I have a city in another world

Chapter 2171 Cooperation?

Chapter 2171 Cooperation?

A puff of green smoke dissipated, and the Huoyan Patriarch, who had been in the Warrior Continent for many years, disappeared in ashes.

I am afraid that no one will ever know that in this place of the Forbidden Temple, a martial arts expert once fell with hatred.

Thousands of years ago, countless martial arts experts fell here, and after a thousand years, there was another Huoyan Patriarch.

It's nothing more than a touch of resentment.

In the process of cultivation, life and death are normal things, even if they are as strong as the indigenous gods, they cannot escape the crisis of serious injury and death.

To Tang Zhen, Huoyan Patriarch was no match at all, and beheading him was a matter of course.

After dealing with Patriarch Huoyan, Tang Zhen looked forward, only because a young man was slowly walking in the deep starry sky.

Wearing a green shirt and long boots, his face is like a crown of jade, and his feet are like stars.

This is the appearance of the indigenous gods when they were young. Of course, it is not the main body, but a clone formed by the condensed mind.

Tang Zhen can also do this, and try to send the avatar into the vast void, looking for a new world of planes.

After many years, I don't know if it has fallen?
Looking at the indigenous gods standing in front of him, Tang Zhen asked: "The previous passage was opened on purpose, right?"

Ever since he entered the Forbidden Mountains, Tang Zhen felt that something was wrong. It seemed that there was a pair of invisible hands silently controlling everything behind the scenes.

Seeing the avatar of the native god now, some questions have actually been answered, but Tang Zhen still wants to get confirmation from the other party.

The young man nodded, and said in a tone without a trace of emotion: "It is indeed my deliberate arrangement. I originally wanted to lead you directly to the Forbidden Temple, but I didn't want your Excellency to be too cautious and didn't go along the leading path.

Otherwise, you and I would have met before that. "

Tang Zhen secretly thought that it was so.

No wonder Huoyan Patriarch ran all the way, but was still stuck in the middle, because the leading passage was not opened for him in the first place.

Even if he risked his life, he would not be able to reach the Forbidden Temple. Those previous thoughts were just the passion of the Huoyan Ancestor.

"Then the passage we passed through must have been secretly interfered by you. The order of the passages left thousands of years ago is not accurate, is it?"

The boy nodded again.

“Yes, the process of arriving at the temple is extremely strict, so how could it leave such a big loophole?

In fact, no matter which passage you take, you can reach the Forbidden Temple smoothly and be guided here. "

Tang Zhen shook his head. This feeling was very uncomfortable, but under the circumstances, there was really no other choice.

If Zhao Datou knew the truth, how would he feel?
Thinking of that guy, Tang Zhen smiled and continued, "In that case, why don't you just talk about the purpose of bringing me here."

The aborigine gods made such painstaking arrangements to lead him here step by step, obviously they had a plan.

Although this young man is not a real aboriginal god, his spiritual will is not much different from his body, and he has control over the Forbidden Temple. Tang Zhen will never take it lightly.

The young man smiled, with a harmless expression, but he couldn't give people the slightest sense of intimacy.

The indifference and arrogance of the gods has penetrated into the bone marrow and cannot be erased at all.

However, this kind of aura was useless to Tang Zhen. Regardless of his background or experience, he was no weaker than the indigenous gods.

A god clone, don't let him be weak.

"Earlier, when Your Excellency was in the Great Temple, you had a conversation with my servant, which deeply touched me.

You must already know that because of an incident that year, I suffered a very serious trauma, so my body has been sleeping.

If I don't find a way to heal my injuries, then maybe after a thousand years, I will also fall completely.

You said that in ten years, Loucheng World will launch an invasion of the Kingdom of God. Ordinarily, I should be angry.

However, it is not.

Ever since I was injured, the Kingdom of God has never lacked intruders.Regardless of sea monsters, foreign warriors, and you foreign monks, they are actually invaders of the Kingdom of God.

If you were not injured and fell asleep, you would not be able to enter the kingdom of God. Even if you did enter, you would only be suppressed or become my slaves. "

When the young man said this, his face was full of confidence, showing his supreme majesty as the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Tang Zhen smiled lightly upon hearing this.

"Since you are already injured and sleeping, why bother to emphasize these things. Even if I am not your opponent in your heyday, it does not mean that you are truly invincible."

The young man was silent, seemingly lost in thought.

What Tang Zhen said was not unreasonable. Emphasizing showing off one's strength to the weak was a sign of cowardice.

The indigenous gods couldn't help laughing at themselves secretly. Since when did he become so unconfident that he wanted to show his strength in this way?

The thought flashed by, and the boy stopped being entangled, but continued to Tang Zhen: "After knowing the real strength of Loucheng World, I suddenly realized that this is actually an opportunity for me.

What I can't do, you Loucheng monks may not be able to do, and what I have to do is to cooperate with you.

First of all, I want to confirm one thing, if I directly hand over what you need, can the invasion war ten years later be avoided? "

When the indigenous god said this, his expression became extremely serious.

"I don't want to give an ambiguous answer, but the most accurate answer. After all, the matter is of great importance, but there is no room for sloppy."

Tang Zhen recalled the conversation with the cornerstone platform at the beginning. The fifth war zone only wanted something from the indigenous gods, and was not interested in the Kingdom of God.

A half-finished and dilapidated Kingdom of God cannot attract the attention of the Fifth War Zone at all, and it is not worth it to mobilize troops and mobilize a large number of people.

In fact, if it didn't coincide with the ranking of the theater, the cornerstone platform of the fifth theater would inevitably sell Tang Zhen a favor, giving him enough time to gain benefits in the Kingdom of God.

"I can guarantee that as long as you hand over what the instant platform wants, then the invasion plan ten years later can definitely be undone!"

Even if the Fifth War Zone is unwilling, Tang Zhen will do his best to solve this plan, after all, this matter is related to his own interests.

The indigenous god nodded, and did not doubt whether Tang Zhen had this ability. He had read Tang Zhen's memory and knew the weight Tang Zhen possessed.

In fact, when he discussed this matter with Tang Zhen, he hoped that Tang Zhen could act as a middleman to achieve cooperation between the Kingdom of God and the Fifth War Zone.

"Then let's talk about the second thing. I hand over what you want not only to avoid an invasion war that may destroy the Kingdom of God, but also to hope that we can cooperate with each other to obtain more benefits.

I will provide you with accurate coordinates of the plane, as well as enough information, and follow you to the super plane I visited back then.

After arriving at that super plane, you have to help me obtain a certain item. This matter is not difficult for you, and you will also get unimaginable benefits! "

Tang Zhen listened to the narrative of the indigenous gods and nodded secretly in his heart. If the other party was really sincere, it would be an excellent situation for win-win cooperation.

Once successful, Tang Zhen's benefits will naturally be indispensable.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen looked at the native gods.

"Then before doing this, should we talk about the inheritance treasures of the Forbidden Temple and my hard work?"

When the native god heard the words, the expression on his face immediately froze, and it took him a long time to shake his head helplessly.

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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