insists on dying, no one will stop him.

The premise is that his behavior will not hurt others, otherwise no one will be polite to him, not even his companions.

This is the cruelest law of survival. If you don't obey it, you will be rejected collectively.

Having said that, Horn Helmet was quite interested in the dwarf's manipulation method, and even invited the dwarf to join him.

If they had a tough guy like a dwarf in their team, they wouldn't have the slightest fear even if they were being chased by officers and soldiers.

As for inviting Tang Zhen to join the gang, he didn't even dare to think about it, and he didn't have any confidence at all.

Such a powerful character, even the spellcaster is no match, so how could they be left behind by their group?

The dwarf shook his head when he heard the words, and at the same time asked the horned helmet in a disdainful tone: "We have swords and armor, why should we follow you and obey your mercy?"

Although he is a newcomer, the dwarf looks down on the Horn Helmets and the others. He is obviously inferior to him in every aspect, so he is ashamed to be his boss.

Is it possible that I'm a fool, knowing that you want to be a white wolf, but obediently let you drive me around?
The horned helmet doesn't think so. Although he doesn't have the sophisticated equipment of the dwarves and others, he is very familiar with the terrain here, which is his biggest advantage.

What's the use of having a bunch of good things in the sky, but still not being able to save your life?
Although their equipment is not good, but under the double threats of monsters and officers and soldiers, they can persist until now, which in itself is a manifestation of strength.

That's why the Horn Helmets are so confident, feeling that they are qualified to recruit these hundreds of people. As for whether the dwarves are willing or not, that is their own business.

While the two were chatting, there was a sudden rumbling sound from the ground, as if the sound of a huge foot stepping on the ground.


The horned helmet made a silent gesture, signaling to everyone not to speak, and at the same time tilted their heads as if they were listening.

In fact, he doesn't need to remind too much, everyone has had a similar experience, knowing that in this situation, the quieter the better for themselves.

The vibrating sound of the ground became louder and louder, and it seemed to be hovering nearby. Obviously, the monster had discovered the abnormal situation and was reluctant to leave for a long time.

"We have too many people..."

The horned helmet's expression was a little nervous, and he lowered his voice and whispered, while subconsciously clenched his two-handed battle axe.

The function of the cave is only to cover up the figure, which cannot be compared with the defense of the city.

However, if they can guard the entrance of the cave and prevent the monsters from rushing in, then as long as they persist until dawn, they can still save the day.

So guarding the entrance of the cave has become the top priority.

At the position of the entrance of the cave at this moment, a large group of people already had their swords in their hands, staring intently at the stone at the entrance of the cave, for fear that something might happen.

At this moment, a stone shook suddenly, as if it was squeezed in by something.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts hung in their throats, and the arms holding the weapons were trembling slightly.

The atmosphere was silent and chillingly quiet.


There was a sound like dripping water, and then the stone moved violently, and was knocked out abruptly.

A desperate person couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by a stone. The huge force knocked him back several meters away, and then collapsed limply on the ground.

No one paid any attention to the desperate man who was spouting blood. The eyes of the people guarding the entrance of the cave were wide-eyed, staring at the opening that had just appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a big face with a strange smile slowly appeared from the gap, sweeping everyone with cold and greedy eyes.

There was a grotesque and smug smile on the corner of its mouth, as if a cold poisonous snake had burrowed into a chicken coop full of chicks.

"Call me!"

The monster has rushed into the cave, and the only thing to do at this time is to kill it quickly, otherwise it will only cause more serious consequences.

Amidst the roar, the weapons in everyone's hands smashed together, and landed on that ugly face one after another.

The monster's big face was covered with spears and hatchets in a blink of an eye, and the smelly liquid continued to flow from the wound, and the smell was unusually pungent.

The monster seemed to be irritated by the attack, and its expression became extremely distorted. It opened its mouth, as if it was about to spit out something.

At this moment, everyone saw a black shadow flash past, and then saw that a huge stone was forced into the big mouth of that strange face.

The weird face that was about to spit out the poisonous mist, with a distorted and tangled look, seemed to want to spit out the stone, but was unable to do so.

How could Niujiaohe and others miss such an opportunity, they rushed forward one after another, brandishing their swords and slashing wildly.

Suffering continuous attacks, the weird face did not retreat but advanced, and squeezed in towards the cave.

It wasn't until then that everyone could see clearly that the body of this strange human face was like a giant python, and at the same time, it was covered with slender arms.

While getting in, those arms kept scratching around, trying to make the hole bigger.

The boa-like body swayed left and right in the cave, knocking those desperate people back and forth. If it wasn't for its mouth being blocked, it probably opened its mouth wide to bite around at this moment.

The desperate people following Tang Zhen immediately pointed their guns at the monster's body, and the bullets shot out like money.

The monster's body was beaten to the point of splashing juice, and an unpleasant stench immediately filled the entire cave.

Stimulated by this smell, the desperate people vomited one after another, and then fell to the ground with pale faces.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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