I have a city in another world

Chapter 2082 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 2082 Reaction of the Parties
I don't know how long the guns rang, and finally subsided slowly.

At this moment, the world seemed to be unusually quiet, and the sound of the waves that used to ring continuously seemed to disappear.

Soon the believers discovered that it wasn't that the sound disappeared, but that they were almost deafened, so they felt that the surrounding silence was terrifying.

It took a while before they heard the sound slowly, and it turned out to be all excited cheers.

The believers waved their fists and roared loudly at the ocean to vent their joy.

At this time, looking inside and outside the city wall, it was already a mess.

The city wall is full of bullet casings, and there is almost no place to stand. If people are not careful, they will fall directly to the ground.

Some believers held something like a shovel, and someone kept shoveling bullet casings down the wall, making the sound of metal colliding.

I don't know why, after hearing this voice, the believers always feel that the most beautiful music is nothing more than this.

Turning his head to look at the ocean, he can be sure that all the sea monsters have been killed, and the corpses are all over the surface of the sea, spreading for a long distance.

Even at the end of the line of sight, there are still densely packed corpses of sea monsters. As long as you take a look at this scene, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

After the surprise, the recruits looked at the battlefield seriously, their eyes full of shock.

Today's battle allowed them to thoroughly experience the power of guns and weapons, and at the same time feel the cruelty and horror of war.

As long as you are involved in it, it means that your life may be terminated at any time, and you can't help yourself.

After the shock, I was glad that if I didn't have the guns in my hands, but relied on the original way to fight, so many sea monsters would be enough to consume them to death.

It is even more impossible to resolve the battle so quickly.

Those veterans have the most say. Under normal circumstances, a battle of this scale would usually last for a day or two.

That kind of battle is simply torture like purgatory, with waves of alternating defenses and no rest time at all.

After a battle, people are completely exhausted and paralyzed, and they don't want to get up again when they fall into the pile of corpses.

It was almost unimaginable in the past to easily and quickly deal with a large number of enemies like the [-] defense zone.

It is easy, safe and profitable, making those veterans feel like they are dreaming, and their faces are full of smiles.

Although the final total number of military exploits has not been counted at this moment, the believers can already confirm that this battle is bound to be rewarding.

"Everyone listens to the order and cleans up the battlefield immediately. If there are sea monsters that have not yet died, they will be dealt with directly on the spot!

Organize the materials on the city wall, count the remaining quantity, and send special personnel to guard at the same time. No one is allowed to approach when not fighting. "

Sun Jun's voice came from the tower, and with the help of the temple, it clearly spread throughout the defense area.

When the veterans who had been waiting for a long time heard the news, they immediately greeted the recruits and came to the beach along the rope ladder.

Veterans like cleaning the battlefield very much, especially when encountering special sea monsters with higher value, they are scrambling to be the first.

Collect items from sea monsters, use them to create equipment or sell them to temples, and you can also exchange for some battle points.

This is the benefit given to believers. The armor made of sea monster skin is no worse than the basic armor exchanged by the temple.

Wearing such armor can save a lot of combat achievements, and the remaining combat achievements can be used for other things.

After selling to the temple, you can also get some battle rewards, and the gains can be shared equally by believers.

Under the command of the veteran Youzi, the soldiers kept digging through the scattered corpses, picked up all the usable materials, and put them into large baskets woven with rattan.

Someone on the city wall is responsible for pulling the rope to get the collected materials up, and then do further processing.

In fact, the operation of the defense zone is similar to living at home. Only through the accumulation of materials obtained after this kind of victory can it gradually become stronger.

The more victories they fought, the richer their families would be and the stronger their fighting power would be.

After Tang Zhen became the commander, the [-] defense zone was directly at a very high starting point, and it was easier to become stronger.

After the sea monster was emptied, the colorful water column disappeared at the same time. Even if someone wanted to find out, there was no gain at all.

Tang Zhen stood on the top of the mountain, watching the scene in front of him silently, as if he was thinking about something.

Sun Jun came over and saw that Tang Zhen was thinking about something, so he didn't bother him.

"Is there a problem?"

Tang Zhen asked in a calm tone without turning his head.

"The results of the battle have been counted. This time, a total of 220 million battle merits have been obtained, most of which are provided by giant sea beasts.

It's a pity that this sea monster army has only one leader, otherwise, after the whole battle is over, we should have gained more. "

There was a hint of excitement in Sun Jun's tone. As the commander's deputy, he also received a lot of rewards, much more than the combat achievements he had accumulated slowly.

After Tang Zhen heard the number of battle achievements, he just nodded slightly, looking very calm.

Although the military exploits gained are enough to make countless believers envious, but compared to his goal, there is still a huge distance.

Whether it is to redeem a complete memory or to obtain the opportunity to improve strength, astronomical combat achievements are required.

"Let everyone take a break and recover your strength as soon as possible, I will find a way to lure more sea monsters over.

You also have to be prepared, I believe that commanders from other defense zones will come soon, remember not to talk to them. "

Sun Jun nodded and said yes, after today's battle, he was already full of confidence in Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen stood there for a while, then returned to the middle of the mountain, and told no one to disturb him.

Before luring the sea monster, he still has some preparations to do, and he must make sufficient preparations.

The work inside and outside the city wall is still going on, with Sun Jun in charge of commanding, everything in the defense area is handled in an orderly manner.

Although the battle is over, the impact is still going on and getting worse.

After learning about the results of this battle in the [-] defense area, there was an uproar in the other defense areas immediately, and the specific figures spread quickly.

The topics that the believers talked about were all about the process of this battle. While envious and shocked, they all thought that they should find a way to find out the source of the weapons.

The believers were also very interested in Tang Zhen's strange method of attracting sea monsters, and they went to the temple to pay for military achievements.

Unexpectedly, the results of the inquiry made them very disappointed. Whether it was the weapons used in the [-] defense area or the means that could drive the sea monsters crazy, there was no indication at all.

The only reason for this situation can only be that these things are owned by Tang Zhen himself, rather than obtained from the temple through military exploits.

This also made those inquirers secretly worry. If it was an item that could be exchanged by the temple, they would be willing to try it no matter how much military exploits they spent.

Only if you are willing to pay, can you get rewards, no matter how much you spend on weapons, you can easily get back the money.

This battle in the [-] defense area is enough to prove this point.

But the problem before them now is that they can't spend the military exploits in their hands. This is the most troublesome thing.

In this case, if you want to get the guns and weapons used in the [-] defense area, as well as Tang Zhen's method of luring sea monsters, you must go to the [-] defense area in person and have a face-to-face discussion with Tang Zhen.

The difficulty of this matter is not small, after all, whoever has such means will not easily share it with others.

Even if the number of sea monsters is endless, the ranking of the defense zones has a priority, which is also something that needs to be considered.

If the other defense zones have similar means, then the [-] defense zone, which is already behind in the ranking, will not be able to catch up with the other defense zones.

Although I know this very well in my heart, I always have to try everything. Stimulated by the huge military exploits, the commanders of these defense zones will never give up easily. .

(End of this chapter)

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