I have a city in another world

Chapter 2047 The Origin of the Sly Knight

Chapter 2047 The Origin of the Sly Knight
When Bull Horn Helmet and others entered the underground mining area in the city to try to rescue the desperate, the dwarves were not idle.

They rummaged through the battlefield, gathered useful materials, and piled them together.

All things generate and restrain each other, even ferocious monsters still have many things that can be used on them.

Non-poisonous meat can be eaten, scales and bones can be used to make armor, sharp teeth can be polished into knives, spears and arrows, and some internal organs can be used to refine medicine and make poison.

It is no exaggeration to say that the whole body is a treasure.

When resources are scarce, monsters that can produce various materials are also hunted targets.

The remnants of the Kingdom of God and the desperate will hunt monsters for the purpose of obtaining various materials from monsters, but they hunt and kill low-level monsters, and those high-level monsters will never dare to provoke them.

Otherwise, instead of hunting monsters, they would be hunted by monsters and become a delicious meal for those monsters.

Because there were so many monsters killed in this battle, there were too many materials to collect. Many materials that required special collection methods and careful preservation were randomly piled up on the road.

No one cares about these things, because they are too busy, and there is no way to waste some.

The officers, soldiers and spellcasters who were captured before are now also participating in the collection under the supervision of the desperate. They know more and know what kind of monster materials are more valuable.

Seeing the monster corpses piled up like a mountain, and the ruined city, these officers, soldiers and spellcasters were all shocked, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

The city at this moment has been occupied by the desperate, and the survivors of the Kingdom of God are afraid that there will be no survivors, and it is impossible to make a comeback.

The forest outside the city was guarded by the deceitful knights. Even if they got rid of the desperate man, they still had nowhere to escape.

In this case, the most sensible thing to do is to obey the command honestly and wait for the opportunity to escape safely.

Otherwise, with the ferocity of these desperate people, they will all be killed, instead of fearing them like tigers and avoiding them as they were in the past.

After all, the harder the oppression is, the stronger the rebound will be, and there is even no scruple in retaliation.

Tang Zhen walked slowly down from the giant puppet tree and walked to the edge of the forest. The leader of the ghostly ride was sitting on a big rock by the roadside, gently wiping the bloody saber in his hand.

You can tell from his appearance that he is obviously very fond of this sword, and his eyes are very focused.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the leader of the Guizhou Riders looked up, stood up and saluted Tang Zhen with fists.

"Your Mightiness!"

He has already determined that Tang Zhen is a strong man, so naturally he should be respected. This is the most basic etiquette among monks.

Looking at the actions of the leader of the Guiqiqi, Tang Zhen frowned slightly, feeling a little familiar.

"If I'm not mistaken, you shouldn't be a desperate person before, right?"

The leader of the Riders nodded and replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes, I was once a desperate person, just like you.

First, he came to the city of despair in a daze, and then he was caught by the survivors of the Kingdom of God and thrown into the mine.

After digging the sacred stone for several years day and night, we accidentally discovered an ancient mine and successfully escaped into the forest. "

When the leader of the treacherous knights said this, his face showed a trace of emotion, as if he was caught in a memory.

"Needless to say the danger in the forest, the desperate people who fled together at the beginning, and some people died at the hands of monsters, it is simply impossible to guard against.

Everyone is full of despair, not knowing where to go next, and whether they can get out of this forest alive?

In fact, everyone knows that even if you leave this forest, you may not be able to be safe, and you may die due to various reasons.

In this terrified atmosphere, we once again encountered a large group of monsters, and inadvertently entered a dilapidated huge temple in a panic.

After we entered the temple, those monsters actually stopped chasing and killing them. They squatted outside the temple and refused to leave, but they still refused to take a step closer.

Everyone was very happy to be able to survive the monster's pursuit by chance, but the abnormal situation of these monsters also aroused everyone's vigilance.

Why don't these monsters enter the temple? Could it be that this temple, like a city, has the function of resisting monsters?
If this is the case, it will definitely be the biggest surprise for us, at least we can have a safe place to stay. "

The leader of the Guilty Cavalry said this with a hint of fear on his face: "Then we began to observe the temple carefully and found that there were hundreds of statues enshrined in it, and each statue looked different.

These gods are alive, and when we observe them, they seem to be looking at us with cold eyes.

Everyone felt that something was wrong. This temple must not be simple, and there might be some hidden danger.

But if you leave, you will be attacked by those monsters, and you will definitely not have a way out.

After discussing with everyone, they finally decided to take the risk and stay. After all, the temple may be dangerous, but if they leave, they will definitely die.

How to choose, you can't think too much..."

Tang Zhen listened quietly to the leader of the Guizhou Rider, nodding slightly from time to time, remembering every detail he said in his heart.

Tang Zhen was also very interested in the temple they had entered, and he even had a vague guess that he might be able to find a satisfactory answer from the temple about the reason why his memory was closed.

The leader of the treacherous knights looked erratically, and continued to tell his own story, but there was a hint of trembling and unwillingness in his voice.

"Although we stay in the temple, we are all very careful, for fear of encountering any unexpected danger.

But even with heightened vigilance, we still encountered strange things. On that night, one desperate person after another suddenly disappeared.

They disappeared under our noses, but from the beginning to the end, no one saw where they went?

Everyone was in a mess, trying to escape from the temple, but only then did we find that the gate of the temple also disappeared.

Not only that, but the surrounding gods have all disappeared, and the empty walls are covered with bright things like eyes, staring at us.

I was terribly frightened at the time, holding a stone in my hand as a weapon, and kept looking around, for fear that danger would befall me.

As a result, at this moment, I felt the sky dim for a while, and when my vision recovered, I found myself standing in an unknown space.

Those statues of gods who disappeared strangely before are surrounding me and staring at me intently.

The way they looked at me was full of indifference and mockery, as if they were looking down on ants.

At that place, I saw a statue of a god, which made me feel very familiar, as if I had believed in him before entering the city of despair.

It's just that this statue that I've worshiped crazily doesn't make me feel at ease, on the contrary, I'm even more frightened and shocked.

Just when I was in doubt, the god statue suddenly spoke, and it gave me two choices.

Either use your own soul in exchange to become a crafty knight, so that you can avoid the monsters from chasing and killing.

But I will also become a monster, the test subject of the apostles of the gods, and I may be killed at any time.

Either become an apostle of the gods, and after obtaining enough god stones, go to a higher level area to accept the trial.

The statue told me that there is only one hundred breaths to make a choice, if this time is exceeded, the chance to choose will be completely lost, and then I will be sent out of the temple.

However, the prerequisite for becoming an apostle of the gods is that they must have enough god stones in exchange, otherwise they are not eligible to choose at all.

From the moment I entered the temple, I had only one chance to choose, and I only had three divine stones, which simply couldn't meet the basic requirements for becoming an apostle of the gods.

Seeing that the time to choose is about to end, in desperation, I can only choose to become a crafty knight, so that at least I can save my life temporarily..."

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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