I have a city in another world

Chapter 2117 Year Time

Chapter 2117 Ten years
For the Fifth War Zone, there is more than one way to improve the monk's strength, and entering the Kingdom of God is only one of the options.

Now that Tang Zhen has taken the lead, it is not easy for the cornerstone platform to step in and take control in his own hands.

After all, Tang Zhen is also a member of the fifth war zone, and his performance is outstanding, so he is favored by the cornerstone platform.

In a short period of time, he was promoted to the third realm of the world master, and he was only one step away from becoming the creator. This kind of promotion speed can be said to be unprecedented.

It is also reasonable to give proper care. It should be known that once Tang Zhen is promoted, it will be a big event for the fifth theater.

The top monks are sometimes far more important than some interests.

Moreover, it is more appropriate for Tang Zhen to be in charge of this matter. After all, he knows the situation of the Kingdom of God very well and knows how to operate it.

If you rashly delegate things to others, it is likely to turn a good thing into a bad thing, which is definitely not the result that the cornerstone platform wants.

If Tang Zhen can be satisfied without delaying his profit, why not do it?
As for the main reason, the cornerstone platform has not explained it yet, but now it is going to tell Tang Zhen.

"Regarding the plan of the Kingdom of God, you'd better get it up and running as soon as possible, and don't waste time.

Just because in another ten years, the rankings of the major regions will be re-ranked, and the wealth of the Kingdom of God is also related to this matter. "

Before Tang Zhen was about to leave, Jishi Platform suddenly spoke and revealed a piece of information that surprised him.

"The re-ranking of the theater?"

Tang Zhen's expression was slightly shocked. He never thought that such a big event would come in another ten years!

The Loucheng World's Three Thousand War Zones do have rankings, and they are closely related to their interests.

War zones with different rankings enjoy different permissions, and many of them are divided in detail.

This authority is reflected in the cornerstone platform. The higher the ranking of the theater, the more special permissions the cornerstone platform has.

Loucheng monks in the war zone will enjoy more welfare benefits.

Comparing the Shenglong War Zone and the Fifth War Zone, one can only be regarded as a grocery store, and the other is a super shopping mall. The two are not at the same level.

This also caused the monks in Loucheng in the Holy Dragon War Zone to often entrust the monks in the Fissure Territory to exchange supplies, because some things could not be exchanged in the Holy Dragon War Zone.

If Tang Zhen is not a member of the Fifth War Zone, the Loucheng monks in the Holy Dragon War Zone will not enjoy this benefit at all.

If such a major event happened, he must pay enough attention.

Although he had been exposed to relevant information before, he didn't know much about it. Now that the cornerstone platform was mentioned, he naturally wanted to learn more.

What's more, the cornerstone platform mentioned that this matter is related to the Kingdom of God, Tang Zhen naturally wants to make it clear.

"The re-ranking of the theater, I don't know what's going on?"

Tang Zhen, who was planning to leave, immediately turned around and asked the cornerstone platform.

"This is for the sake of fairness, so every millennium, the theater will be re-ranked.

As long as the strength of the theater is sufficient, a higher ranking can be obtained, allowing the real-time platform to obtain more authority.

Of course, for low-level battle zones, this doesn't mean much, because even if they are re-ranked, they still cannot catch up with those high-ranking high-level battle zones.

No matter how hard you try, your ranking will not improve much, and even a little carelessness will lower your ranking.

However, for advanced theaters, this is an opportunity to strengthen their own strength, especially for the top [-] theaters, there will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Even if the ranking is raised by one level, you can get a lot of benefits, so whenever the theater is re-ranked, all the theaters will go all out! "

When Cornerstone Platform said this, his tone couldn't help but become a little more solemn: "According to my understanding, the Sixth Theater and the Seventh Theater are very ambitious and are ready to take a step forward and become the new Fifth Theater.

The strength of the top four theaters is too strong, the ranking will not change, it should remain the same as now.

Although I intend to go further, the top cultivators in the fifth war zone cannot be compared with him. Even if I go all out, I may not be able to win the opponent.

I only hope to keep the ranking in the fifth theater, but for the sake of safety, I hope that there will be more creator-level Loucheng monks in the fifth theater.

Before the battle zone is re-ranked, I will send Loucheng monks to attack the Kingdom of God and kill the sleeping native god.

The items obtained after killing the opponent will be of great help to the top monks, allowing the theater to more securely maintain the ranking.

Although doing so is suspected of killing chickens and taking eggs, but in order to deal with special circumstances, it can only be done in this way. "

Hearing the explanation from the cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen suddenly realized.

No wonder Tang Zhen was still wondering why the Cornerstone Platform was so short-sighted when he asked how to eliminate the indigenous gods.
Now it seems that it is a last resort.

Even the purpose of exploring the cracks on the cornerstone platform is to obtain items of higher value, not to really find a place for the monks in Loucheng to be promoted to the Creator.

In fact, Tang Zhen is not very interested in the battle zone ranking.

As the master of the war zone, he knew very well that the current strength of the Shenglong war zone could not compete with those old war zones at all.

It's better to be able to get a higher ranking, but if you can't get it, then don't force it too much.

For the lower-ranked cornerstone platforms, even if there are some differences between them, they are not much different.

When you control the Creator World, you can close the door and make a fortune in silence. When the next battle zone is re-ranked, you will definitely be able to make a blockbuster.

But for a thousand years, the Holy Dragon Theater can definitely afford to wait.

However, as a member of the Fifth Theater, he had to consider the interests of the Theater, and if he did so, he would suffer great losses.

But in ten years, even if the Holy Dragon War Zone works hard, how much benefit can it get from the Kingdom of God?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Sure enough, there is no perfect thing in the world. After finally finding a place that can improve the strength of the Holy Dragon Theater, unexpectedly, there is a time limit.

It's just a decision made by the cornerstone platform.He simply has no right to interfere with changes unless he has a better way to solve the problem.

However, the native gods hide wealth that even the cornerstone platform covets. Tang Zhen doesn't think he can come up with the same conditions in exchange.

After all, the Kingdom of God does not belong to him, and if he wants to take it as his own, he must pay a corresponding price.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen left the fissure territory, quickly returned to the Shenglong war zone, and began to prepare non-stop.

For ordinary people, ten years may be a long time, but for monks, it is fleeting.

Therefore, Tang Zhen must hurry up and strive to obtain enough benefits in the ten years.

If possible, he will try his best to keep the Kingdom of God. Only by doing this can he obtain a steady stream of benefits.

 Thanks to: "Master Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, and to book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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