I have a city in another world

Chapter 2177 Creator's Fighting Style

Chapter 2177 Creator's Fighting Style
After Tang Zhen left the Forbidden Mountains, he did not continue to stay on this continent, but went straight to the coastline.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and the harvest has far exceeded expectations. There is no point in staying any longer. Naturally, we must return to the Continent of Believers as soon as possible.

After rushing with all his strength, it didn't take long for Tang Zhen to reach the coast.

In the Warrior Continent, the coast is a restricted area, and very few warriors set foot in this cursed land.

Just like when we came here, the long coastline is covered with pulpy mud and human-headed trees can be seen everywhere.

This time Tang Zhen forcibly passed through, even though it was a forbidden area, he still flew close to the low altitude.

The two extreme forces competed with each other, and immediately visions occurred frequently, and cracking sounds continued to sound.

Wherever it passed, a sea of ​​flames surged, and those strange trees burned instantly turned into ashes.

The mud was plowed into deep ravines by the air waves, and then sintered by the flames into a glazed shape, leading directly to the ocean.

After hundreds of years, no monster in this area dared to approach, otherwise it would be injured by the residual fire poison.

Tang Zhen rushed out of the coastline, entered the vast ocean, and started marching in the direction of the believer's continent.

However, it didn't take long before he saw huge black shadows appearing one after another in the ocean ahead.

These black shadows are like islands, but there is no grass on the surface, and they are all mottled and weathered bone armor.

Sensing the breath, it is no less than the powerhouse of the world lord. Like the warrior, what he cultivates is the body.

After discovering Tang Zhen, these black shadows let out a dull roar, and then the height continued to increase.

The billowing sea water poured down, and super sea monsters with a size of a thousand meters emerged from the ocean.

There are also super sea monsters of the same size nearby, rushing towards Tang Zhen's position at a high speed, and completely blocking his way.

No need to guess, these super sea monsters have been waiting here for the purpose of stopping Tang Zhen.

From the moment Tang Zhen stepped into the Continent of Warriors, he was already under the surveillance of the Sea Monster Clan, and at the same time sent strong men to guard the coast to prevent him from returning to the Continent of Believers.

There was a long distance between the two sides, and sea monsters with black and shiny carapaces at both ends, which looked like weird giant shrimps, had already attacked Tang Zhen.

The bone spurs broken off from the sea monster's carapace were thrown one after another, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

A sea monster of this size, even if it throws a small stone, has extremely terrifying lethality.

This kind of bone spur is more powerful, enough to penetrate the mountain peak and fall on the wall of the defense zone, easily smashing a huge gap.

Tang Zhen snorted softly, and went straight to kill those super sea monsters, ignoring their attacks at all.


A big mouth suddenly protruded from the ocean, roaring in Tang Zhen's direction, and the sound waves filled the ocean.

The air vibrated violently, as if being torn out into fine cracks, which would shatter into pulp in the next moment.

The sound waves emitted by this sea monster are extremely destructive, even steel will be directly shattered.

This attack method was adopted to delay Tang Zhen's approaching speed, so that the surrounding sea monsters could complete the encirclement.

With the speed of these super sea monsters, it won't take long for them all to arrive and go into battle.

Tang Zhen seemed to be affected, and his body froze slightly.

In the ocean below him, giant tentacles stretched out, engulfing the waves and whipping towards them.

The surface of these tentacles is covered with sharp bone blades, and the blades are like sawtooth, which can easily split the body of the prey.

"Let you try my tricks!"

Tang Zhen pointed casually, and a series of invisible energies were guided into these tentacles one after another.

Hearing a roar from under the sea, the skin of those tentacles rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Red worms like earthworms crawled in and out of the wound, growing rapidly in size.

But in an instant, these tentacles exploded like rotten persimmons, countless bugs landed on the sea surface, and then burrowed into the sea water.

Painful wailing came from below the surface of the sea, and a super sea monster floated up from the ocean. Its body surface was covered with scars, and countless worms that grew wildly to the size of poisonous snakes were devouring the wounds.

The giant sea monster was struggling constantly because of the pain, but its tentacles had all rotted away, so it couldn't do anything to these small and terrifying things.

After struggling for a few breaths, the super sea monster was completely silent, and was quickly eaten clean by those strange insects.

After eating up a sea monster, the bugs left the corpse and rushed towards other sea monsters nearby.

The sea monsters closest to Tang Zhen were immediately covered by this poisonous snake-like insect, and their shells changed color.

Compared to the size of the super sea monster, these bugs are insignificant at all, but the number makes one's scalp tingle.

Soon these bugs showed their horror. Even the super sea monster had a thick carapace, but it still couldn't resist the bugs' squeezing and gnawing.

In the blink of an eye, the bone armor of the super sea monster was already mottled, and some weak points had even been penetrated.

The super sea monsters that had besieged Tang Zhen immediately fell into panic. They witnessed the scene of the red monster devouring the sea monster with their own eyes, and they were afraid that they would also encounter such a miserable end.

Even the super sea monsters that were approaching in the distance paid attention to these red bugs. In their eyes, these bugs were far more terrifying than Tang Zhen.

At the same time, they were secretly wondering. According to the collected information, Tang Zhen didn't seem to have this kind of insect repellent attack method.

How did these sea monsters know that this was a special creature created by Tang Zhen with his mind after he was promoted to the Creator.

Crazy, powerful, fast-reproducing, and carrying highly toxic and corrosive substances.

It can be said that the meaning of this kind of creature's existence is for pure destruction, because it is too powerful against the sky, Tang Zhen almost couldn't manifest it.

Even if Tang Zhen barely manifested it, it has a very short lifespan. Once it loses the target of devouring, it will die completely in a short time.

Therefore, it is only suitable for short-term close combat, and it is impossible to truly reproduce in groups. Otherwise, this kind of strange insect can completely wipe out the sea monster.

In the following time, those super sea monsters who besieged Tang Zhen deeply felt the horror of this strange insect.

After they got into the body of the super sea monster, they multiplied at an incredible speed, and then ran around in the body of the super sea monster.

Those super sea monsters seemed to be crazy, they ignored Tang Zhen at all, but kept rolling and roaring in the ocean, setting off huge waves.

The red strange insects are desperately destroying their bodies. Under the seemingly powerful appearance, they are actually riddled with holes.


A super sea monster opened its mouth and spewed out dirty blood. There were countless red strange insects inside, and then fell to the sky.

In the turbulent waves, the super sea monster floated on the surface of the sea, its body already hollowed out.

Countless red strange insects crawled out of its snout and the gaps in its body, and continued to swarm towards other targets.

The well-arranged trap collapsed in a very short time.

Under the attack of the red monsters, these super sea monsters were so overwhelmed that they had no time to attack Tang Zhen.

They desperately ran towards the distance, trying to avoid the red rushing attack, but fell down one by one.

Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, ignored the collapsing super sea monsters, and moved quickly along the gap again.

After flying less than a few tens of kilometers, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis approaching, and he dodged to avoid it without hesitation.

Where he was before, dozens of black holes the size of houses suddenly appeared, and at the same time there were spatial cracks like falling feathers, scattered throughout the sky.

Several figures appeared from the void, waving the weapons in their hands, and attacked Tang Zhen from all directions.

"Tang Zhen, today is your death day!"

A voice came, and there was a hint of pleasure in the tone, as well as hatred that could not be concealed.

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Really, actually I have been waiting for you for a long time, the lost dog of the devil plane!"

(End of this chapter)

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