I have a city in another world

Chapter 2145 Fire Rock Purgatory

Chapter 2145 Fire Rock Purgatory
Destroy Huoyan and cut off the source of the warrior continent's magic weapon manufacturing!
This thought flashed through Tang Zhen's mind, and he couldn't restrain it anymore. Since war is inevitable, he should simply let it go.

He has encountered the situation of being the enemy of the whole world more than once, and he has also encountered more dangerous situations than now. How can the stronger the strength, the more he will look forward and backward?

He is the top powerhouse in the Loucheng world, the master of a war zone, and controls tens of millions of Loucheng monks. How can he be afraid of a group of monsters and warriors?
Since you are a threat to yourself, just beat him to death, or completely destroy him!

Tang Zhen laughed out loud, with indescribable joy in his voice.

The thoughts are clear, and all worries disappear.

Although he has made up his mind, it is not an easy task to destroy Huoyan.

Through previous observations, Tang Zhen discovered that this fire-breathing stone is not simple, and may have self-awareness.

In other words, it is a living body, not a pure stone. Although this kind of life is strange, it is not unique.

There are even some strange beasts that specially seal their eggs in a high-temperature environment and use them as breeding grounds.

In some planes, monsters living in lava flames can be seen almost everywhere.

Tang Zhen suspected that the fire rock in front of him was a similar life. Perhaps the martial arts masters in Fire Rock City had already discovered this.

They didn't touch this thing, probably because its special flame can help temper ore, or they are interested in the special life in the igneous rock.

Once this kind of powerful creature is tamed, it can be used as a powerful war beast, which can provide great assistance to the owner.

Perhaps the Patriarch of Huoyan City was waiting for it to break out of its shell, and then took the opportunity to recognize its master and strengthen Huoyan City's strength.

This may take a long time, but the other party also has a long life, and he can wait until that moment arrives.

Tang Zhen didn't want to give the other party this chance. If there is really a special life in the fire rock, it's better to let it break out of its shell earlier.

When that moment comes, it may bring unexpected surprises.

Sensing the surrounding environment, Tang Zhen quietly came to a nearby house and sneaked into it without telling the guards.

This is the prison where the prisoners are held, and all the prisoners caught by Huoyan City are all held in the Forging City.

Since the establishment of this prison, it is unknown how many people have been imprisoned.

Groups of prisoners were sent in, but no one ever came out alive. After the original believers died, new prisoners would be sent in again.

After entering the cell, an unpleasant smell hit the face, and a number of skinny prisoners curled up in the cell

The prisoners were all smeared with sea monster oil to treat burns, but it was of no great use.

The old wounds have not healed, and new wounds have been added. If most of these prisoners have strong physiques, they may not even be able to move.

If the injury is too serious, the warriors in Forged Arms City will take care of it, at least give them healing medicine and allow them to rest for a while.

At this time, the prisoners who remained in the cell were basically resting and recovering from their injuries. After recovering their mobility, they had to continue their original work.

In the outermost cell, the prisoners who can work normally are held, and they will be escorted to the workplace in batches.

Suddenly, Tang Zhen turned into a prisoner and entered the prison.

Under the confusion of spiritual power, the other prisoners did not realize that someone had already mixed in.

After waiting for a while, there was a sound of footsteps.

A group of prisoners covered in sweat and dust staggered in, and then fell headfirst on the withered grass in the cell.

If they were not still breathing weakly, anyone would regard them as a corpse.

The sweat and blood on his body stained the withered grass, showing a dark red color.

"The next batch, come out immediately!"

A martial artist shouted loudly in the cell, and then saw the prisoners stand up and walk towards the outside listlessly.

Looking at them, they look like walking dead.

Tang Zhen mingled with the prisoners, followed them out of the cell, and came to the field where the ore was piled up.

"Ten pieces of ore per person, transported to the vicinity of Huoyan, those who can't finish are not allowed to leave!"

Another believer said in a gloomy voice that he simply ignored the plight of those prisoners.

The whip he held in his hand was stained with black flesh and blood, and it was obvious that he had beaten an unknown number of prisoners.

Prisoners need to put the ore into a special pottery basket, carry it to the vicinity of the igneous rock, and pour it into a special smelting pit.

After the ore is melted, it will flow out of the flame-shrouded area along the groove, and then be made into pieces of metal ingots.

As for the ash residue, those things didn't exist at all, and they all flew into the sky with the thermal air current.

Picking up a pottery basket casually, Tang Zhen imitated those prisoners and put the well-proportioned ore into the basket.

After filling the baskets, the prisoners did not rush into the smelting area near the igneous rock, but lined up outside the white line on the ground.

After seeing it, the martial artist in charge of management didn't say anything to reprimand him. Obviously, this is a very normal thing.

Tang Zhen noticed that the believers were all holding their breath, as if they were accumulating all their strength, and at the same time fixed their eyes on the fire rock in front of them.

All of a sudden, the boulder that was constantly spraying flames suddenly stopped spraying flames.

At this moment, all the prisoners gathered their strength and ran forward desperately.

Even though the ground was scorching hot, even though the surrounding air made it hard to breathe, they still ran forward with all their might, not daring to waste any time.

Doing so allows them to avoid contact with the scorching ground as much as possible, and at the same time, dump the ore on their backs in the designated area in the shortest possible time.

This time is very short, if they cannot be completed within the specified time, then the flaming rocks will be sprayed again, and they will be completely burned to ashes.

"Tell me, who will die this time?"

When the prisoner rushed to the fire rock, the warriors guarding the city wall immediately gathered together to start a bet on which guy would die?

This is one of their daily entertainment activities, which can make the boring work less boring. As for how many prisoners died, it has nothing to do with them.

"I bet long ears, that guy's legs and feet are not good, he almost died last time."

"Impossible, everyone will die, except for the long-eared one. He lived for more than a year, longer than those prisoners!"

"I'm betting on that little skinny man. From the way he carries the basket, he knows that it is impossible to transport all ten ores. He will probably be burned to death soon!"

A group of warriors talked and laughed loudly, and some even cursed the believers who had bet money loudly, telling them to die quickly, so that they could win a large sum of money.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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