I have a city in another world

Chapter 2124 Meeting Invitation Again

Chapter 2124 Meeting Invitation Again

After leaving the Great Temple, Tang Zhen prepared to return to the [-] defense zone.

This time he returned to the defense zone and stayed for a while before he entered the deep sea again to look for sea monster lairs.

Now that the situation is changing rapidly, Tang Zhen must seize the time to gain more military exploits and strive to become the Creator as soon as possible.

It is simply impossible to collect tens of billions of military exploits in a short period of time based on the rake from the monks in Loucheng hunting sea monsters, so Tang Zhen has to take the initiative to attack.

There are countless sea monsters in the deep sea, as long as Tang Zhen is willing to spend time, it is not too difficult to obtain military exploits.

In today's [-] defense zone, the number of monks in Loucheng has exceeded that of believers, and the number is still increasing.

With them there, presumably there will be no problems.

This is just the beginning. According to Tang Zhen's plan, at least one million Loucheng monks must be sent to recover the cost of this layout.

Whether to continue to increase the number of monks in Loucheng in the future depends on the situation. If there is no accident, there will be more monks in Loucheng.

In addition to the Holy Dragon War Zone, believers from the Fifth War Zone will also be teleported, but according to Tang Zhen's guess, the number cannot be compared with the Holy Dragon War Zone.

The Loucheng monk who teleported here is probably also a strong man with similar cultivation level to him, and he only came here to break through the realm.

He would definitely not regard the Kingdom of God as a place for Loucheng monks to improve their cultivation like him, even king-level monks are eligible to enter.

The existence of a large number of monks in Loucheng also allowed Tang Zhen to completely control the [-] defense zone. If something happened, he would have a powerful army in his hands.

From now on, the other defense zones are no longer qualified to be compared with the [-] defense zone. No matter how much Tang Zhen gains in battle, they can only envy them.

If you want to engage in some conspiracies and tricks, you must first weigh your own strength. The number of monks in the city of Loucheng alone is enough to make those believers terrified.

Of course, the premise of everything is based on the fulfillment of the agreement by the temple, and the improvement of strength can still be exchanged for military exploits.

The possibility of this matter going wrong is extremely low, after all, this is the rule of the Kingdom of God and cannot be changed easily.

If something really happened, then Tang Zhen would lead millions of monks, directly into the Great Temple, and pull out the sleeping native god from the ground.

At the same time, he will also open up his defenses, using the lure fruits to attract tens of millions of sea monsters, and let them act as the vanguard.

Tens of millions of sea monsters and millions of monks from Loucheng headed all the way to the hinterland of the Kingdom of God. It is estimated that the spirit envoy will go crazy immediately.

How the situation develops in the future depends entirely on the choice of the spirit messenger.

If it really develops towards an unfavorable situation, Tang Zhen will have to sleep and transform himself into a villain who cannot be driven away, causing the Kingdom of God to suffer a threat that is more serious than sea monsters.

Of course, it's too early to say anything before the results come out, and Tang Zhen will never delay his actions because of this matter.

Just when he was concentrating on thinking, someone suddenly blocked his way.

"Your Excellency Tang Zhen, please stay safe."

Tang Zhen frowned, he had already covered up his appearance, but the other party still recognized him, obviously coming prepared.

For this kind of uninvited person, you must be more careful, who knows if the other party has malicious intentions.

Looking up, I found that the other party's breath was somewhat familiar, but I couldn't remember who the other party was at all.

Tang Zhen felt a little helpless. The laws of the Kingdom of God are really annoying. As long as one enters it, the memory will be forcibly erased, which is impossible to guard against.

Even when he returned again, he tried his best, but he still couldn't avoid this from happening.

This also caused a lot of inconvenience. If he had not exchanged special eyeballs from the balance of fate and recorded enough information, he would not have been able to complete a series of layouts in a short time.

He couldn't remember who the monk in front of him was, but from the tone of the other party, it was obvious that he had contacted him before.

The problem is that the sense of familiarity did not make him feel friendly, but a faint vigilance from his heart.

In particular, the opponent's cultivation was on par with him, and this was the first time Tang Zhen had seen it in the Kingdom of God.

Being similar in strength means that they can pose a threat to themselves. When facing such a stranger, one can never be too careful.

"This guy probably has ulterior motives, it's better to be more careful."

After realizing this, a cold light flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes.

If the opponent is really an enemy, then it may affect his plan, maybe he can kill him first?

It is strong to attack first, and suffer disaster later. There is no kindness to the enemy.

Compared with the bewilderment when he first entered the Kingdom of God, Tang Zhen, who re-entered the Kingdom of God, has already stored a lot of text information in his eyeballs.

Those messages told Tang Zhen that not only Loucheng monks entered the Kingdom of God, but also their own enemies.

A master of the demon plane has also entered the Kingdom of God, perhaps hiding in a dark corner, planning how to kill himself.

The strength of the opponent is the Creator. Although he may not have Tang Zhen's easy-to-use creation ability, and it is not so terrible under the suppression of the rules of the Kingdom of God, he is still Tang Zhen's strong enemy.

But thinking about it another way, the rules of the Kingdom of God can also help Tang Zhen. Tang Zhen is not the opponent of the controller in the outside world, but not necessarily in the Kingdom of God!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhen sneered secretly, perhaps the believer in front of him was his enemy's minion.

Since the other party wants to make trouble, let's play with them one time and see who wins.

"Your Excellency is blocking the way, what advice do you have?"

Looking at the monk in front of him, Tang Zhen asked in a cold voice. Although covered by a mask, the other party could still feel a little bit of dissatisfaction.

Appropriate performances can lower the opponent's vigilance and make the plan more smoothly executed.

The believer smiled when he heard this, and immediately explained in a low voice: "Last time, I mentioned to you that I discovered a sea monster nest gathering place in the deep sea, and invited you to participate in the elimination.

It's been so long, I don't know if you have thought about it, and are you willing to act together? "

After the believer finished speaking, he looked at Tang Zhen intently, obviously waiting for his reply.

"The sea monster lair gathering place?"

Tang Zhen seemed to ponder for a moment, then nodded lightly: "I've thought about it, you can try it."

Seeing Tang Zhen nodded in agreement, the believer was overjoyed and said loudly, "With His Excellency Tang Zhen's help, I think this operation will be a sure thing, and hundreds of millions of military exploits will be credited.

Time waits for no one, in order to avoid the transfer of the sea monster's lair, please Tang Zhen make arrangements as soon as possible, let's try to act as soon as possible. "

Looking at the opponent's appearance, it seems that he can't wait, as if his military achievements will grow wings and fly away.

The other party's behavior made Tang Zhen more certain that the monk seemed uneasy and kind.

Maybe what is waiting for me is not the sea monster's lair, but a well-arranged trap, waiting for me to get into it
Although he sneered in his heart, Tang Zhen said: "My affairs have been dealt with. If possible, I can start to act now."

"In that case, Your Excellency Tang Zhen, please follow me."

After the believer finished speaking, he immediately turned around and led the way, heading straight for the resting place of the seraph.

"The partners who participated in this operation have already reached the deep sea area first, we just need to rush to the predetermined location and meet them."

The monk explained something, and Tang Zhen nodded slightly, but a chill appeared on his face behind the mask.

(End of this chapter)

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