I have a city in another world

Chapter 2074 Preparations before the war

Chapter 2074 Preparations before the war
With Tang Zhen's appointment, Sun Jun's identity changed and he became the commander's deputy.

In this defense zone, besides Tang Zhen, he has the greatest power.

Because of the successive intimidation before, the recruits already knew Tang Zhen's ruthless methods, so when they learned that Sun Jun was in charge of training, they all behaved very obediently.

In addition to the sense of awe in their hearts, they also wanted to see what kind of guns and weapons Tang Zhen displayed.
Following Sun Jun's order, all believers in the defense area climbed onto the city wall, and then divided into teams to learn how to operate these guns and weapons.

Sun Jun walked up to the top of the city and touched these familiar yet unfamiliar weapons with his own hands, and he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.

I didn't expect that in this special kingdom of God, I would actually use the weapons of my hometown. This feeling is really strange.

In fact, in cultivating civilization, there are many weapons that are far more powerful than guns, but the cost of manufacturing them is quite high.

This also caused many monks to have all their strength, but they were unable to obtain matching weapons, making it impossible to fully display their combat effectiveness.

This kingdom of God is also restricted by laws, so that monks cannot have the ability to destroy heaven and earth like in the normal world.

Otherwise, even with ordinary weapons such as swords, these believers can still go deep into the enemy's line and kill those sea monsters to bleed into rivers.

However, while the believers were suppressed, those sea monsters were also suppressed, otherwise they would be even more fierce.

Due to the special world rules, the two sides can only use the most primitive way to fight each other inside and outside the city walls.

In this special situation, guns and weapons with considerable lethality will come into play. If they are used properly, even if they face hundreds of times and thousands of times of enemies, they can still easily win.

The believers didn't understand the power of guns at this time, but were amazed by Tang Zhen's method of creating things out of thin air, and the exquisite mechanical structure of these guns and weapons.

They are still skeptical about the specific power.

After the five believers successfully fired a cannonball under Sun Jun's command, all the believers onlookers opened their mouths in horror.

Listening to the thunder-like sound and seeing the huge water column on the sea, the believers couldn't help but feel terrified.

Imagine that if you were hit by this weapon, even your iron body would be blown to pieces.

After the shock, there is ecstasy, because this weapon is in the hands of one's own side, and the target of the bombardment will also be the enemy.

Thinking of the scene of flying flesh and blood during the explosion, the believers were so excited that they wished they could operate the cannon with their own hands.

After test-firing a few more shells one after another, these recruits had already understood the general operation method, and then under the command of Sun Jun, they were divided into artillery squads one by one.

Each team is responsible for controlling and maintaining a cannon, and then under the command of Sun Jun, they practice the basic movements step by step.

Only when you are proficient in all the movements and wait until the real battle, can you guarantee that there will be no accidents.

From now on, these believers will become full-time artillerymen, and they don't need to fight sea monsters in close quarters.

At the same time as the artillery drill, Sun Jun checked the firearms and weapons that Tang Zhen displayed, and then instructed the other believers how to use them.

Lowering the muzzle of the anti-aircraft machine gun and locking onto the sea monster skeleton on the beach, Sun Jun suddenly pulled the trigger.

Amidst the continuous gunshots, the sea monster's skeleton was beaten and dust was continuously splashed. Even if this kind of skeleton was as hard as steel, it was still full of pits and holes.

The believers who saw this scene opened their mouths in horror again.

After they came to the defense area, they had already asked why they didn't clean up the bones on the beach, so as not to be used as a cover by sea monsters.

The answer he got was that these bones were too hard to be easily destroyed.

Even after countless battles, the places where the bones were a few meters above the ground were stained red with blood, but these bones still stood as before.

But looking at the state of the sea monster bones being strafed by anti-aircraft machine guns, if they continue to attack, it will be a matter of time before these sea monster bones are smashed to pieces.

If the bullets fell on the sea monster or teammates, even if they were wearing advanced armor, they probably wouldn't be able to hold a few shots at all.

After experiencing the power of artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns, the believers were full of fighting spirit in their hearts, and there was even a flash of light in their eyes.

With these guns and weapons, if the city wall is still broken by sea monsters, it can only be said that they are a group of complete waste.

In this case, even if they were killed by sea monsters, they could not blame others at all.

As with the previous arrangement, Sun Jun once again selected some believers and asked them to operate the anti-aircraft machine guns.

Hundreds of anti-aircraft machine guns were deployed on the defense line of the city wall of more than a thousand meters. Once they fired at the same time, they would have extremely terrible lethality.

If the battle lasted long enough, the sand on the entire beach would probably be covered with fragmented shrapnel sooner or later.

A machine gun position of this size would consume a terrible amount of ammunition, but for Tang Zhen, who has the ability to create things with his mind, this is not a strenuous task.

It can be said that Tang Zhen alone supported the operation of the entire defense zone. If he were to leave, all these guns and weapons would become scrap iron.

After arranging artillery and machine gunners, Sun Jun then began to arrange riflemen, snipers, and grenadiers and other arms.

This section of the city wall will withstand the main attack of sea monsters, so there must be a fairly complete firepower coordination to ensure that those sea monsters can be effectively suppressed.

The artillery on the mountains on both sides can bomb the sea surface, and the anti-aircraft machine guns can block the seaside and diving areas, all within range. .

As for the riflemen, snipers, and grenadiers, they are responsible for medium and short-range attacks, and deal with those who slip through the fire blockade.

It is conceivable that under such a dense fire blockade, it is impossible for the sea monster to get even half a step closer to the city wall.

As long as the attacks on the city walls did not stop, as many sea monsters came, they would definitely die.

After all the believers had made arrangements and became familiar with the weapons in their hands, following Sun Jun's order, the first session of coordination training officially began.

A series of muffled thunderous sounds were heard, and the cannons on both sides of the mountain roared at the same time. On the ocean in front, huge water jets soared into the sky.

When sea monsters attack, the sea area at this distance will basically be occupied by giant sea beasts.

Sea beasts, huge monsters, are mainly responsible for the task of transporting sea monsters from the deep sea, and their nature is similar to that of a troop carrier.

Sometimes at critical moments, these sea monsters can forcefully land and approach the bottom of the city wall against the attack.

Fortunately, this kind of sea monster can't leave the ocean for too long, otherwise it will suffocate to death. The bones on the beach in the defense area are the remains of giant sea monsters.

In the past, due to the distance, even if the believers on the city wall saw giant sea beasts, I was talking about cheap hands.

But now with large-caliber artillery, within [-] kilometers can be listed as an attack range.

As long as those sea monsters dare to appear, they will be attacked by artillery immediately, blowing them into a mass of rotten meat.

After the roar of the artillery ended, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the city wall began to fire, and countless bullets were fired at the beach and shallow water.

Due to the lack of proficiency of these believers, the ballistic trajectories staggered and collided from time to time, and the bullets continued to hit and shatter in mid-air.

Hundreds of anti-aircraft machine guns did not fire at the same time, but were divided into two batches and staggered to fire, so as to ensure that the attack would not be interrupted.

Immediately after another order, the believers lined up on the crenels of the city wall began to raise their guns and shoot. Their weapons were squad machine guns, and the firepower they output was equally fierce.

The thrower standing behind picked up a high-explosive grenade the size of a fist, and threw it forcefully into the distance, causing the gravel on the beach to fly everywhere.

The believers who witnessed this scene were all extremely excited, wishing to fight the sea monster now, and then see the real lethality of these guns and weapons.

Not only the believers in the defense zone were shocked by the power of the guns, but even the four-winged birds that appeared in the sky from time to time were also shocked by this terrifying scene.

They gathered more and more, hovering over the defense zone, not daring to fall to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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