I have a city in another world

Chapter 2149 Who is the villain?

Chapter 2149 Who is the villain?
Tang Zhen did not touch these energy crystals lightly, so as not to disturb the owner here, the ancestor of Fire Rock City.

The previous speculation has actually been confirmed. The warriors of Huoyan City have long known the situation inside Huoyan and have been providing assistance.

Over the years, in order to cultivate the things in the fire rock, it is unknown how many energy crystals were consumed.

This kind of thing is hard to get, especially for the energy-poor Warrior Continent, it is very difficult to get it.

Perhaps the only way for Fire Rock City is to use strong believers to exchange for military exploits in the Great Temple.

As long as there is enough military exploits, no matter how many energy crystals are exchanged, the Great Temple will not refuse.

After those strong believers get the energy crystals, they will secretly send them to the Warrior Continent, and then exchange them for what they want.

If this is the case, it can only mean that the Continent of Believers has long been riddled with ambushes from the Continent of Warriors.

Once the war starts, the future is really worrying.

The [-] defense area may become the target of public criticism, not only to face the warrior legion and sea monsters, but also those traitors from the mainland of the kingdom of God.

Tang Zhen shook his head secretly. If the war started, these believers might not believe it, and they would have to rely on themselves in the end.

Taking his eyes off the ground, Tang Zhen looked at the center of the liquefied energy again, wondering what was hidden inside.

It's just that the unknown power cut off Tang Zhen's prying eyes. This was the case outside Huoyan, and it was still the same after entering the interior.

"If you want to find out what it is, you have to get close and observe it, but you will take a certain risk."

Even so, Tang Zhen immediately looked for the gap in the rune circle, and passed through the alarm area without any effort.

"The rune attainments of this Huoyan city lord are simply rough and terrifying..."

Tang Zhen shook his head, cracking the enemy's defense method did not give him the slightest sense of accomplishment.

After entering the liquefied energy, there was a viscous stagnant feeling immediately, but fortunately, it did not affect normal actions.

The thing located in the center of Huoyan also revealed the true face of Mount Lu at this moment.

It looks like a puff of smoke, but it changes all the time, like a veil floating in the flames and neon, it seems that it may go away with the wind at any time.

One after another runes are faintly visible on the surface, as if breathing, the light and shade are uncertain, and the flames outside the fire rock are also constantly swallowing and puffing.

From the first moment he saw this thing, Tang Zhen was sure that it was unusual, and there was a faint trembling in the face of the strongest.

It is not very strong, it can even be said to be very weak, but it has a majestic aura that cannot be ignored.

"If it grows up, I don't know what it will look like?"

Tang Zhen muttered to himself, at this moment, he didn't know how to destroy this thing.

If you don't grasp the proper measure when you make a move, you will hurt yourself. Who knows if this small thing is a powder keg?

Without much hesitation, Tang Zhen finally decided to act. He raised his hand to release the energy opposite to the fire attribute, and wrapped it tightly.

When the two repelling energies meet, there will inevitably be a violent reaction, and it may even raze the fire rock and nearby buildings to the ground.

What Tang Zhen produced at this time was the detonator used to detonate, and the surrounding liquefied energy was a natural super explosive.

After he leaves, he will remotely detonate the fire rock and this thing into ashes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the accident happened suddenly.

The veil-like object suddenly shook, and then turned to where Tang Zhen was.

At this moment, Tang Zhen suddenly felt like he was being watched by a beast.

Although that thing has no eyes, Tang Zhen can be sure that it is looking at him.

I felt a little shocked in my heart. I thought this thing was in a deep sleep state, but I didn't expect it to be so sensitive to danger.

Obviously, it has realized that it is about to encounter danger, so it has locked Tang Zhen, the danger maker, in advance.

Tang Zhen was a little embarrassed for a while. He didn't know if he would be successful if he continued to act after being discovered by the other party?

It's just that the arrow is on the string at this moment, and there is no time to think too much, otherwise there will inevitably be greater changes.

After realizing this, Tang Zhen no longer hesitated, and continued to increase energy input.

The next moment, Tang Zhen smashed out the energy ball, then turned and fled without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, the veil-like object was as fast as lightning, chasing Tang Zhen directly.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen appeared behind him.

Tang Zhen was startled, and punched fiercely. At this moment, he had no time to worry about whether he would be exposed.

I never thought that after I swung my fist, it seemed to hit the air, and the veil-like object remained motionless, as if it was a ball of light and shadow.

One miss, but the veil-like object entangled Tang Zhen's arm like a maggot attached to the bone, and then burrowed into his body.

Tang Zhen was taken aback. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation, so he immediately checked his body.

Since he is not a body of flesh and blood, even if a foreign object enters his body, it will not cause too much harm to Tang Zhen.

But Tang Zhen had a premonition that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, when he inspected his body, he didn't find anything abnormal, as if the veil-like object had disappeared.


A bad premonition flashed in Tang Zhen's heart. The thing was not in his body, and whether there was another place to go.

The answer is yes!

There is a place in Tang Zhen's body, between reality and reality, which is the world in his mind.

After being promoted to the Creator, Loucheng monks and native monks will open up their own independent world, but the way of construction is different.

The mind world of monk Loucheng is a completely different concept from the world built by the Creator of the Otherworld.

This mind world is interrelated with the monk Loucheng, and can be freely switched between virtual and real. It can be said that wherever the monk Loucheng goes, he can bring the mind world there.

A world like the Kingdom of God does not have such a function. Once the location is selected, it can no longer be moved.

Based on this alone, the monks of Loucheng are enough to crush the monks of ten thousand realms.

What Tang Zhen is most worried about now is that the veil-like thing will enter his mind.

With a thought, Tang Zhen began to search in the world of his mind, not letting go of any corner.

The mind world is expanding extremely fast, and now it has traveled thousands of miles, a chaotic and unopened scene.

Not long after, Tang Zhen's complexion changed slightly, and his expression became serious.

Sure enough, as he expected, in the energy source of heaven and earth in the mind world, the veil-like thing is like a fish, swimming happily around.

When Tang Zhen tried to use his master's authority to expel him from the country, the veil-like object actually showed resistance, as if refusing to leave the world of his mind.

Tang Zhen was shocked and angry. In his mind, how could this guy of unknown origin be allowed to exist.

He immediately tried to throw the thing with all his might.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the veil-like object suddenly unfolded, and runes began to swim continuously on the surface of the veil, shining with dangerous light.

The mind world also became restless, as if it had become a powder keg.

It was actually threatening Tang Zhen, and at worst, they would die together.

Tang Zhen hesitated for a moment, and finally did not dare to continue to drive away, but secretly sighed in his heart.

This guy seems to be planning to hang on...

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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