I have a city in another world

Chapter 2056 The End of the Road

Chapter 2056 The End of the Road

Everything has been arranged properly, basically there is nothing missing, if you succeed, you will retire, and now it is time for Tang Zhen to leave.

Winning a city and obtaining useful information at the same time, it can be said that this battle has been very fruitful.

Whether it is for Tang Zhen or for the desperate, it is a happy thing.

Tang Zhen didn't intend to take the giant puppet tree away. Although this thing was miraculous, it was not convenient to carry it around.

If it is left to the desperate people, it can also improve their strength. It should be known that if the giant puppet tree is fully fired, it is even three points stronger than the leader of the crafty ride.

The only weakness may be that it cannot have a sufficiently intelligent and complex thinking like a real creature.

Of course, the premise of controlling the giant puppet tree is to absorb enough god stones, otherwise the giant puppet tree can only use basic fighting methods and cannot exert its full combat power.

Fortunately, there is a god stone mine in the city, which is used to support the operation of the giant puppet tree, so it should not be a problem.

Looking at the rising city wall, Tang Zhen chuckled and turned around slowly.

When he left without informing anyone, he just walked slowly along the dilapidated road and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

At this time, Tang Zhen didn't know that there were silent figures standing on the city wall and the street behind him, bowing to see him off.

The dwarf, Xiao Wu and others who had already guessed that Tang Zhen was going to leave did not ask to stay, but bowed silently to see him off.

Because they know that Tang Zhen has done enough, and he doesn't belong here.

It came quietly, but vigorously, leaving behind a legend.

No matter how many years have passed, Tang Zhen's name can still be heard from the mouths of desperate people in this city.

For the desperate, Tang Zhen is a spiritual belief, letting them know that the survivors of the Kingdom of God are nothing more than that...


Tang Zhen's goal at this time is the trial area that only the apostles of the gods can go to, but he doesn't want the process of advancing to be very smooth.

Along the way, there are always desperate people appearing from time to time. They are full of malicious intent, trying to rob or even kill Tang Zhen.

When passing through the city, officers and soldiers would try to arrest him and throw him into a mine to dig out the sacred stone.

Whenever encountering such a situation, Tang Zhen would directly draw his sword to solve the trouble, and would never waste his time talking.

For such an enemy, he will never show mercy.

Sometimes when encountering hordes of officers and soldiers besieging and killing, Tang Zhen would even directly enter the city, setting off a bloody storm.

This is the evil thoughts in the body, but Tang Zhen did not deliberately suppress it, but loosened the seal appropriately, so as not to accumulate too much and get out of control.

After killing the remnants of the Kingdom of God until blood flowed into rivers, Tang Zhen would also enter the mine by the way, rescue the desperate, and take away all the sacred stones produced in the mine.

This kind of item can be used to arrange rune magic circles. It's good to collect more, maybe it will be used at any time.

As Tang Zhen advanced all the way, after passing through more than a dozen cities, his reputation became more and more fierce.

Even the appearance of his clothes was spread, painted by professional painters, and handed over to the officers and soldiers guarding the gate of the city.

The purpose of the remnants of the Kingdom of God is not to hunt down and arrest Tang Zhen, but to remind those officers and soldiers not to provoke him easily after seeing him.

Because the previous example has proved that as long as Tang Zhenan passes through the city quietly, nothing will happen.

But if he tries to make things difficult for him like other desperate people, the consequences will become very serious.

So after gaining experience, these adherents of the Kingdom of God rarely put away their arrogance, and they would never provoke him easily if it was not necessary.

It's just that the hatred of the survivors of the Kingdom of God towards the desperate has long been deeply rooted. Even if they were once slaves, they still regard the desperate as inferiors.

It is precisely because of this concept that some desperate people began to actively track down Tang Zhen and vowed to kill him in order to maintain the glory of the survivors of the Kingdom of God.

At the beginning, there were only a dozen or so people, and later it gradually grew to hundreds of people, and in the process of advancing, the number continued to increase.

Those who participated in the hunt were all spellcasters, and they thought they would be able to kill Tang Zhen with their own means.

When Tang Zhen was about to reach the trial area, these spellcasters finally caught up with him and launched an attack involuntarily.

There were a large number of spectators in the distance. They watched the scene of hundreds of spellcasters besieging Tang Zhen, and all of them were short of breath with excitement, believing that Tang Zhen must die!
However, the result of the battle was beyond the expectations of all the survivors of the Kingdom of God.

In just a few minutes of fighting, Tang Zhen scattered the corpses of these spellcasters all over the ground, leaving no one alive.

Seeing the corpses all over the road, the survivors of the Kingdom of God who were watching the battle in the distance were so frightened that they turned and fled without hesitation.

In their eyes, Tang Zhen was far more terrifying than the most powerful monster in the forest, so they avoided it.

Tang Zhen's eyes were full of coldness as he looked at the fleeing survivors of the Kingdom of God. If it wasn't because of time constraints, he would definitely let these guys taste the consequences of provoking him.

But these spectators, he will not let them go, they are all like dogs, and it is not an exaggeration to kill them.

With a sharp wave of his hand towards the front, raging flames immediately rose on the road, engulfing all the remnants of the Kingdom of God.

When the flames were extinguished, all that was left was a field of fly ash, and there were no bones left of the spectators.

Turning around and taking a look at the pass where the mountain was chiseled behind him and carved into rows of giant stone statues, Tang Zhen walked up the stairs slowly.

These giant stone statues have existed for an unknown number of years. The surface is covered with black traces of wind and rain erosion, and some places are even covered with emerald green moss.

They looked down at the pedestrians on the road from a high position, and their eyes seemed to be full of majesty, warning those who were overwhelmed to leave this area as soon as possible.

In the wild grass under the statue, there are still countless corpses scattered, many of which have rotted into dregs.

Obviously, in the past years, more than one brutal battle broke out here, and the bones of the losers were just thrown away at will.

Over time, this terrifying scene has formed, which looks eerie and terrifying.

Tang Zhen, who was used to the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, naturally would not be overwhelmed by this scene. At this time, his eyes were looking at the end of the stairs, where there was a huge square.

There are more than 20 stone pillars standing on the square, the surface is covered with all kinds of runes, and there are also complex patterns looming on the ground covered with moss.

Although he has not come to the front, Tang Zhen has been able to confirm that this should be a teleportation array.

If you want to go to the trial area, you must go through the teleportation array instead of walking directly.

Around this teleportation array, sat cross-legged nine old-looking survivors of the Kingdom of God in long robes.

They crossed their knees, as if they were practicing meditation, but their bodies were suspended in the air about three feet above the ground.

Nine hideous beasts and monsters were crouching beside these old men at this moment. When they saw Tang Zhen walk in, these beasts showed a cruel light.

It seemed that in their eyes, Tang Zhen was a delicious food delivered to their door, which they couldn't wait to enjoy.

The remnants of the Kingdom of God dressed up by these nine casters are obviously the last barrier to stop the desperate, making them truly and completely desperate.

The desperate people who can come here are not easy people. Even if they can't become spellcasters, they still have a strong ability.

In particular, some special races have super strong defensive power, coupled with powerful melee skills, even the survivors of the Kingdom of God will be afraid of three points.

Therefore, to be able to appear in such a place and guard the last interception checkpoint is obviously not a simple person.

Tang Zhen vaguely understood where the bones under those giant statues came from. Obviously, they were all desperate people who came here after untold hardships, but they fell down unwillingly at the last moment.

Perhaps those bones that do not rot all the year round are full of endless resentment, which makes people feel gloomy and desolate.

(End of this chapter)

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