I have a city in another world

Chapter 2175 My Kingdom of God!

Chapter 2175 My Kingdom of God!

Tang Zhen stood where he was, without moving for a long time.

If someone entered this place, when they saw Tang Zhen, they might regard him as a native god.

That majestic aura cannot be faked at all, making people feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

The energy source of the mind world has disappeared now, and has become something like the sun, hanging high above the sky.

Tang Zhen was born in the original world, which made him always subconsciously imitate his hometown when building the kingdom of mind.

It won't be exactly the same, because that world is far from perfect, and what Tang Zhen has to do is to make up for those shortcomings.

He has been to many planes and special worlds, and some scenes that remain in his memory can also be reproduced in his world.

However, if you want to establish a real kingdom of God and completely perfect it, you still need enough time to accumulate.

Becoming a Creator is just a qualification.

However, there are very few monks who can reach this step. Looking at the world, there is not even one in a billion.

The mood gradually calmed down, Tang Zhen was really like a creator, looking down on his own world from a high position.

This feeling is amazing, any idea in the mind can be realized in an instant.

In this state, on the contrary, there is no desire or desire. After all, I am omnipotent, so what else can I pursue?
However, Tang Zhen soon woke up.

Omnipotent, but limited to the Kingdom of God, after leaving the Kingdom of God, there are still countless powerful and awe-inspiring existences.

If Tang Zhen, like some indigenous gods, stayed in his own divine kingdom, he could think that he was omnipotent.

However, as a monk in Loucheng and the master of the war zone, even in the world of Loucheng, he is enough to be called a top combat force.

Life is endless, fighting is endless, that bloody road has long been paved under his feet.

"First lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God in the mind, as for other things, you can wait until later."

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen started to act.

At this time, the world in his mind has expanded to a rather exaggerated level, like a square flat land.

Or, it is a blank canvas that can be painted as one likes.

Looking at the dark brown land, Tang Zhen shook his head.

"Too ugly!"

The boundless land appeared because of his subconscious mind, thinking that his kingdom of God should be carried by the earth.

If it were the creator of an aquatic race, then when the Kingdom of God was first established, it would be an ocean by default.

"If the dung beetle becomes the creator..."

This thought flashed in Tang Zhen's mind, then he chuckled and shook his head, feeling that the scene was too wonderful.

"First of all, there must be grass and trees."

As his thoughts swept across, green grass and flowers immediately grew wildly on the bare ground.

In a blink of an eye, the whole world has been wrapped in greenery, like an incomparably huge carpet.

Seemingly a little dissatisfied, Tang Zhen made changes again, and the colors of the vegetation began to become colorful.

Any imaginable color can be found in this world, no matter how far or near you look, they are all beautiful.

Immediately afterwards, another mountain peak rose from the ground, straight and steep, and at the same time, floating islands appeared, connected to each other by giant vines.

The incomparably clear stream flowed continuously from the floating island, like white horses fluttering down to the ground.

The next moment, Tang Zhen appeared on the floating island, standing with his hands behind his hands on the edge of the cliff, with a hint of emotion on his face.

The boundless land under his feet was created by his will. As long as he is willing and has enough energy, he can create more creatures.

It's just that the kingdom of God in the mind is different from the ordinary world. Everything needs to be planned. It is absolutely impossible to allow creatures to evolve and develop freely like the ordinary world.

That would not be able to provide any help to Tang Zhen, and would completely abolish the Kingdom of God, making it no different from an ordinary plane.

After standing upright for a long time, Tang Zhen let out a long whistle to express his emotion.

The experience of a hundred years kept flashing before his eyes, as if everything was just yesterday.

From a little monk who just entered the world of Loucheng, he eventually became a powerful existence at the level of the creator. Although the assistance of the balance of fate is indispensable in this, Tang Zhen's efforts cannot be ignored.

After escaping from death again and again, beheading powerful enemies again and again, Tang Zhen stepped on the bones of his enemies and became stronger and stronger.

The holy dragon war zone he established with his own hands is also constantly developing and growing, and its strength has already surpassed that of the original wild war zone.

Today, whether it is Tang Zhen or the Shenglong theater, they have become existences that cannot be underestimated in the Loucheng world.

Knowing that Tang Zhen has been promoted to the Creator in the Holy Dragon War Zone, the monks in Loucheng will definitely cheer and their cohesion will increase again.

"Back then, I made an oath to let the Holy Dragon War Zone win the Loucheng World. Now, although the goal is still far away, I finally have the qualifications to compete.

It may take hundreds of years, or it may cost thousands of dollars, as long as the blood in the chest is not cold, and the thoughts in the heart are not scattered, the dream will always be possible to come true! "

Behind Tang Zhen, a figure slowly appeared, it was the avatar of the god who sacrificed himself earlier.

He didn't disappear, but was brought into this world by Tang Zhenju.

After hearing Tang Zhen's words, there was also a trace of longing on his face. Because he had read some of Tang Zhen's memories, he could understand Tang Zhen's feelings at this time.

"Actually, I am very envious of you Loucheng monks, who have an extremely powerful backing and an extremely sound cultivation and growth system.

Although war is almost a lifetime, but the way of cultivation is plunder and occupation. If you don't always maintain this positive state, you will be eliminated by stronger enemies sooner or later. "

The boy said slowly, with a hint of longing in his eyes.

Although he inherited some memories of the main body, he didn't experience it personally. In fact, from the moment he was born, he has always stayed in the Forbidden Temple.

The character of the avatar is taken from the youth of the aborigine god. At that time, he was impulsive and eager to live a wonderful life with swords and swords.

That's why when I read Tang Zhen's memories, I feel my blood boil and my heart is full of longing.

Of course, when the indigenous gods read their memories, they would be very cautious, and what they read were only irrelevant scattered memories.

Those memories that Tang Zhen doesn't want others to know are extremely dangerous, and if he is not careful, he will release terrible demons.

This abnormal situation in the Kingdom of God is most likely related to the lost super plane items, which can manifest certain negative emotions and have quite terrifying destructive power.

However, the great temple has been searched for for many years, but there is still no result, and it is not known where these things have gone.

"If you want, you can also enter the Loucheng world and become a Loucheng monk."

Tang Zhen turned his head to look at the boy, his tone was as calm as water, and his mood was neither sad nor happy.

Because of his emotional changes, various abnormal situations will appear in the kingdom of God in his mind, and there may even be strange and special lives.

In the world of my own mind, the Creator is ruthless and desireless, but it is actually a last resort.


The young man showed surprise, and then became a little hesitant.

"But I am the guardian of the Forbidden Temple. If I leave, who will guard this place?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhen shook his head lightly.

"From the moment you sacrificed, you no longer belong to this world. In the vast world, where can you not go?"

 Thanks to: "The Master of Xiaoyao Pavilion" and "Book Friend 161230210706931" for the reward. Thank you to the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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