Chapter 2122 Crisis
The spirit envoy seemed to have known about Tang Zhen's arrival for a long time, and the moment he entered the Great Temple, the spirit envoy appeared automatically.

This is a treatment that other believers have never had before. It can be seen that the spirit envoy attaches great importance to Tang Zhen not because of him, but because of what he has done.

It can be said that with the arrival of Tang Zhen, the Kingdom of God became extremely lively, and the things he did almost completely changed the original structure of the Kingdom of God.

For such an outsider who is powerful and likes to make troubles, the envoy will definitely pay close attention to him.

So as soon as Tang Zhen entered the Great Temple, the spirit envoy took the initiative to show up to meet him, because he had to figure out some things.

No matter how serious the matter is, as long as the sea monster can be killed, the spirit envoy can let it go.

But if Tang Zhen's existence endangers the Kingdom of God, then the emissary must perform his duties and do his best to eliminate the hidden danger.

In the eyes of the envoy, Tang Zhen is now a hidden danger.

With the appearance of the spirit envoy, the surrounding space was completely isolated, and outsiders could not notice the movement here at all.

Tang Zhen smiled softly. If there was no such treatment during this trip, he would feel abnormal instead.

This time, before Tang Zhen could speak, the emissary said first, "Your Excellency Tang Zhen, there are some things you need to explain. This is your right, and it is also convenient for me to make judgments and make decisions."

This sentence is not polite, and I almost told Tang Zhen clearly that I have already known what you have done.

If Tang Zhen's answer could not satisfy the envoy, then what awaited him next might be the sanction of the Great Temple.

Compared with the previous few conversations, the emissary now has a businesslike attitude, as if Tang Zhen is an ordinary believer.

Tang Zhen didn't care about it. It should be known that the spirit messenger is not a life of flesh and blood, and he doesn't even feel happy, angry or sad, but just faces everything objectively.

Right is right, wrong is wrong.

This is the characteristic of energy beings. Compared with flesh and blood beings, they are more efficient in doing things, but also more ruthless and indifferent.

If you talk about friendship with energy life, it is absolutely naive, unless the other party is a special energy life like the cornerstone platform.

Over the long years, the Cornerstone platform has had emotions similar to flesh and blood, and it is easier to communicate.

However, judging from the level of the Kingdom of God, the spirit envoy must not reach that level. The only thing that makes Tang Zhen satisfied is that he is flexible enough.

As long as you can convince the spirit messenger with reasons, you can gain his approval and provide help if the rules allow.

Facing the indifferent spirit envoy, Tang Zhen said loudly: "Since you asked me to explain, I will take this opportunity to tell you something very important."

The envoy nodded, signaling Tang Zhen to continue.

"Presumably with your ability, you should have discovered that I have left the Kingdom of God, and then returned through the teleportation array?"

"That's right, this is one of the things I want you to explain, and you can answer it first."

The spirit messenger nodded, he did know about this matter, and it was also what confused him.

With Tang Zhen's ability, it is not difficult to leave the Kingdom of God, and it does not violate the rules.

First of all, Tang Zhen is not a fanatic, and he entered the Kingdom of God by mistake. If he wants to leave, the envoy has no right to stop him.

If you use abnormal means to leave and fall due to accidents, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

After all, as long as you pay enough military exploits, you can leave the Kingdom of God normally without taking any risks.

Of course, under normal circumstances, a superpower like Tang Zhen who strayed into the Kingdom of God would never leave casually.

Just because there is an opportunity to be promoted in the Kingdom of God, for a monk like Tang Zhen, it has a great temptation, and it is impossible to give up easily.

Tang Zhen forcibly left the kingdom of God, and then went back and forth, there must be some conspiracy.

Of course, this alone cannot be used as a reason to doubt Tang Zhen.

The problem is that the teleportation array in the [-] defense area is running crazily, and a large number of monks are teleported here, and the powerful ones are not in line with common sense.

In addition, Tang Zhen also returned through the teleportation array, so as long as he thought about it for a while, he knew that this matter must have something to do with him.

Those powerful monks were not fanatics at all, and they were most likely his subordinates.

This is what the envoy is most worried about.

If this situation is allowed to continue, it may not be long before the [-] defense area will be completely controlled by Tang Zhen.

The emissary didn't realize until this time that Tang Zhen's previous request to transfer the teleportation array and let the believers directly enter the [-] defense zone was just to pave the way for the next thing to do.

It can be said that from the very beginning, the envoy fell into Tang Zhen's calculations. Even if the envoy didn't have strong emotions of joy or anger, he still felt uncomfortable.

But this is still not the crux of the problem.

In fact, for the spirit envoy, as long as the monks in Loucheng hunted and killed sea monsters, no matter whether they were fanatics or not, he would not interfere too much.

The purpose of the kingdom of God to summon fanatics is to hunt sea monsters. Compared with ordinary people who summon at will, fanatics are more trustworthy.

The monks in Loucheng are powerful and will be more efficient in action, far surpassing the fanatics in this respect.

But the real problem is that the purpose of the temple to encourage the hunting of sea monsters is to ensure the stability of the Kingdom of God.

The spirit envoy worried that without the constraints of faith, monks in Loucheng would become a new cancer in the Kingdom of God, and even cause greater harm.

So if Tang Zhen can't give him a reasonable explanation today, then the emissary will find a way to close the teleportation array and completely cut off the channel for the monks in Loucheng to enter the Kingdom of God.

Tang Zhen continued: "The reason why I left the Kingdom of God is because I found that the Kingdom of God is too inefficient to hunt and kill sea monsters, even to promote warships.

The purpose of my coming here is to gain enough military exploits to improve my strength, but based on the words of those believers alone, God knows how many years it will take to accumulate tens of billions of military exploits.

It just so happens that my subordinates are strong enough, so I brought them here to help me earn combat exploits, and at the same time let my subordinates improve their strength.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary is the kingdom of God. The more military exploits the temple pays, the more sea monsters will be hunted down.

I know what you are worried about. It is nothing more than the fear that my subordinates will pose a threat to the Kingdom of God, but this kind of thing will never happen.

We are here for military exploits, and definitely not for making troubles, you can rest assured about this. "

The emissary remained silent, just watching Tang Zhen quietly.

Regarding Tang Zhen's promise, the emissary did not believe that if the benefits were high enough, nothing would be impossible.

Tang Zhen naturally knew what the envoy was thinking, and it was impossible for the envoy to believe him just based on his few promises.

There is no need for him to let the emissary only believe in himself, but to tell the other party a fact so that he understands that it is not himself that needs to be worried.

"There is one thing I need to tell you, a force that you can't resist at all is now targeting you.

After ten years, the opponent will launch an attack on the Kingdom of God, and it is impossible to be an opponent with the current combat power of the Kingdom of God. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, the envoy showed surprise on his face, and then shook his head slightly.

"Since you know the news, the power that is eyeing the Kingdom of God must be related to you, right?"

Tang Zhen nodded: "You guessed right, I am a member of that faction, so I know this information.

There is one more thing you must know.

I helped the Kingdom of God to buy ten years of buffer time, otherwise it would not be me who appeared in front of you at this time, but a group of superpowers who tried to destroy the Kingdom of God! "

(End of this chapter)

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