I have a city in another world

Chapter 2105 Special weapon with amazing price

Chapter 2105 Special weapon with amazing price

When the battlefield is cleared, a group of commanders have also discussed and will issue orders after returning to land.

Now that you have made up your mind, there is no need to waste time. If you are one step slower, you may fall behind everywhere.

There are also impatient commanders who want to place orders now, but the battleship is so busy right now that there is no idler to take care of them.

It is impossible for Tang Zhen to stay here for too long. The collection of loot must be completed within a limited time, which also makes the believers very busy.

A waste of time is a waste of money, and it is best reflected here.

The collected spoils are sent to the temple, where they can be directly exchanged for combat achievements, without wasting the limited space of the battleship.

In terms of combat merit trading, there is almost no difference between warships and land defense zones, and it is even more convenient.

This is also commendable. If there is no temple on the battleship, its own combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Apart from other things, the handling of loot alone is quite a headache.

Seeing this scene, the commanders of the defense zone couldn't help talking, and seemed to be very satisfied with this function.

Being able to carry the temple on every battleship is enough to show the support of the Great Temple for Tang Zhen. Obviously, the Lord Spirit Envoy is also very optimistic about this plan.

With strong official support, this plan will definitely be vigorously promoted, and more resources are likely to be allocated in the future.

After all, hunting monsters at sea is more difficult and dangerous than on land, and they deserve more care.

After the battle was over, the temple gave out the total number of battle achievements immediately, and it ushered in another surprise.

More than 20 ordinary sea monsters, plus giant sea monsters, the leader of the sea monsters killed by Tang Zhen himself, the total number of battles has exceeded [-].

This terrifying speed of harvesting military achievements made the commanders make up their minds again, and they no longer had any worries in their hearts.

In their eyes, the battleship has become a merit harvester, the kind that anyone who gets it can get rich.

Although you need to use your life to earn it, for believers, they have long been used to this kind of thing, not to mention that they have no choice at all.

After the battlefield was cleared and all believers returned to the battleship, the hidden rune circle was activated again.

A dazzling beam of light shot out from the front of the battleship, the ice surface and the piled sea monster corpses instantly turned to ashes, and a wide waterway appeared shortly thereafter.

The stern of the warship sprayed water again, rushed along the waterway, and sailed into the ocean in a blink of an eye.

The huge hull crushed the corpse of the sea monster, and dragged the white waves forward again in the direction guided by Tang Zhen.

Judging from the speed at which the battleship was advancing, it was obvious that Tang Zhen had locked onto the location of the sea monster's lair, so he was advancing at full speed.

After realizing this, while the commanders were excited, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

If they could see Tang Zhen's way of tracking the sea monster's lair, they might be able to learn from it. Now it seems that they have no chance.

Tang Zhen obviously didn't intend to announce this method, or believers need to pay a certain price in exchange for the method of locking the sea monster's lair.

This approach is actually very fair. After all, there is no free lunch in the world, especially in a special world like the Kingdom of God, where everything has a corresponding value.

Wanting something without paying a price is tantamount to dreaming.

After the disappointment, the commanders made up their minds that they must find a way to get Tang Zhen to lock the sea monster's lair later, so as to maximize their benefits.

Compared with the sea monster army, the sea monster lair is the real hunting target. Facing the tens of millions of military exploits rewarded after a successful kill, no believer can remain calm.

It's just that the commanders still have a doubt in their hearts, that is, if the battleship can really destroy the sea monster's lair, will Tang Zhen make such a loss-making business?
After all, as long as a sea monster lair is successfully destroyed, all the investment can be doubled. Afterwards, whether it is hunting sea monsters or chasing and killing sea monster lairs, it is a steady profit.

It was impossible for Tang Zhen to make such a low-level mistake, so the commanders secretly guessed that there must be some conditions waiting for them.

After realizing this, the commanders became unable to calm down again, thinking about this issue all over their heads.

Finally, someone couldn't help the doubt in his heart. After getting permission, he met Tang Zhen and asked this question.

Tang Zhen originally planned to explain in detail to the commanders of these defense zones after he successfully hunted down the sea monster's lair. It would be more convincing to have the record as an explanation.

But since the other party wanted to know now, he just took the opportunity to explain it so that they would also be mentally prepared.

"The weapons used to deal with the sea monster's brood are not included in the battleship, but need to be purchased separately.

Just because the cost of this weapon is extremely high, far exceeding the battleship itself, my price is 500 million combat exploits.

If this weapon is sold together with the battleship, the price will be frighteningly high. It is estimated that few of you present can afford this price.

Don't think that you are at a disadvantage, after all, everyone knows how rich the rewards for successfully hunting the sea monster's lair are.

Although the price of special weapons is high, it is definitely worth the money.

As for whether to buy this special weapon, the choice is entirely up to you, and it will not be sold together with the battleship.

What I have to do now is to take this opportunity to show you how powerful this weapon is.

What I can assure you is that as long as you can successfully lock the sea monster lair, then the special weapon I sell can definitely destroy it completely!
The contribution of 500 million military exploits can be exchanged for the harvest of tens of millions of military exploits, and you can earn half of it. Isn't that enough? "

After hearing Tang Zhen's explanation, a group of commanders around had different expressions, apparently still unwilling.

Asking them to take out 500 million combat exploits in advance to buy special weapons is really painful, and it may take a lot of money to get them together.

But just like Tang Zhen said, the rewards for hunting sea monster lairs are too generous, Tang Zhen can't let them take advantage of it for nothing, and they don't want to miss such rewards.

Daring to go out to sea to hunt sea monsters is nothing more than wanting to gain more military exploits. If you don't pay enough, you want to get rich rewards. How can there be such a good thing in this world?
"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, we can understand what you said, why don't you talk about the specific operation method?"

A defense zone commander asked, among a group of spectators, it seemed that they had a high right to speak.

The opponent's defense area has more than [-] believers, ranking high among all theaters, and it is also inevitable for the purchase of warships.

It is precisely because he wants to buy it sincerely that he pays special attention to related issues, and he must figure out all the details.

Tang Zhen said: "After you buy the battleship, if you need this special weapon for dealing with sea monster lairs, you can buy it directly in the [-] defense zone, or you can supplement it through the ship's temple.

If you choose the way of cooperation, you only need to pay [-]% of the price to get this special weapon, and I will pay the remaining [-]%.

Moreover, [-]% of the combat achievements can be credited, and will be deducted from the rewarded military achievements after successfully hunting the sea monster's lair.

As for the combat achievements gained from hunting sea monsters, it is still divided [-]-[-], and there is no room for negotiation on this point. "

Tang Zhen naturally hopes that believers can choose the way of cooperation, so that he can get more military exploits, so in terms of the price of this special weapon, he gave his partners a discount of 50 military exploits.

But even so, after careful consideration, the commanders of the defense zone still felt that it was more cost-effective to buy the battleship.

What Tang Zhen could think of, they could also think of. The biggest beneficiary who knows the way of cooperation can only be Tang Zhen.

In the case of cooperation, although only a small amount of military exploits is needed to obtain the right to use the warship, they feel very unwilling to share half of the harvest with Tang Zhen.

Naturally, Tang Zhen could guess what the commanders of these defense zones were thinking, so he didn't push too much. There must be many people rushing to do things they don't want to do.

 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, I wish you a happy new year, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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