I have a city in another world

Chapter 2128 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 2128 Mantis Catching Cicadas
The tentacles were cut off one after another, and the giant sea monster was furious.

In this sea area, it is the absolute overlord, and no creature has ever dared to provoke it.

Even the overseas legions passing by will detour as much as possible under the command of the leader of the sea monster.

Otherwise, in a big battle, the sea monster army may not be an opponent, and it is not impossible to wipe out the entire army.

In the deep sea, there are not a few such giant sea monsters, all of which are special products under the rules of the Kingdom of God.

In fact, under normal circumstances, only a plane with extremely abundant energy in the world can give birth to such a giant-level super monster.

In that plane, the energy is liquefied, there is no need to supplement food, and the body size can expand infinitely.

It's just that this kind of plane is extremely rare, once discovered by outsiders, they will inevitably be attacked by crazy plunder.

Of course, the premise is that you can fight well, because the creatures on that plane are all extremely powerful.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the rules, each of these creatures could break through the life limit and become the existence of indigenous gods.

The giant sea monster in front of Tang Zhen is a special case.

Although it's just a wild monster, it has the ability to mutate and devour, and it has existed since the appearance of the Kingdom of God.

To put it bluntly, it is a creature like a giant sea monster, a deformed product of a special world.

It stays here all the time, stealthily devouring and filtering the energy in the ocean, like a vampire.

It took a long time to have such a terrifying body shape, and as time passed, the body shape would continue to grow.

As for the island on the monster's back, it was nothing more than debris accumulated over time.

"Do you want me to anger this sea monster, and then use the sea monster's hand to kill me?

If this is the case, it would be too small to look down on me, Tang Zhen. "

Apparently, the other party had figured out that Tang Zhen would not go into the sea to pursue him, but use rune bombs to explore the way, which would anger the sea monster.

This sea monster has the ability to hide its aura, and it also has strong strength. Once it fights with Tang Zhen, it is very likely to kill Tang Zhen.

This move was very vicious, and Tang Zhen did exactly as the other party expected, annoyed the giant sea monster and appeared.

However, Tang Zhen's strength exceeded their expectations. From the moment the battle started, he did not lose the slightest bit in the face of a giant sea monster that was countless times his size.

Even after the two sides fought each other for less than a dozen breaths, all the tentacles of the sea monster were cut off, and they were seriously injured.

Even the giant sea monster was afraid and didn't want to continue fighting with Tang Zhen.

But it doesn't want to escape, it must know that the area under it is a loophole that was forcibly gnawed out.

The resulting energy fountain is of great benefit to sea monsters, and it is equivalent to the paradise that monks scramble for.

If it is occupied by Tang Zhen, it will be extremely difficult to regain it.

Thinking of this, the giant sea monster became more and more annoyed, and hated Tang Zhen, the guy who tried to snatch the lair.

Tang Zhen didn't know what the sea monster was thinking, but he didn't intend to let this guy go. Judging from its size and power, it is estimated that the combat exploits after killing it would not be much less than that of the sea monster's lair.

Tang Zhen originally wanted to go into the deep sea to hunt monsters, but now that he has a huge amount of battle achievements coming to his door, how could he easily miss it?
Regardless of whether it was a trap or not, he had to kill this guy today, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time.

With this thought in his mind, Tang Zhen rushed towards the giant sea monster without any hesitation.

His body spun rapidly, and in an instant it landed on the back of the giant sea monster. The seemingly hard rock was directly turned into dust in the impact.

The giant sea monster also felt the crisis, roared and waved its pincers, and smashed towards Tang Zhen's position.

However, Tang Zhen's speed was faster than it. Before the pincers attacked, he had already landed on the sea monster's carapace and spun at a high speed.

Under the high-speed friction, a burst of foul-smelling smoke rose, even if the sea monster's carapace was extremely hard, it could not withstand this kind of penetration at all.

"Death to me!"

But in the blink of an eye, a big hole was pulled out of the sea monster's carapace, revealing the squirming flesh and blood inside.

The rune bombs were manifested one after another, and Tang Zhen threw them directly into the sea monster's body through the gap in the back of the armor.

The sea monster, who knew the power of the rune bomb, also became flustered at this moment, twisting its body desperately, trying to expel the rune bomb.

The sea monster is strong because of its almost invincible defense, and now it is forcibly broken by Tang Zhen, which means that a fatal crisis is coming.

Just as the sea monster was struggling, there was a muffled sound, and then a giant fountain of flesh and blood shot up into the sky.

The struggling sea monster let out a terrifying scream, its huge body danced and struggled in the ocean, and the sea surface turned blood red in an instant.

The rune bomb had severely damaged the giant sea monster's internal organs, and now it has turned into a meat paste, and death is only a blink of an eye.

When the sea monster was dying and struggling, Tang Zhen's figure had already soared into the sky, looking coldly at the sea below.

After a while, the turbulent sea surface became quiet, and it turned into an empty shell of a giant sea monster corpse, which was constantly beaten by the waves.

"Suppressed by the rules of the Kingdom of God, this sea monster can only display less than [-]% of its strength. If it is outside, it is definitely an existence of the overlord level.

One end is okay, but if there are too many, it will be a problem. "

Tang Zhen shook his head, but it was just a monster, no matter how powerful it was, it was just a target to be used by others.

It is the mastermind behind the scenes who plotted against him, and he must not let it go easily. Since he has entered the deep sea, he should follow him all the way.

No matter how many sea monsters there are, they are nothing more than military exploits, so why be afraid?

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen turned around and flew straight to the depths of the ocean.


Not long after Tang Zhen left, two figures slowly rose from the distant ocean.

They looked at Tang Zhenyuan's back with slightly gloomy expressions.

When Tang Zhen fought with the superstar sea monster before, they secretly hid beside them and observed the whole battle process.

"This Tang Zhen is really not simple. The giant claw monster is not weak. I didn't expect to be killed so easily."

One of the figures said softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, flashing with an indelible killing intent.

Although he couldn't see the exact appearance, the horns on the top of his head and the blood-red eyes all proved that he was a monk of a foreign race.

"No matter what, this Tang Zhen must be killed. If he continues to torment like this, God knows how many fellow clansmen will be killed by him!"

Another figure roared sharply, with undisguised anger in his tone, as if he had a blood feud with Tang Zhen.

His head is like a crocodile, and there is a string of skulls hanging around his neck, all of which are the remains of strong believers.

This is a kind of boast, to show off one's martial arts, the more believers who are strong killed, the more one can prove one's own strength.

For example, the current Tang Zhen has already become the target of the sea monster powerhouse, and the action against him has just begun.

"It's not easy to kill him. This guy is a strong man in the Loucheng world, and he has countless monks. If all of them are brought to the Kingdom of God, you and your fellow clan may not be rivals."

After hearing this sentence, the crocodile head snorted coldly, and said in a disdainful tone: "He, Tang Zhen, was arrogant for a while, and the strong men of our clan have already dispatched. It may not be long before we can hear the news of his death." gone."

Hearing this, the tall figure with two horns on his head nodded slightly.

"I hope so……"

(End of this chapter)

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