I have a city in another world

Chapter 2044 In and out!

Chapter 2044 In and out!

With a group of powerful treacherous knights acting as guards, when the monsters in the forest approached the gate of the city, they all avoided the giant puppet tree.

For these low-level monsters, the crafty knight didn't bother to pay attention to them, allowing them to pass by and participate in the gluttonous feast in the city.

During the period, high-level monsters also appeared, and they were obviously afraid of the crafty knight, and they entered the city after probing.

Those deceitful knights didn't provoke these high-level monsters, and they didn't interfere with the river water on weekdays, otherwise a bloody battle would be inevitable.

Unknowingly, the morning light was already slightly dew, and the light gradually sprinkled on the blood-stained city. .

The iron armored artillery vehicle, which had been silent all night, roared again, but the target of the bombing this time was not the urban area, but the raging monsters on the streets.

This was an order from Tang Zhen. It was impossible for him to let the monsters go away safely after they showed their vicious behavior.

Previously, they were only used to clean up the city. After the goal was achieved, it was time for these monsters to die.

They are a knife borrowed by Tang Zhen, which can kill the enemy and also injure himself.

So Tang Zhen wanted to destroy the fierce soldiers as soon as they were used, lest they continue to harm the desperate.

After a night of killing, the monsters that ate their bellies were blown to pieces in the artillery fire.

The city that was already full of wreckage was once again covered in flesh and blood, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere.

In the city shrouded in artillery fire, figures fleeing in panic can be seen everywhere, and any place that can withstand the bombing has become a hiding place for monsters.

However, under this terrifying artillery bombardment, the monsters had no way of escaping, and the final fate was to be bombed into rotten meat.

The armored artillery vehicles controlled by Niu Horn Helmet and others mainly aimed at those huge monsters, and the shells pierced into the bodies of these monsters fiercely, blasting out terrifying blood holes one after another.

Some unlucky monsters were hit in the vitals by a cannonball, and they were directly blown to nothing. Even if they survived by luck, they were basically seriously injured.

In this chaotic environment, there is basically no possibility for seriously injured monsters to survive. Either they will be killed by the subsequent bombardment, or they will die under the trampling of monsters.

Even if they escaped the shelling, Tang Zhen and the deceitful knight at the gate of the city were still an insurmountable hurdle.

The reason why Tang Zhen did not kill the leader of the treacherous knights, but chose to subdue him, was to deal with the situation at this time.

Before he acted, he had already made a plan, and he definitely didn't do it casually.

It should be noted that there are countless monsters rushing into the city, and it is the same when they are evacuating. It is impossible for Tang Zhen and others to intercept them all.

In this case, having a group of heavy armored cavalry participating in the interception will undoubtedly greatly improve the efficiency of eliminating monsters.

Seeing the monsters pouring out in a steady stream, Tang Zhen didn't need to order at all. The leader of the ghostly cavalry waved his sword and led his men to rob and kill.

He was suffocating in his heart, and he was merciless when he struck. Pieces of monsters were beheaded at the gate of the city.

The deceitful knights under his command formed two steel walls, firmly blocking the monster's impact.

Kill as many as there are, it is best not to keep one!
The ruined city gate was piled up by monster corpses in a blink of an eye to form a horrible wall of corpses, and the stinky blood gradually gathered into a river.

The moment the bombardment started, the high-level monsters that poured into the city immediately realized that the crisis was coming.

They roared angrily, and rushed towards the gate of the city, trying to break out of the cage trap.

Due to their huge size, these monsters became the main targets of attack, and shells continued to explode around them.

Even with a strong defensive ability, they were blown to bloody flesh and blood, and were even directly killed.

Amidst the intense artillery fire, a huge figure appeared.

It was the devouring monster that rushed into the city first. At this time, its size had doubled, and it almost filled the entire street while advancing.

The shell fell on it, and it was swallowed directly, and then its body swelled strangely.

This is obviously the shell exploding in the body, but it did not cause much damage to the devouring monster, but it was still moving towards the gate of the city at high speed.

When approaching the gate of the city, all the pores on the devouring monster's body opened up, spewing out bones like spears and arrows, and shooting towards the giant puppet tree.

In addition to the dense white bone attack, there are also disgusting monsters with human-headed earthworm bodies constantly squeezed out of the devouring monster's body.

They bounced and twisted in the ruins of the street, with crazy expressions on their faces, and kept running towards the giant puppet tree.

But in the blink of an eye, the attack had already flown in front of the giant puppet tree.

The horned helmet and the others showed solemn expressions. Although the armored artillery vehicle has its own shield, it may not be able to withstand these dense bone attacks.

Because these white bones are obviously abnormal, not only shining with a metallic luster, but also dripping a foul-smelling dark green liquid, they must be carrying extremely terrible poison.

Once stabbed in the body, I am afraid that it is a narrow escape or death on the spot.

As for those monsters with human heads and earthworm bodies, they have a strong jumping ability, and can even use their strength to move forward in the air.

At this moment, with the help of the bone spear, a monster kept jumping and flying in the air, approaching the top of the giant puppet tree.

Just looking at their fangs and sharp teeth, you can tell that once bitten, the fate will not be much better.

This devouring monster is fierce and obviously difficult to deal with. It really deserves to be the basic existence of the overlord in the forest.

Just when the dwarf and the others were about to start a close combat, the giant puppet tree under their feet suddenly shook, as if a giant beast woke up from its sleep.

The desperate people were all startled, and before they could figure out what was going on, they saw the branches of the giant puppet tree suddenly dance, slapping the flying bone spears and monsters with human heads.

These fluorescent branches formed a huge barrier, firmly protecting the dwarfs and others on the canopy, without any harm at all.

Seeing countless long fluorescent branches flying in the air, blasting monsters with human heads and earthworm bodies, the horned helmets and others couldn't help but get hooked.

Obviously, they still don't fully understand the power of the giant puppet tree. Previously, they only thought that it could grow up in a short period of time and possess the ability to protect against monsters.

But at this moment, I realized that it can also launch an attack on its own initiative, and it is extremely sharp.

This kind of giant puppet tree that can be attacked, defended and inhabited by people is simply the best place to live for the desperate.

Just as the giant puppet tree kept intercepting the attacks, the devouring monster had already rushed to the gate of the city, ignoring the giant puppet tree's protective rune circle, and rushed over like crazy.

The devouring monster felt the strength of the giant puppet tree, and at this moment just wanted to take the opportunity to kill it, so as not to threaten its position in the forest.

Seeing this, the dwarf on the canopy raised the magic-modified hand cannon and pointed it at the devouring monster, and the bullets shot into its body one after another.

However, just like the previous cannonball attack, the bullets of the magic modified hand cannon did not cause much damage to the devouring monster, but made it more crazy.

It slammed into the giant puppet tree, as if it was going to use all its strength to smash the giant puppet tree into two pieces.

Before the devouring monster could successfully collide, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the giant puppet tree, shooting out a cold light.

It seemed to be irritated, opened its mouth and let out a roar, and then saw the ground being torn apart, and thick tree roots flew up, stabbing fiercely at the devouring monster.

As if an iron rod had been inserted into the tofu, the tree roots easily pierced into the devouring monster's body, and then a stream of dark red liquid was continuously sucked into the body of the giant puppet tree along the translucent roots.

The devouring monster obviously showed fear, and desperately wanted to struggle away, but was tied tightly by tree roots, unable to move at all.

As if a fish caught in a net, no matter how fierce it is, cannot escape the fate of being caught and killed.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the devouring monster stopped struggling, and collapsed limply on the ground like a deflated ball.

(End of this chapter)

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