I have a city in another world

Chapter 2062 One Miserable Victory

Chapter 2062 A tragic victory

Tang Zhen didn't know how many feather arrows he had shot. He didn't stop attacking until he heard a strange sharp sound and the monsters that were attacking the city retreated into the ocean like the ebbing tide.

"The monster is back!"

I don't know which soldier around shouted loudly, and then there was a burst of cheers on the city wall, which could be heard from far away.

"We won, hahaha..."

The few soldiers who were responsible for carrying the wooden box were also full of joy, and they clapped each other's hands.

It can be seen from their expressions and movements that they obviously feel joy from the bottom of their hearts. It can be said that it is not easy to survive such a cruel battle to defend the city.

Every battle of defending the city may mean that you will fall, and it is undoubtedly a happy thing to be able to live to see the enemy being beaten back.

The originally gloomy and oppressive city wall now also had a lot of conversations. The soldiers may have done it deliberately to dilute the shadow of death.

It's a pity that death is not really far away, but only retreats temporarily, and I don't know when it will come to the top of my head again.

From Tang Zhen's perspective, he could see that among the mountains of corpses below the city wall, not only were monsters, but also the remains of soldiers defending the city could be seen from time to time.

They didn't have a chance to celebrate the victory, but lay quietly in the middle of the monster's corpse, just like those monsters, no one wanted to take a second look.

The soldiers defending the city knew that watching too much would only make them bored, and maybe after a while, their own corpses would also be lying there.

Inside the city wall behind him, there was a flat field where the corpses of soldiers who could not be saved due to serious injuries were neatly placed.

Although they won the victory, as the defenders of the city, they also paid a heavy price.

There were a large number of wounded beside them, and they silently looked at the placed corpses, their eyes only blank and dull.

Covered in blood and motionless, it looked not much different from a corpse.

They also knew in their hearts that the war was far from over, and it wouldn't be long before the monsters in the sea would make a comeback.

They are endless, and they have been killed for an unknown number of years, but there is still no sign of decreasing.

In the long years, it is no longer known how many believers have been buried here. It is not too much to say that this Great Wall is made of flesh and blood.

If the city wall is really built with corpses, it may be taller than the existing city wall. If you don’t believe me, just look at the ocean in the distance. It has already been dyed by the blood river, bright red and greasy.

The only thing to be thankful for is that countless believers have been summoned, and believers who have obtained a pass arrive here every moment.

Otherwise, after dozens of battles, the city guards would be exhausted, and then the sea monsters would drive straight in and completely destroy the temple.

If such a thing really happened, then both faith and life would disappear with it.

So no matter how cruel the battle is, the believers will never retreat, but hold on desperately.

Tang Zhen, who discovered all this, not only had some doubts in his heart, did the so-called trials really exist?

The purpose of summoning believers to enter here may be to deal with sea monsters and treat them as cannon fodder.

Of course, he was just skeptical, but he didn't have enough evidence to prove whether his guess was correct.

Presumably, after waiting for the temple, you will be able to obtain more information you want, so as to determine the truth of the facts.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't know, he just needs to retrieve his memory and figure out the purpose of coming here.

As for what the disappearing god was doing, to Tang Zhen, there was no difference between knowing and not knowing.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen turned around and handed the Rune War Bow to the soldiers beside him. Although he used this weapon easily, it was not his own.

From the soldier's previous tone, it can be ascertained that this rune war bow is of great value, and in this case, Tang Zhen will not take away people's love.

If he wants such a weapon, he can completely refine it by himself, and the power he possesses is not low.

Leaving aside the refining technique, the rune magic circle on the bow alone is several levels behind Tang Zhen's method, and the power is naturally incomparable.

The soldier took the bow with a hesitant expression on his face. From his appearance, it seemed that he really wanted to leave the rune bow to Tang Zhen.

After all, only in the hands of Tang Zhen can such a weapon exert its true power. If it falls into the hands of a mediocre person, it will be just a decoration and decoration at best.

However, soldiers do not have such rights, and even the commander on the wall cannot make this decision.

If Tang Zhen really wanted it, he could exchange it with his military exploits. Only in that case could he convince everyone.

"Switch to defend, clean the battlefield, and overhaul the steam ballista at the same time, the speed is faster!"

The officer on the high platform gave the order again, glanced at Tang Zhen at the same time, and nodded to him.

Tang Zhen followed the soldiers, walked down the steps down the city wall, and came near the barracks.

Many soldiers walked to the sink and poured water down their heads to wash off the bloody residue on their bodies.

There were also some soldiers who were so exhausted that they fell asleep directly after returning to the barracks.

Most of the soldiers were sitting in chairs, cleaning and bandaging their wounds, while waiting for their meals.

Not far from the barracks, there are long strips of iron troughs, and a cook is lifting out pieces of fresh meat and throwing them into the iron nest for cooking.

The condiment is a handful of weed-like things, just simply wash and wait, exuding a strong flavor.

Tang Zhen squinted his eyes and observed, and found that the color and texture of these fresh meat were somewhat familiar, and there seemed to be a lot of them under the city wall.

"What is this, the flesh of a monster?"

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, an old soldier beside him immediately replied: "This is indeed the meat from the monster. Don't feel disgusted. In fact, this kind of thing tastes very delicious.

At the beginning, no one knew that sea monster meat could be eaten, and the corpses were directly incinerated or thrown back into the sea.

It wasn't until one battle was so fierce that the hungry soldiers grabbed the charred carcass of the sea monster and ate it, only then did they realize that the sea monster meat tasted particularly delicious.

After this man incident, sea monster meat has become one of the most popular foods, it is delicious and can replenish physical strength.

It's a pity that this kind of food is best eaten fresh, and it can't be stored at all, otherwise you can enjoy the delicious meat every day. .

So if you want to eat sea monster meat, you must first make a card with the sea monster here, otherwise you won't be able to eat it. "

When the old soldier said this, everyone around him laughed.

For them, after killing the attack of the sea monster, they can taste the meat of the sea monster to their heart's content, which is definitely a comforting thing.

Hearing the old soldier's explanation, Tang Zhen nodded slightly, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Fights between different races are often life-and-death, and it is quite common to devour flesh and blood after killing the enemy.

I believe that if there is a chance, those sea monsters will never let go of the soldiers' corpses, and will also devour them as food.

In fact, this is even better. The monster's corpse can be used more effectively instead of being buried and discarded as a pile of rotten meat.

Once the plague breaks out, it will make things worse, and the threat level is not much worse than that of monsters in the sea.

After Tang Zhen thought for a while, he asked the old soldier: "How often do these sea monsters launch attacks? If I want to earn more military exploits, are there any other ways?"

Tang Zhen didn't want to waste too much time, so he desperately wanted to get more meritorious service, so that he could exchange his memory fragments.

Before figuring out the specific situation, he will act according to the rules, wait until he seizes the opportunity, and then adapt to the situation according to the situation.

Even if his memory is missing, his goal has not changed, and that is to take the opportunity to improve his strength and make himself stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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