I have a city in another world

Chapter 2179 Chasing down the War Demon

Chapter 2179 Chasing down the War Demon
Sensing the terrifying aura released by the saber, Zhan Mo was taken aback and dodged without hesitation.

In a life-and-death fight, a little negligence may result in loss of life.

When he looked at Tang Zhen again, Zhan Mo's eyes were already extremely serious, and he was no longer as arrogant as before.

At this time, the saber in Tang Zhen's hand erupted with an edge that didn't match his current state at all, how could War Demon take this move forcefully.


The sword passed by, leaving a black trace in the air, and a bottomless ravine appeared on the seabed.

Other than that, there was no other movement, and neither the momentum nor the destructive power seemed to be far inferior to the previous attack.

But War Demon broke out in a cold sweat, the more unpretentious the attack, the more terrifying the lethality.

If he couldn't dodge just now, Tang Zhen's knife could definitely split his body in two.

"It should be the secret technique of monk Loucheng, which can stimulate one's own potential, but it will definitely not last long!"

War Demon, who still had lingering fears, immediately made a judgment, and let go of his hanging heart a little.

There was also a hint of teasing in Tang Zhen's gaze.

From Zhan Mo's point of view, Tang Zhen realized that the crisis was coming, so he used secret techniques to protect himself.

But dying.

"This kind of attack consumes the most energy. I have just been promoted to the god level. Let me see how long you can last!"

Zhan Mo made up his mind that he absolutely did not need to accept Tang Zhen's ultimate move, but waited until Tang Zhen ran out of cards before beheading him with one blow.

But when he actually fought against each other, he realized that he had made a big mistake.

Tang Zhen came forward suddenly.He slashed several times in a row, each sharper and fiercer than the last.

The entire world seemed to have been cut to pieces and could not be put back together.

The air was as sticky as rice milk, and it kept wriggling, but it still couldn't heal.

War Demon evaded hastily, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. It is impossible for such a terrifying outbreak to exceed three moves.

But in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen had already approved six or seven knives, and the knives were fatal attacks.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

Zhan Mo roared in his heart, so depressed that he almost vomited blood. Seeing a new wave of attacks coming, he could only raise his mace and take a forceful attack when it was inevitable.


Hearing the crisp cracking sound, War Demon's expression changed drastically, and he dropped the weapon in his hand without hesitation.

However, he was still a step too late, a light and shadow flashed across his chest, and Zhan Mo's body split into two instantly.


Zhan Mo's body recovered in an instant, he raised his hand while roaring, and another mace appeared in his hand, and he slammed it hard at Tang Zhen.

"I don't believe that there is no limit to your outbreak, and I don't believe that you can kill me just after being promoted to the Creator!"

Being seriously injured by Tang Zhen's blow, Zhan Mo's self-esteem was greatly hit. He couldn't believe that he was really injured by Tang Zhen.

In this blow, he also gave his best.

However, no matter how hard the slogan is shouted, it needs strength to support it. His full blow was blocked by Tang Zhen, and then he was enveloped by a storm of terrorist attacks.

Unspeakable fear rose from his heart, and Zhan Mo suddenly realized that he might have made a wrong judgment on Tang Zhen's strength.

Although he has just been promoted to the Creator, his own strength and hole cards have far exceeded his imagination.

No wonder Tang Zhen was the only one who escaped his trap among a large group of monks in Loucheng.

From the very beginning, I made the mistake of underestimating the enemy, being too self-righteous.

He completely forgot that it was Tang Zhen's appearance that caused the demon plane to fall into chaos, and finally attracted the invasion of Loucheng monks.

The life and death of the other controllers is uncertain. Although he survived the disaster, he was terrified like a bereaved dog, and had to live under the fence for a chance to make a comeback.

Everything is thanks to Tang Zhen!
Thinking of this, the killing intent in Zhan Mo's heart could hardly be restrained, but he rationally chose to evacuate his whole body.

Because he knew in his heart that if he continued to stay, he might be beheaded by the erupting Tang Zhen.

After another wave of ferocious attacks, War Demon's body quickly disintegrated like light and shadow.

The war demon cut off the energy supply, and the originally manifested body could not continue to exist, and could not exist in the Kingdom of God.


War Demon let out a low growl, and disappeared without a trace in the next instant, leaving the battlefield completely.

The two strong sea monsters who were watching the battle were stunned for a moment, and then they showed panic. When they realized that the war demon had fled, a cold light had already slanted towards them.

Even War Demon couldn't resist this kind of explosive attack, and it was even more impossible for the two strong sea monsters to resist, and they were beaten to pieces in an instant!

Tang Zhen raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and the huge body with three heads and six arms dissipated instantly, and the main body appeared in midair.

Looking at the fragmented battlefield, Tang Zhen frowned slightly, and then chased in the direction where the war demon fled.

In the previous attack, Tang Zhen hit the opponent three times in total. Although he didn't kill Zhan Mo, it was enough to cause serious damage to him.

Although the poor should not pursue him, Tang Zhen has already made up his mind that he must kill the war demon.

In addition, he still needs to figure out where he got those war zone lords, and are they dead or alive now?
Although Zhan Mo's escape technique is good, but because of being seriously injured by Tang Zhen, he still has Tang Zhen's original power remaining in his body.

The original power generated by the Creator has a unique aura, and before it is completely eliminated, it will have a weak connection with the main body.

Tang Zhen used this method to judge the location of the locked War Demon and find him in the shortest possible time.

This original power is like a maggot attached to the bone, which cannot be easily erased, just because it does not remain on the surface, but penetrates deep into the enemy's spiritual sea.

However, if Zhan Mo dared to self-mutilate, cutting and smashing part of the sea of ​​spirit, Tang Zhen's original aura could be completely eliminated.

It is impossible for Zhan Mo not to be aware of this hidden danger, so Tang Zhen can be sure that as long as he is relieved, he will definitely do this thing immediately.

Must hurry up!
On the boundless ocean, a figure flew past, and would change direction from time to time, as fast as lightning.

This chase took several days.

Tang Zhen has thoroughly experienced the cunning of War Demon. He is like a fox avoiding hunters, scurrying around in the ocean.

Sometimes in order to delay Tang Zhen, he deliberately lured Tang Zhen to the territory of super wild sea monsters, and then successfully provoked the wrath of those monsters.

When the sea monster blocked Tang Zhen, the war demon would flee quickly and try to hide his tracks.

During this process, the original power remaining in the War Demon's body became thinner and thinner, to the point where it could hardly be sensed.

Once he was driven away by War Demon, it would become more and more difficult for Tang Zhen to find him again.

Tang Zhen also became ruthless, as long as he saw War Demon, he would frantically launch a fatal attack.

Zhan Mo vomited blood depressedly, and he racked his brains to figure out what was going on with Tang Zhen, how to amplify his moves was as if he didn't need money.

In fact, Tang Zhen was even more depressed. Up to now, he had consumed an unknown amount of Destiny Gold Coins.

Every time a knife is cut, a pit will appear in the fortune gold coins piled up into a hill.

Only now did Tang Zhen realize that the cost of hunting down a Creator is simply frighteningly high!
 Thanks: "The Lord of Xiaoyao Pavilion" for the reward, thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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