Chapter 2133
After leaving the beach, Tang Zhen continued on his way.

Tang Zhen naturally noticed the suspicious look in the strong man's eyes, but Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to the other party's other actions.

It's just some little people, they don't want to cause disasters, and they avoid such things, so they don't want to cause more troubles.

However, the information he got from the mouth of the strong man also made Tang Zhen more certain that there was something unusual about this piece of land.

What kind of connection is there with the land where the believers are?
After advancing for a while, Tang Zhen saw the remnants of the city wall, spreading for an extremely long distance in the wild grass.

It can be seen from the appearance that the city wall has long lost its original function, so it has not been repaired.

"Perhaps the target of the sea monster's attack is only the big temple where the indigenous gods are sleeping, and other places don't bother to pay attention.

If the sea monsters didn't attack, the city wall would lose its meaning, and it would be quite normal for it to be deserted. "

Perhaps a long time ago, there used to be believers here, and the people who lived here were the descendants of the believers.

This possibility is not impossible, but the probability is quite high. After all, [-]% of the outsiders in the Kingdom of God are summoned believers.

After staying at the city wall for a while, Tang Zhen continued to move forward.

The surrounding scenery began to become normal. The grass, trees, birds, insects and fish were all no different from the outside world.

The free energy of heaven and earth in the air is also more abundant than that of the Continent of Believers, but much worse than that of the ocean.

Such a special environment cannot cultivate powerful monks, but it is more than enough to support warriors.

No wonder the strong man said that the city was controlled by warriors, which was obviously created by a special environment. Instead of being restricted by the barren energy of the world, it is better to start a new path.

The sky here is also very special. Starting from the position of the city wall, it seems to be divided into two areas.

The light outside the city wall was extremely gloomy, but inside the city wall was much more normal. Under the sunlight, the feeling of depression that made people collapse also disappeared.

A few bands of light criss-crossing the sky slowly squirmed in the sky, looking very gorgeous.

Vaguely, it seems that the stars can still be seen twinkling, but the distance is extremely far away.

Behind this beautiful scene, there is actually a terrible truth hidden.

They are actually the scenes that appear when the space barrier is torn and cannot be restored. The sun and stars are all starry sky outside the Kingdom of God.

The cracks near the demon plane are nothing compared to them. The former can only be regarded as human body abrasions, but the latter is fatal.

Because the space is torn apart, powerful monks may be able to easily enter the Kingdom of God.

"I just don't know if entering the Kingdom of God from here will cause me to lose my original memory under the influence of the world's rules?"

Tang Zhen felt that he should explore it carefully. If there were no such disadvantages, the monks of Loucheng could enter the Kingdom of God through these cracks through positioning means.

It will be easier to launch an attack on the Kingdom of God, and it can be done anytime, anywhere.

Thinking of this, he looked at the sky again, and found something unusual again.

The so-called sun, in Tang Zhen's view, is more like a huge star, projecting light from the crack to the earth.

The alternation of night and day should be a special phenomenon caused by the cracks in the barrier healing themselves.

According to Tang Zhen's observation, the edge areas of those cracks were flickering with lightning, and they were always trying to close.

The moment the crack heals is when night comes, blocking the sun's rays in the starry sky.

However, this kind of repair is just futile, and it won't take long for the terrifying power from the void to tear it apart again.

The day will come again, and the light will shine again on the earth.

This situation is repeated, but it is not stable, and it may change at any time.

"Residents living here, I am afraid that they worry a lot on weekdays, beware of the sky being completely shattered."

Tang Zhen looked away, walked through the wild grass in front of him, and came to a trampled path.

Not long after walking along the small road, a large road appeared in front of me, paved with gravel, and the road surface was still compacted.

Pedestrians passed by from time to time on the road. Judging from the direction they were heading, it should be the big city mentioned by the strong man.

Among the pedestrians, there were some men and women dressed as warriors. After seeing Tang Zhen, they all subconsciously looked at him.

Tang Zhen's dress is slightly different from theirs, and it's not easy to see the momentum.

Tang Zhen didn't pay attention to the gazes of these warriors, and just kept his head down. His speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for him to disappear from everyone's sight.

The journey of more than 40 miles was nothing to Tang Zhen. It didn't take long for a magnificent city to appear before his eyes.

The city wall is about 20 meters high and has a length of more than [-] meters. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a giant city.

The area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers is enough to accommodate millions of residents, but I don't know how many warriors exist here, and what kind of cultivation is the leader guarding the giant city?
A lot of people gathered at the gate of the city, and they were all queuing up to enter the city, with two rows of heavily armed warriors lined up on both sides.

There are heavily armed soldiers standing on the city wall, and there are also city defense weapons similar to bed crossbows, but they look a little old, and they may not have been used for a long time.

The soldiers stood in front of the crenel, holding bows and crossbows in their hands, and were looking at the crowd below with cold eyes.

Those who enter the city will be inspected and receive something similar to a voucher, and at the same time pay a certain amount of entry fee.

Tang Zhen followed the team slowly, and it didn't take long for the soldiers in charge of the inspection to come to him.

Seeing that Tang Zhen was carrying a saber and his face was covered again, there was a hint of vigilance in the other party's eyes.

"Where are you from and what are you going to do in town?"

The soldier asked in a questioning tone, and at the same time took two steps back, keeping a certain distance from Tang Zhen.

"Isn't it allowed to go to the city to buy medicine?"

Tang Zhen looked at the soldier and asked in a calm tone.

"You can enter the city, but remember not to cause trouble, or you will bear the consequences!"

The soldier didn't bother too much, he just warned Tang Zhen, and then stretched out his hand.

"For foreign warriors entering the city, the fee will increase by ten times. If they do not leave the city before dark, the fees will be accumulated automatically, and they will be settled together when they leave the city.

However, if you become a martial artist in this city, all fees will be exempted, and you can also receive regular welfare subsidies.

If you want to join, there is a registration place in the city, and someone will be in charge of receiving you at any time. "

The soldier was still talking sarcasticly before, but Tang Zhen was caught off guard by a wave of advertisements in an instant.

Looking at the appearance of these soldiers, it seems that they are not friendly to foreign warriors, but if they are warriors from this city, their attitude will be completely different.

At this time, two warriors had already come to the gate of the city. They showed their badges, and the soldiers let them into the city without even checking them.

There must be some reason for this situation, but Tang Zhen didn't bother to pay attention to it.

After handing over a few coins to the soldiers, Tang Zhen followed the flow of people and slowly entered the city.

As soon as you enter the city, you will be greeted by the smell of a stock market. The shops on both sides of the dense pedestrians show that the city is very prosperous.

Tang Zhen had a feeling that he was not in the Kingdom of God, but came to the outside world.

Although it is only across the sea, the seemingly omnipotent Great Temple has not affected this place at all.

After walking around the street twice, Tang Zhen stopped at the door of a tavern on the side of the road, watching the warriors coming in and out, he also walked in.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "The Disappearing Personality" for the reward, and to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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